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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - D23 announcement roundup for DL and DCA!

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the maliboomer always stuck out like it didn't belong, would love to see it at sfmm, i never liked it at dca, but six flags could probably promote it better and get people excited about it, and yeah i think in the shadow of tower of terror it just couldn't live up to its potential

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Never liked Maliboomer much anyway. It was always my least favorite S&S tower, mostly due to the scream shields.


I don't know how much it would cost, but maybe Magic Mountain could buy Maliboomer, keep one tower in its current form, turn one into a Turbo Drop and turn the third into a Combo Tower. Then they would almost be getting three new rides (according to the general public, although it would really be one ride with three options), especially if they named each tower differently.


Of course, any Intamin drop tower beats an S&S, but if they need something cheap I'm sure this would be better than no tower.


This sounds like a great idea to me. I always liked Supreme Scream much more because the slow climb to the top is the most exciting part of the ride to me. This would give people three options depending on how much of a thrill they are looking for. I don't think getting shot up from ground level is scary at all. Most guests at SFMM would be looking for more of a thrill than at DCA, in my opinion.

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I like many others am a much bigger tower fan than a maliboomer fan. Also, I do not see this doing well at SFMM simply because it never did very well at DCA. I have never waited for more than 20 minutes for Maliboomer, and I have been an AP for quite a while, so park visits are pretty frequent. Also, for those complaining about the removal of the Maliboomer, it just does not make sense with the Victorian themed boardwalk. You have the beautiful new games of the boardwalk as well as Toy Story Mania, the staple of all boardwalks, which is the ferris wheel, and the boardwalk roller coaster which is screamin. Those are all boardwalk staples, and a crappy S&S tower fits just about as well as the giant orange used to fit. Also, at some point a parachute tower will be added, which would be awesome as I have very fond memories of the one that used to be at Knotts.

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^One of the big reasons why Maliboomer isn't popular at DCA is its high height restriction. A 52inch height restriction in a resort where most of the attractions have no height restriction or a very low height restriction is going to cause problems with family's with young children. And family's with young children is Disneys bread and butter.




If Supreme Scream is a success at Knotts I'm positive Maliboomer will be too at SFMM.

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^ Thats a good point, I didnt think of height requirement as a factor. Supreme Scream is much taller and much more Intimidating than Maliboomer. Is the program on this changable though? If so I can imagine a double shot to be more succesful or the tripple thrill tower where you have a space shot, like maliboomer is now, a drop tower like supreme scream, and a space/double shot. I will be going to the park next Friday, so I'll see if I can take some pictures around the area and see if they are getting ready. If I remember to do so I will get some pictures of all the construction in the area, especially around this area and see if they are doing anything very early in preperation for its departure. It's weird, but the removal of this and the fountain at the front means all of the suns are gone besides the mural on screaming. It's kind of sad, I thought the sun was a good boardwalk icon as the sun reminds me of the summer, and I still liked the old sun on the ferris wheel, not as much as I like Mickey, but I still did like the sun.

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I do believe that the programs are able to be changed on all S&S towers (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).


I also remember that Supreme Scream was supposed to have a space-shot tower (again, somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but couldn't because Disney already had a contract with S&S that they would have the only space shot within a certain mile radius.


If Maliboomer is removed and it doesn't go to SFMM, is it possible they can change the program on Supreme Scream as well?

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I do believe that the programs are able to be changed on all S&S towers (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).


Space shot and combo modes require brakes at the top of the tower and brake fins on the cars. I'm not saying that those can't be installed on a currently existing ride, but it's not as simple as uploading new firmware to the PLC.


I also remember that Supreme Scream was supposed to have a space-shot tower (again, somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but couldn't because Disney already had a contract with S&S that they would have the only space shot within a certain mile radius.


If anything, I would think it would be the other way around -- Supreme Scream opened in 1998, Maliboomer opened in 2001.

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But, when the barricades and smiling Ambassadors go away on April 9th, you’ll be able to finally enter and inspect some of the infrastructure built into this area that’s going to wow World of Color viewers later this spring.

If anyone was wondering, Paradise Park opens April 9th. That should make the area much prettier and easier to navigate.

Note: The construction walls are supposed to come down tomorrow, but there will be guards and barricades keeping you from walking in.


As for the Maliboomer, I actually enjoyed it a lot, so I'm definitely gonna miss it. It would be a pretty good fit for SFMM...but yeah, I'm on the Gyro Drop bandwagon.



There’s no word yet on whether WDI will be positioning low-ranking Imagineers around the Pier each night to force everyone to avert their eyes from the first showing of the evening. Although there really won’t be much reason to be in Paradise Pier if you’re not seeing World of Color, as Steve Davison is insisting that all Paradise Pier attractions be shut down and silenced an hour before the first World of Color performance begins to provide the perfect atmosphere for his show.

