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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I really don't care about this rule. As it is, you already have to queue up (sitting) an hour before the show, and stand up 15-30 minutes before even viewing the fireworks show or Fantasmic. As it is, you also have to stand up to see those shows too, which are about 26-20 minutes too. I'm actually glad they are going to try out a fastpass system... I would rather that than having to line up 3-4 hours before just to see the show. If it has the draw of Nemo, a ride that does not warrant a 3-4 hour wait... yet still did when it opened, then the fastpass is actually a good idea.


I'm pretty excited for this show, and even if it doesn't live up to everyone's expectations, I'm just glad that DCA finally gets a night show that gets more attendance than the Electric Light Parade.

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Hector pretty much nailed it on the head.


The Amphitheatre itself only fits 9,000 people. WIth over 1,000,000 AP's they are worried that it's going to be a freakin' madhouse. And they are right, it's going to be. And apparently Steve Davidson only wants people in the Amphitheatre to be able to see the show (which is why they are closing PP).


From what I've heard this is how they are going to try and do the show:


- They will be using the Grizzly FP machines in the morning to give out "Showpasses" for each of the 2 or 3 shows per day. Why they are using Grizzly during the summer is beyond me.

- They will have a queue for each show that will stretch from the San Francisco area along the parade route near the Winery for a couple of hours prior to the show. But you KNOW people will line up all day somehow.

- They will close the Amphitheatre of "regular guests" sometime before the show, probably an hour and then let the queing people with the showpasses in the Amphitheatre.

- And it's standing room only.

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even viewing the fireworks show or Fantasmic. As it is, you also have to stand up to see those shows too

No, you're totally 100% absolutely without a doubt unmistakingly WRONG! You don't have to stand. The last couple of times I saw Illuminations or Fantasmic we found a nice spot, sat down with our food and drinks for about 20-30 minutes. Sat and watched the show. I'm not sure what world of incorrect facts you live in, but in my world, I've SAT DOWN AND WATCHED THOSE SHOWS EVERY TIME. If I had to stand in a line, been corralled into a specific area, and then had to stand through the show, trust me, I wouldn't have waited! But the fact that I could at least sit down and do something else that I normally would have done anyway (ie. have dinner or a drink) to pass my time, only then would I even consider waiting around for a show.


I still don't understand what the "Amphitheater" is. I thought this show was being built in the lagoon and you could watch if from pretty much anywhere, just like Fantamic!, just like Illuminations, just like BraviSEAmo!.


Is this not the case?


Is this more in it's own theater like Fantasmic! at Walt Disney World?


If I have to queue somewhere to see the show and then wait around for a while, there's a good chance I'll NEVER end up seeing this...for the same reasons I've never seen Fantasmic! at Walt Disney World or have never stepped foot inside the Hyperion Theater.


I don't wait for shows. No show is worth it...EVER! ...In my opinion.... Ok except for maybe Bill & Ted...but that has T&A so it's worth it! And it's in a real theater with seats!


--Robb "Not a show guy..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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^Nope. They're closing down Paradise Pier in its entirety every night, turning all the lights off, and making it so that the show is ONLY visible from the ampitheater around the lagoon. No ticket, no show. And not even Screamin' to console you. It's a super lame approach, and I don't think I really get it at all. I think when I come over that week of the rumored opening, I'll make a point of visiting DCA before the show opens so that I don't have to deal with the mess!


^^I read the same thing. Apparently those first summer weeks are blackout dates, and so all of the APs are getting screwed over in the effort to not have a madhouse in the park.

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I thought that the tickets (if implemented) would be used to get seats in this 'priority/best views' area without causing every person in DCA to cram into that tiny area. I know the rides were stopping, but I didn't think that they were going to close the entire walkway... are you sure about that?

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^Nope. They're closing down Paradise Pier in its entirety every night, turning all the lights off, and making it so that the show is ONLY visible from the amphitheater around the lagoon. No ticket, no show. And not even Screamin' to console you. It's a super lame approach, and I don't think I really get it at all. I think when I come over that week of the rumored opening, I'll make a point of visiting DCA before the show opens so that I don't have to deal with the mess!

