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Here is some random thoughts on the game. First off, it was a sad/happy moment. I am sad the Colts lost, but also happy for the City of New Orleans. I spent a week down there and will be going back in April to help rebuild. The town is a great town. And I didn't want them to win because of Katrina. I spent time down there and loved the town. Some of the officiating was bad, but nothing as bad as any previous games. I will still wear my Colts gear with pride. 15-3 is still better then 30 other teams. In the end, the pick 6 was the death of the season. With an uncapped year, be ware, Colts will be back. Even without an uncapped year, Colts will be back. 11 years getting into the playoffs with number 18 at the helm rocks.


Here is some random thoughts on the game. First off, it was a sad/happy moment. I am sad the Colts lost, but also happy for the City of New Orleans. I spent a week down there and will be going back in April to help rebuild. The town is a great town. And I didn't want them to win because of Katrina. I spent time down there and loved the town. Some of the officiating was bad, but nothing as bad as any previous games. I will still wear my Colts gear with pride. 15-3 is still better then 30 other teams. In the end, the pick 6 was the death of the season. With an uncapped year, be ware, Colts will be back. Even without an uncapped year, Colts will be back. 11 years getting into the playoffs with number 18 at the helm rocks.


This is what I posted on FB.


Anyone wanna bet on a Saints/Colts opener in the Superdome?

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I really just don't get all the hype and 'the Saints DESERVED it' crap.


I believe Jerry Seinfeld had a whole routine on professional sports about how you're basically just 'rooting for the clothes'. The players always change, the teams even change cities, so you're rooting for the outfits!!!


As for the Saints deserving it...why? Cause New Orleans got hit by a hurricane? Cause the Saints never won a superbowl? How does that equal deserving of a title?


I like pro football, I do, but I just don't get some of the undying love and 'deserving' comments.

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I agree Elissa, I don't think the Saints "Deserved" it any more than the Colts "Deserved" it.


They just played better and they won. Nothing more, nothing less. There was no "higher calling", nobody "forced" Payton Manning to throw that INT. They just out-played the Colts.


BTW: Drew Brees is going to Disney World!!! http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2010/02/drew-brees-im-going-to-disney-world/

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Good game Saints, but Im a little pissed because I was pretty much the only person rooting for the Colts in the city of Pittsburgh and now Im taking a lot of crap from bandwagon Saints fans (which I probably deserve because I was a little arrogant, but oh well )


Looking forward to seeing my Steelers beat the Packers in Super Bowl XLV

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Here is some random thoughts on the game. First off, it was a sad/happy moment. I am sad the Colts lost, but also happy for the City of New Orleans. I spent a week down there and will be going back in April to help rebuild. The town is a great town. And I didn't want them to win because of Katrina. I spent time down there and loved the town. Some of the officiating was bad, but nothing as bad as any previous games. I will still wear my Colts gear with pride. 15-3 is still better then 30 other teams. In the end, the pick 6 was the death of the season. With an uncapped year, be ware, Colts will be back. Even without an uncapped year, Colts will be back. 11 years getting into the playoffs with number 18 at the helm rocks.


Anyone wanna bet on a Saints/Colts opener in the Superdome?


Just heard this on Sportscenter....


Peyton Manning is 9-9 in the playoffs. Sounds like "being back" is no sure thing.

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Wow, we actually did it. Unbelievable.


And i made a bet in vegas to win the Super Bowl . Bet was made in June, 20-1 odds. Bet 150 to win $3150. And I won. Holy carp. wow, this place is off the hook. I left the quarter an hour ago. I was like mardi gras, only crazier. I still can't believe they won.


I cried my eyes out tonight. Just unbelievable.

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I bet the Saints don't make it to the SB next year. I bet they maybe get 10 wins. I don't know how many back to back SB appearances or wins happen, but it seems to not happen very often.



The Packers won Super Bowl I and II, The Dolphins VII and VIII, The Steelers IX and X+XIII and XIV, The Niners XXIII and XXIV, The Cowboys XVII and XVIII, The Broncos XXXII and XXXIII, and most recently the Patriots XXXVIII and XXXIX.


That's almost 40% of all the Super Bowls played...


I guess in your eyes it's just not possible because aside from 2 years ago, Peyton has done nothing but choke in the playoffs.

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Aside from this year's Cardinals, don't most of the Super Bowl losers fail to make the playoffs the following year? Going back I know that is true of the 08 pats, the 07 bears, the 06 seahawks, the 05 eagles, the 04 panthers... history isn't on the side of the Colts, though they are also the winning-est team of the past decade, so that probably trumps all. Who knows. The Titans and Texans both came on strong in the end, maybe its time for Indy's domination to end

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The Packers won Super Bowl I and II, The Dolphins VII and VIII, The Steelers IX and X+XIII and XIV, The Niners XXIII and XXIV, The Cowboys XVII and XVIII, The Broncos XXXII and XXXIII, and most recently the Patriots XXXVIII and XXXIX.


That's almost 40% of all the Super Bowls played

This got me curious, so I checked the list of back-to-back appearances, win or lose:

Packers, I-II

Cowboys, V-VI

Dolphins, VI-VII-VIII

Vikings, VIII-IX

Steelers, IX-X

Cowboys, XII-XIII

Steelers, XIII-XIV

Redskins, XVII-XVIII

Broncos, XXI-XXII








Which covers 26 of the 44 Super Bowls (59%). The Cowboys and Dolphins have been the only teams to follow up a Super Bowl loss with a championship the next year. Since we all love stats.

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