Ew. Although I guess DCA is rarely open past 8 anyway.

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^Oh man, I had heard about Screamin being shut down during the show, but shutting down the entire area an hour before. That's just super lame.


Whatever, not like people will be going or riding there anyway!

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I get why they'd have parts of Paradise Pier closed during the show but shutting everything down an hour earlier seems a bit excessive to me.


Anyway, now that they're actually getting rid of Maliboomer, I may have to take a trip down to DL this summer just so I can say I've ridden it.

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I for one am very excited for World of Color, however forcing people not in the viewing area to "avert their eyes" from the show? That's pretty ridiculous. If a policy this absurd ends up being used, I'd hate to be working for Guest Relations...


That part was a joke (referring to the absurdity of keeping guests for the late show sequestered in the sun plaza so they don't see the first show from a bad angle, when anyone in paradise pier will be seeing the show from worse angles). Read the whole thing.

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If anything, I would think it would be the other way around -- Supreme Scream opened in 1998, Maliboomer opened in 2001.


I thought so too, but apparently Disney had already had it in the plans before Supreme Scream ... at least that's what I've heard.


I get closing down Screamin', Fun Wheel, Swings, Jellyfish and Golden Zephyr, but I don't see why they would need to close Toy Story, Maliboomer or Mullholland Madness. And doing it an hour before seems a bit excessive.


Steve Davidson sure likes to disrupt parks with his shows doesn't he.

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Wow. Closing everything in Paradise Pier an hour early and forcing guests to look away from World of Color seems a little too much. I can see a LOT of complaints from all this. I really feel that World of Color needs its own stadium so then Paradise Pier wouldn't have to close down for WOC and there wouldn't be the chaos of getting around people that they have with Fantasmic. Too bad I don't think they have any room left for a stadium.

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Some video of WOC testing:




Also, today's Dateline Disneyland has some updated pictures of the Red Trolly tracks, the almost completed Paradise Pier park and the crane is on-site for Little Mermaid.



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I hope Disney reconsiders shutting down all of Paradise Pier during WOC. This is yet more evidence that operationally, the layout of DCA remains a mess. Really? For a show, you have to close down a major portion of the park's attractions for basically the entire night?

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^ Isn't that just because of the fireworks? They have to have a certain safety zone around all the launch sites, including the one's off the tops of the buildings. So with them closing the entire Paradise Pier, does that mean they will be launching fireworks? If so, still stupid to close it all down, but understandable. In not, then it's completely stupid.

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^ Yes, it's due to the fireworks, but the only place you can really see the fireworks set off from the castle is in front of the castle. It makes no sense to me to shut down 7 rides to do the fireworks off the castle. Toontown I get because that's where the bulk of them get launched from.


As for World of Color, any attraction that is on the water (Screamin', Fun Wheel, etc) it makes sense to close them down, but I still don't get why it's an hour early. There will be "fire" effects, but not being shot off any buildings, but on the water. I'd say you could technically close Screamin's line (based on crowds) 45-60 minutes prior to the show (based on crowds) but you don't really have to stop the ride until 5-10 minutes prior to the show. Also, they should allow people to remain queued up for when the ride reopens after the show.


Maybe that 60 minutes prior is just the line, but that's not the way it sounded to me.

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^I agree completely. The "old style" fireworks were fine. It seems crazy to shut down the bulk of those overly crowded, lower capacity Fantasyland rides to shoot pyro from the castle. I get that Disney feels these are jaw-dropping nighttime spectacles that no one would want to miss, but come on! There are customers who prefer to stick with what probably attracted them in the first place - the attractions AKA rides.


I suppose we should be grateful Disney doesn't decide to close the entire west side to accommodate Fantasmic. That's one they've gotten right, at least as far as cost / benefit goes. They're down, what, a river transportation ride (the Mark Twain and / or Columbia)? But that's still a loss for some; that trip around the Rivers of America at night is peaceful and romantic, conducive to fireworks after the park closes.


Finally, I'd argue that shutting Paradise Pier is a bigger hit to DCA than Toontown and Fantasyland are to Disneyland, at least as far as major attractions go.

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^ Agree that closing so much of PP is a bigger hit to DCA than it is to Disneyland. I still don't get why they have to close Toy Story for the show. Like people aren't going to stand back there to see the show?


Regarding Disneyland's fireworks, regardless of the close attractions, that area in front of the castle becomes such a headache in the couple of hours leading up to the fireworks, I avoid it at all costs unless I'm seeing the show. Same goes for the West Side during Fantasmic. The river is so nice at night and night-rides on the Mark Twain are such a rare treat these days.


At least with WOC they have a dedicated viewing area that won't be clogging up the entire Pier for hours at a time.


I'm just glad I know people who have DVC at Grand Cal and we will be able to watch the show from their balcony when the show opens instead of the hassle it's going to be for the first few months.

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