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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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When the train was valleying in the video, I found it kind of funny how there was one guy a few rows ahead of the cameraman who kept his hands up as the train went back and forth. Either he was aware that he wasn't in any danger and chose to enjoy the situation at hand, or he had no idea that rolling back and forth was not part of the ride.

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Them people are ignorant in that video! That is why I do not like going to parks with too many 'normal' park guest. They do not follow the rules and they seem to like to cause trouble. If I was on a coaster and it stopped mid track I would not worry. I know they would not send out another train so I would be safe in that way. The only time I would worry would be if I got stuck upside down.

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This is probably completely left-field and far-fetched, but...


Could the penny that fell be the reason why the train valleyed?


EDIT: The user removed the video. Hmmmmmm.

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^While backpack loose article policies may change, I am shocked they have remained the way they are this long. I was shocked when the WDW staff let my leave my backpack on the coaster floor on RnRC, quite rare for a looping coaster. Now I guess those days are over, although it could lead to some GREAT trim-free rides on Screamin! .

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Dude, the funny part about this - you would be surprised the amount of people that actually DO THINK that roller coasters are somehow powered by an engine! I've heard this before, it's not an un-common thing to people, who have zero concept of how a roller coaster works, to believe this is actually the case.


That was the first thing my Physics teacher told us about Coasters this year!



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Just watched the video with the sound on, unfortunately. I like the idiot that said they were going to get rear ended, and yeah, the guy on the phone....ugh. The comments for this video are very entertaining too.


There is another video of this coaster of it stopping in a different place, with different people, but one of the comments says






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Have there been any changes because of this?


No reason for there to be, IMO. As the loose article and ride configuration stands today, California Screamin' has been running without any major problems or issues like what happened the other day for over a decade. There's really no reason to change things up now!

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dude even longer than that!
THIS! In the 70's you could bring food on Space Mountain at WDW! I know this because my late Godmother was eating a chocolate peanut frozen banana while riding...she screamed and choked on a peanut that lodged in her lung for a few years...eventually having to get the lung removed. She then died a year or so later of complications.
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^Um, that has nothing to do with what I was talking about. What you're referring to was a purely mechanical incident which had nothing to do with the loose article policy or how the park allows guests to bring numerous loose articles with them on the ride.


Read my post, I did not say the ride has been without incident, I said there has not been a similar incident like what happened the other day (a loose article coming from a car of the ride falling on the track and eventually valleying a train) since the ride has been open. So, they get the article off the track, get the train back to the station, and the ride is ready to go again. There's no reason for the loose article policy to change, it's worked for over 10 years.

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