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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - Pixar Place Hotel transformation will be completed on January 30th, 2024!

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^Score! That'll get you out of standing in the holding zone (penalty box?) if there is one prior to the show. Seems like way too much standing around especially considering the viewing area is standing only. That's three "standings" in two sentences, so you know its excessive.


Just how crazy do you think it'll be in on a July weekday or any AP blockout date?

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Same video that was posted on the last page, except it's been synced with the audio from Steve Davison's presentation of the Pocahontas segment of the show. What's being tested at the moment is actually very accurate to what was presented.


I thought it was pretty cool. It actually gave me the chills haha, I guess water and music is all it takes. I can't imagine what it'll be like to watch all that from Paradise Park. Anyways, just thought I'd share!

Edited by FitchCoaster
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I was at the park today and the walls are still not down for Paradise Park. The park was slammed due to usual Spring Break crowds, but I was surprised because I spent most of my five hour visit in DCA rather than Disneyland and really enjoyed it. DCA is starting to become quite the little park. And on the Maliboomer removal news, FINALLY. That ride is such an eyesore for that area of the park, I'm glad to see it go.


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Just how crazy do you think it'll be in on a July weekday or any AP blockout date?


Honestly, just depends on the day and if they are having any kind of summer deal, not likely.


Last year, the days that all AP's were blocked out (except premium obviously) were generally not busy AT ALL. Even 4th of July was dead until the evening.


But ... with this being a new show, and considering that Fantasmic still packs them in after what, 16/17 years, I don't think it will be non-crazy with WOC for awhile.


Best chance is to get there early, get one of the show-passes and wait.

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Don't take what Al Lutz says like waters from the fountain of truth. Many times, he tends to mix real gossip with his own bias.


I do not doubt that Maliboomer will be out of the skyline before 2011.


But what I do doubt is that Steve Davidson will get his entire wish...considering he no longer works for the Disney company. Even so, it was probably Davidson that mentioned that he wanted the entire area shut down for his show - but imagineers are intelligent enough to know that's not going to fly. And Team Disney Anaheim (TDA) will NOT let a piece of entertainment overshadow sales on the midway. High profile rides will have to be shut down at least 30 minutes before showtime - maybe more considering the movement (or lack of movement) of the line. But I doubt Midway Mania will be shut down - probably silenced and dimmed.


However, on the inaugural night, Paradise Pier will most likely be completely shut down. Though this ideal condition for the show won't last long - DCA will figure out how to make it work.


The absurd mention of staff obscuring the view of the show from the pier sounds like good ole Al Lutz - While it might not be an attractive view, and the entertainment division will probably keep people from stopping on the bridge to gawk at the awesomeness, they won't actively shield the show from guests.


Careful what you read - you're all smart enough to draw your own conclusions from the information provided...don't take one Disney prophet's blog as truth. Al Lutz also reported on New Orleans Square getting 'collapsible chimneys' for sharp shooters on Pirate's Lair. That didn't happen - it was probably an idea that developed out of an imagineer meeting that leaked out to one of his 'sources'.


The parachute model in the Blue Sky Cellar isn't going to happen - it was developed when the pier's theme was still undecided (they toyed with a Toy Story theme...but settled on an elegant Victorian theme) - just like the ferris wheel's wrap around boardwalk or enclosed queue didn't happen. Just like King Triton's Carousel's cover structure won't happen. I guess the imagineers were just too lazy to change it...because they left all of these ideas on the scale model. The BSC is deceptively optimistic...just like the concept art that covers its walls. But a lot of the imagineer's ideas are just that, ideas.

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Yeah, the Davison thing was a April Fools joke.


Beyond that, I agree with you on the Lutz thing. He's generally "more" right than other Disney gossip bloggers, but he still gets a fare share of info incorrect.

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^ I'd be down for that.


Awesome, my pass expires in June, but I'll get a new one in mid July for my birthday, and I personally like to visit the park around August of the summer anyway. It would be awesome if this somehow works out as so many people from this site live in So Cal.

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Yeah, the Davison thing was a April Fools joke.


Beyond that, I agree with you on the Lutz thing. He's generally "more" right than other Disney gossip bloggers, but he still gets a fare share of info incorrect.


HA! I finally got felled by an April Fools prank. Though seeing unexpected executive turnover (especially recently) - it didn't seem all that farfetched.

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I'm impressed - although, it has to be said, it helps (for me) that Alan Menken is almost over-represented in the soundtrack. Besides the soundtrack, the April Showers and Buzz Lightyear sections were particularly impressive, fountain-wise, and who doesn't like a little/a heckuvalot of fire?

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Worlds of Color makes Illuminations its b****. Wow! Just when I was starting to agree with some haters Disney proved me wrong and is possibly creating the best night time show I have ever seen. I skipped through it a bit as I dont want every surprise ruined when I see it live, but for everyone complaining about a lack of fire... you have no more to complain about. Wow, that was aweesome, it also now makes sense why they need to close the pier, those fountains were huge, at night that will be the coldest place ever to walk around in. Wow, Disney makes another winning attraction. Fantasmic Killer, and thats saying quite a bit cause I am a HUGE fan of Fantasmic.

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I have to say, I LOVE that new WWoC theme song. It's so poppy lol.


Also, what I'm hearing around the webs is that this is NOT the final show and is NOT the final order. There are missing scenes, there are not in order, and all the effects are not done. There will be plenty more surprises!



The world is a carousel of color....

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