Wow, holy crap. I had no idea about ANY of this. I really honestly thought this show was just like Fantasmic, Illuminations, or BraviSEAmo, where you could either sit, camp out and save your spot all day for the show, or casually walk by and be all "Oh, hey, honey, the show is on...do you want to stop and watch it for 10 minutes?"


I had absolutely NO IDEA they were going to attempt to turn a whole section of a park into a "theater" by basically disallowing access to any other attractions for the entire evening or the duration of all the show times. (Do I have this right? I still am a bit confused by this.)


It makes sense at Disney/MGM Studios for Fantasmic because they BUILT A REAL THEATER that is disconnected from the rest of the park, but to take what sounds to me like a very similar approach for a location that's kind of in the middle of the park and a more natual open area by original design, I just don't see how this is going to work!


Here's what would concern me the most...


I visit hundreds of parks all over the world, every year...


I have never heard of anything THIS asinine ever done at any other park... EVER!


If it's confusing for *me*...someone who goes to parks on a regular basis...how is this going to be for your average guest. Read - NOT your Disneyland fanboy AP who probably has memorized the schematics of said amphitheater and can probably quote you every layer of concrete that was poured and thinks your an idiot for not understanding the system, but your REAL average guest that only comes to the park once every couple of years.


Do they honestly think the general public are going A. Understand this, and B. Buy off on it?


--Robb "I take it back, this is now dumber than the Mr. Six 42" height restriction!" Alvey

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Wow, every time I think this whole thing is not going to get dumber, I am proved wrong. They are going to have a guest relations nightmare on their hands. Good luck with that, DCA.


Remember, you don't need to camp out to watch the Bellagio fountains...



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I had absolutely NO IDEA they were going to attempt to turn a whole section of a park into a "theater" by basically disallowing access to any other attractions for the entire evening or the duration of all the show times. (Do I have this right? I still am a bit confused by this.)


While none of it is official and no one knows for sure how it's going to work, I highly doubt that if it was seriously implemented this way, it would last very long for the exact reasons you mentioned. The guests (AP and and otherwise) won't really stand for this and there will be a TON of complaints about the way it will be. I know I'll personally go make a (nice, thought out, calm) complaint (which I know the majority of people will not) if this does happen if only for the sake of having the policy about the show changed.

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I had absolutely NO IDEA they were going to attempt to turn a whole section of a park into a "theater" by basically disallowing access to any other attractions for the entire evening or the duration of all the show times. (Do I have this right? I still am a bit confused by this.)


While none of it is official and no one knows for sure how it's going to work, I highly doubt that if it was seriously implemented this way, it would last very long for the exact reasons you mentioned. The guests (AP and and otherwise) won't really stand for this and there will be a TON of complaints about the way it will be. I know I'll personally go make a (nice, thought out, calm) complaint (which I know the majority of people will not) if this does happen if only for the sake of having the policy about the show changed.

The only reason why I would even think this *might* be a possibility based on what I've read in the past 12 hours is because it sounds very similar to what they do for Fantastmic at Disney/MGM Studios, but like I said the only difference is that show is in it's own theater and, as much as I won't put in the effort to see that show either, it makes sense. It doesn't affect the rest of the park in any way when the show is going on.




EDIT: Sorry, I was more talking about the whole waiting in the line for the show and not having the ability to casually walk by and view the show, not them shutting down attractions...

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No, you're totally 100% absolutely without a doubt unmistakingly WRONG! You don't have to stand. The last couple of times I saw Illuminations or Fantasmic we found a nice spot, sat down with our food and drinks for about 20-30 minutes. Sat and watched the show. I'm not sure what world of incorrect facts you live in, but in my world, I've SAT DOWN AND WATCHED THOSE SHOWS EVERY TIME.


I'm sorry, but whenever I go see either Fantasmic or the Fireworks show at the Disneyland Resort, they send out a cast member to make everyone stand up before they start. I understand Illuminations, as the time I went to see it I sat down and ate dinner, but in my experience at Disneyland someone always comes around to tell you to stand up. Everyone groans, but people stand up anyways.


