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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Didn't watch the video because I'd rather wait and see it live but the soundtrack list made me very excited. I hope I can make it down there at some point this summer, even though I'm sure the crowds will be horrible. This may be a stupid question but are they planning on running this at the same time as Fantasmic or the fireworks? I'm guessing Fantasmic since they're more similar but I don't know.

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Almost too much fire! You will defiantly feel it! But I think it looks amazing!


After riding Jaws at Univesal thee is no such thing as too much fire. I swear to god I almost got a second degree burn from riding on the boat. I was also not expecting it... it was cazy!

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Holy Crap that's a lot of fire.


If anybody doesn't want to watch the whole thing and just want to see the fire, fast forward to about minute 18.


That's way too long to wait for fire. The slow part of Illuminations drives me nuts for the same reason: I'm not a show person to begin with, so having to stand through what I consider to be slow parts of the show nearly puts me to sleep before the fire barge decides to be awesome.



The video just confirms what I was thinking all along: looks great, is a technical marvel, but still doesn't appeal to me that much. Needs more fire (the only part of the video that I was really interested in was the fire). Adding color to the Bellagio fountains doesn't excite me at all.

Edited by Jew
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Holy Crap that's a lot of fire.


If anybody doesn't want to watch the whole thing and just want to see the fire, fast forward to about minute 18.


That's way too long to wait for fire. The slow part of Illuminations drives me nuts for the same reason: I'm not a show person to begin with, so having to stand through what I consider to be slow parts of the show nearly puts me to sleep before the fire barge decides to be awesome.


Ugh. First no fire, then it's too far into the show?


Again, in this test run of the show it was not presented in order and you didn't see all the projections, special effects, etc. Wait to see it in Paradise Park in June before you make up your mind and call it Bellagio with color.

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^When I said no fire, I was specifically talking about the videos that had been released up until that point.


The current topic of the thread right now is discussing the video. Just like everyone else, I am giving my opinion based on the video. There's nothing else to be discussing right now, as no one on here has seen the show in person yet. So should everyone stop praising the show until they've seen it too?

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I watched about 2 minutes of it and was pretty impressed. I had to stop because I'd rather the rest be a complete surprise for me when I finally get out to Disneyland



Same here, will see the full show in August

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18 minutes is a very, very, long time for a water show, even if it ends up having a lot of fire. I love Disney, and I'm sure it will be decent, but when compared to Disney's other shows, it's just not calling to me. We'll see in a few months though.

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^ I'm the same way with Illuminations. Saw it once, and I can skip it now. Too long for me.


Then again, I don't care for parades or shows (I haven't seen Fantasmic, and don't care). We did see some testing when we were out for WCB, and it looked cool, bit for me it'll be a one and done.

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Hey Er'rybody. This is my first post on TPR, and I got this info last night. Looks like no one posted it yet, (I searched for it, came up with nothing) so here's a pic from twitter last night of the new trains. I was there Saturday, and saw something that didn't look like a normal train all tarped up on the standby track.

EDIT: Video posted on youtube of the trains in action.



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Woah, those are so cool and funky looking! They kind of look like the old Schwarzkopf trains ala Whizzer. It will be kinda weird not seeing the iconic white and orange trains when I go there next though. Any word on if the restraints...er seat belts are changed?

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It's been rumored for a while that Matterhorn would get trains similar to WDW's Space Mountain. This would make sense as when Space Mountain first opened, it used the exact same trains we see on Matterhorn today.



Thanks for posting the pics Jake!

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I assume this means the height restriction will go up as well?



My guess is that it will. Seeing that the kid would have to ride alone, I'd expect it to rise to maybe 40 inches. Thankfully my little sister got the credit on the last trip. I'm glad to see something new on the tracks, but can they PLEASE make it smoother? That thing is rough as hell.

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Having a real bobsled credit under my belt...I can safely say that the Matterhorn with old school Arrow track actually does a good job of recreating a true bobsled run in terms of rough and jerky-ness...sans the abominable snowman.


He might have been on the real bobsled track, shaking a bell or something, but we were going too fast to see him!


I can't wait to try out the new sleds in Anaheim.

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I didn't think the new trains would see the light of day this soon, wow. Seems like they've been "in development" forever. Very cool though. Even the glimpse of them looks GREAT! More bobsled-like in their appearance than the previous generation.


Regarding the question about "smoothing out" the track, I've wondered that myself after riding. Is re-tracking on the Matterhorn even feasible? Could Vekoma, Intamin, or Mack accomplish this with the "plug & play" technique we've recently seen down south? Given the ride is custom built into the structure versus Space Mountain's surface enclosure, I'm curious if it's even an option (financially) for Disney.

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