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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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And so it begins...


I don't personally care. I'm saying that on behalf of the park. With all the hype the park's put into this ride it'll be a heartbreaker to see the new coaster become a let down and not boost attendance.


It's also a huge risk for CW to become B&Ms guinea pig. What makes a giga a giga is usually it's intensity (am I wrong?). B&M hasn't been known for it's intensity, so B&M will have to step up it's game to compete with Intamin.


1990's Beemers are known for their intensity, and it looks as if B&M is going back to their roots, they're making new types of rides (wing-rider) and whatever this may be. Look at the new inverted coaster going to Parc Asterix, it looks as intense if not more intense than the Batman Clones.


So who knows how intense it will be, but whatever it is, it won't disappoint me since I haven't been on a B&M that's disappointed me.

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I'm really digging the name and logo. I revised my thinking. With the name Leviathan, my guess is this will be the first Giga with inversions, and one or two will take the "world's tallest" crown. Either way, it looks like a trip to Canada will be imminent next year.

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Wow, if this truely is a 300+ft BM... truely shocked. I've just read the past 20 pages. And I saw the post about 350ft at 98mph... I'm curious if maybe the coaster will actually hit 100 and be the first non-launched coaster to break 100mph? If that were the case, give me some lap bars (please no OTSR) and I'm all in. I really would not like to see an "tallest inversion".. just a straight foward airtime filled giga please.

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A couple of thoughts


A traditional chain lift for a gigga might work if the chain is smaller (smaller train) and the lift is steeper. Steel dragon pulls a giant train up a long gradual incline. Think Shikra with smaller trains and a slightly steeper lift.


On The shorter track length speculation by some, it still might be a gigga dive coaster. I don't know how small the track length number was that some heard, but Sheikra is just under 3200 feet, add a couple hundred more feet on the lift and drop and you could easily have a 300ft dive coaster under 3500-3700 feet track length which is still relatively short.


In the past BandM has historically built smaller prototype versions of a new concept coaster a few years before building a much larger full version. Iron Wolf and Vortex before Mantis, Batman before Top Gun and Raptor, Oblivion before Sheikra. Even though X-Raptor seems to be an exception, I expect to see a much larger version of a mini dive coaster like Krake in the future maybe here at Wonderland.


And on the comments that some have made about possibly having a gigga or dive coaster in the same park as a hyper by the same manufacturer. Griffon and Apollos Chariot at BGW seem to work pretty well, so do magnum and Millennium (different mfg, I know). I think if the experience is unique enough it will work just fine, besides 90% of park goers could care less just us nerds.


I'd love to see a B&M launch coaster and this very well be one, but Im still betting on a 300+ ft dive machine with the smaller trains.

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I can't wait to see this thing. I'm really hoping for a giga! And if people are worried that its going to be too similar to Behemoth, B&M could go with a more twisty "Raging Bull" type of layout.


And with the Dick Kinzel quote about breaking records, this could be a giga and "break" the 300ft barrier, which has not been done in Canada on a coaster.

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^Steel Dragon also has 2 lift chains



I know, that's what Im saying Steel Dragon pulls giant 30+ passenger trains up a long gradual lift incline that's why it has 2 chains. If you pull a smaller lighter train up a much steeper lift hill (less length= less chain =less weight) then one chain might handle the load and work.

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I am in LOVE with that ride logo...can't wait to wake up at 7 and check the site to see what's happened! I'm betting on a giga, but it's going to be something that I can't expect. It always is...


Please only click if you would like to be spoiled. f.cl.ly/items/290Y3h3T06453K0v0623/tracks.png


Holy S***!!!!!!!! If that's not one of the best things I have ever seen in my life I don't know what is!!!!!

Edited by griffonj2022
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Looks amazing! Four seats per row will make it different than Behemoth in the GP's eyes. Also, if that concept art is correct, it looks like B&M might have gotten an idea from Intamin on Intimidator 305 with the top being an arch with no supports!

Edited by Intimidator305
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It also looks like B&M has stepped in the whole game of I305 lift supports because the crest of the hill doesn't have any supports at all.


Also unless they left it out of the graphics, I don't see any scoops on the train for a splashdown

Edited by B&MIntaminGCI
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I've never been to Canada's Wonderland, nor do I know if Behemoth has sand in it's tracks.


But, if they don't put sand in the tracks, I can already picture how loud the B&M roar will be at the high speeds, especially if this is really a Giga and it's 98 mph. I am so stoked.

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