From what I gather, the reason behind shutting down half of the park is to keep it dark enough for the projections to work, just like how they dim the lights for the fireworks show and fantasmic. I think people will have less of a problem with the policy of shutting down the rides once Cars Land opens, and have another place to wander to during the show.

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I have also been instructed to stand by crowd control cast members during the fireworks at Disneyland. This was during visits when we chose to be in the more crowded viewing area directly in front of the castle. Given the fact that we usually go to the DLR in June or July when the summer crowds are in full swing, it could be a policy that depends on exactly how crowded the viewing areas are on any particular day. In fairness, I have also watched the show while sitting, but from less coveted viewing areas that did not provide as direct a view.


As for WoC, I was pretty excited for it during the initial announcements and while checking in on construction updates, but the more I see of the testing videos the less impressed I am. I hope that the show is better in person than it looks so far. Seeing the story play out with the projections and clearly hearing the music should be a much different experience than what we're getting from the videos. I'm much more of a rides person than a show person, but I do still enjoy a good show and will go out of my way to see the major shows most of the time. The handling of the logistics on this particular show sounds like an absolute nightmare. I can only hope they come up with some better solutions than what we're hearing so far. That said, I can see where the first several weeks, or maybe even months, of this show could be a real headache, but once the novelty wears off and it settles into a "normal" mode of operation I would hope they could get a handle on operating it while creating a minimum of inconvenience for the guests. I certainly hope that completely shutting down the other attractions of PP is only temporary. While I'm certain I'll take in the show at some point, it will likely be later rather than sooner.

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I'm actually hoping they give out tickets in the morning for the viewing area - at least until the popularity dies down a bit. It would suck having to camp out the entire day just to see the show... so tickets will let you at least do other stuff throughout the day. Once popularity dies down a bit though, I hope they abandon that system and run the viewing area first come, first served.


I also have a feeling they'll eventually just dim the lights on all the rides behind the show and keep them open (unless there's something I'm not aware of that prevents Screamin' from running during the show).

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I'm sorry, but whenever I go see either Fantasmic or the Fireworks show at the Disneyland Resort, they send out a cast member to make everyone stand up before they start.

Yeah, see. You're wrong. I USED TO WORK FANTASMIC CROWD CONTROL AND I AM TELLING YOU YOU'RE WRONG!!! You are 100% absolutely allowed to sit during Fantasmic if you're within the designated seating areas.


Oh, and you're absolutely allowed to sit during the fireworks if you really want to also, because you can see them from ANYWHERE IN THE PARK! Remember, though, the park doesn't stop operating when the fireworks happen so if you're attempting to sit in a place where you normally cannot sit, then sure, you're asked to not sit. But I've sat and watched the fireworks from a bench near the hub of main street plenty of times. While there is no "designated seating area" for the Fireworks at Disneyland you ABSOULETLY CAN FIND A PLACE TO SIT DOWN AND WATCH THE FIREWORKS!!!


And really, you just completely missed my whole point in an effort to prove me wrong, which you failed because you don't know what you're talking about, and really my whole point was just that shows like Fantasmic and the Fireworks are set up so that you don't have to wait AT ALL if you didn't want to or don't care about getting a good seat. So worst case scenario all you'd have to do is stand for the duration of the show...if you're even bothered to watch the full show.


And if you visit Tokyo Disney, you can sit for the fireworks even on Main Street!


--Robb "I used to work both Fantasmic and Main Street Crowd Control at Disneyland." Alvey

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Closing PP an hour ahead of show time would mean closing PP for most of an evening. Remember they are planning to do 2 shows per night, with an hour between them. What a mess this would be if they go through with it. I am excited to see WoC, however having that many attractions closed at a park with so few attractions seems like a disaster. Even when Carsland does open, a long ways off, we are still talking about a couple main rides not being available through out an evening.


Hopefully this stuff isn't all true. If so, they should have designed a show around the lagoon and the rides that operate to keep park capacity up.

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Assuming the rumors about the operation are all correct, how is everyone in the park going to see the show if the seating area really only holds 9-10k? Are the expectations for DCA THAT low? And two shows a night basically means Paradise Pier is closing 2-3 hours earlier for the night.


And FWIW, I've found the sitting/standing issue to be entirely based upon where you are in the park. In fact, the first times I saw "Remember..." in front of the castle, they made everyone sit and roped off areas once they became full. I believe the same is true for Fantasmic: certain sections are designated for sitting and some are standing only.

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And FWIW, I've found the sitting/standing issue to be entirely based upon where you are in the park. In fact, the first times I saw "Remember..." in front of the castle, they made everyone sit and roped off areas once they became full. I believe the same is true for Fantasmic: certain sections are designated for sitting and some are standing only.

You're exactly right. That's the way it's always been. Even as long ago as when I worked there. There are seating options for both shows if you choose them. And sure, on a busy night, you may have to camp out early for them, but you can do that sitting down from the moment you start camping out to the moment the show ends.



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I really never knew about the other sitting areas. I guess thats what I get for always waiting to get the standing area by the castle.


For me waiting for a show is not a big deal. Whenever I go to disneyland I just put myself in a mindset that I will have to wait in lines for something. Even if I plan out my fastpasses on a normal day between the two parks, I am bound to wait for something. Thats why I really don't see why its a big deal to have to wait for WOC. It's just another attraction. Also, Epcot closes Future World a full 2 hours before Illuminations to funnel everyone into world showcase, so I can understand why park management is considering this too.

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^WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! Not a fair or true comparison AT ALL!!!


Yes they close certain attractions and yes they do this to try and convince people to go have dinner and watch the show but ALL the big attractions are indeed still open and some smaller ones as well!


Mission Space, Test Track, Soarin, Nemo, Spaceship Earth, etc. are ALL open till 9. It's only smaller crappier stuff like Journey, Land Boat Ride, Ellen's Lesbian Adventure, Innoventions, etc. that close at 7.


It's fine with me if they want to close some areas of Paradise Pier, but if you want to compare it to Epcot then they better leave Screamin, the mouse, and the wheel all open!

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Also, to add to what Elissa just said, remember that World Showcase opens two hours LATER than Future World in the morning to help with crowd traffic.


Keep in mind that Epcot is one of the BIGGEST THEME PARKS IN THE WORLD! The size of World Showcase alone I believe is 5 times the size of DCA.


And if you've ever been to Epcot (which is odd because you say you have, but anyone who has been to Epcot should know this) that Future World and World Showcase are fairly well seperated. The closures of *some* attractions in Future World (like Elissa said, all the majors are open until the park closing) is due to the lack of crowds that go to those attractions later in the evening.


And I actually HAVE been to Epcot on very, very busy days (Christmas Week for example) where they DO keep more attractions open in Future World until the park closes if the crowd is big enough.


The reason for Future World closing some attractions early has *NOTHING* to do with Illuminations specifically. NOTHING!!! It has to do with the crowd and the need or lack thereof for attractions to remain open.


--Robb "cmplxaud is full of all sorts of wrong!" Alvey

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^WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! Not a fair or true comparison AT ALL!!!


Yes they close certain attractions and yes they do this to try and convince people to go have dinner and watch the show but ALL the big attractions are indeed still open and some smaller ones as well!


Mission Space, Test Track, Soarin, Nemo, Spaceship Earth, etc. are ALL open till 9. It's only smaller crappier stuff like Journey, Land Boat Ride, Ellen's Lesbian Adventure, Innoventions, etc. that close at 7.


It's fine with me if they want to close some areas of Paradise Pier, but if you want to compare it to Epcot then they better leave Screamin, the mouse, and the wheel all open!


God, that made me laugh out loud, and I've never even been to WDW to know what you're talking about.

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Alright... I see your point. I guess I should just stop before I try and justify WOC even more, just to be proved wrong. I'm excited for WOC so thats why I'm willing to overlook all the logistical problems of the show... And to be honest... I'm usually out of DCA and into Disneyland at around 4 because I've already done everything I wanted to do. Thats why I really don't care.

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