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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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When you referred to the "teaser" I was assuming you were talking about the poster... My videos are not teasers thus I had no idea you were referring to my videos. My videos aren't in collaboration with Wonderland at all thus they're not teasers.


None of my videos are from the park if that helps clarify

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When you referred to the "teaser" I was assuming you were talking about the poster... My videos are not teasers thus I had no idea you were referring to my videos. My videos aren't in collaboration with Wonderland at all thus they're not teasers.


None of my videos are from the park if that helps clarify


You are only muddying the situation further. Please stop trying to justify what you wrote previously. In the future, if you post a video, state upfront if it is yours or not.

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When you referred to the "teaser" I was assuming you were talking about the poster... My videos are not teasers thus I had no idea you were referring to my videos. My videos aren't in collaboration with Wonderland at all thus they're not teasers.


None of my videos are from the park if that helps clarify


You are only muddying the situation further. Please stop trying to justify what you wrote previously. In the future, if you post a video, state upfront if it is yours or not.


What are you talking about.. It is my video! You make ABSOLUTELY no sense!

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Here are your posts CedarFair1:

In the first you told us to watch the teaser (which is a video, your video)

In the second post you said your videos are not teasers.



Is it going to be a GIGA dive? Watch this teaser!



When you referred to the "teaser" I was assuming you were talking about the poster... My videos are not teasers thus I had no idea you were referring to my videos. My videos aren't in collaboration with Wonderland at all thus they're not teasers.


None of my videos are from the park if that helps clarify



I repsonded, asking you to be clear in the future if you post a video that is your own. I never said it was Wonderland's, anyone with common sense knows it does not belong to CW or Cedar Fair. But it is not clear if it is your own video or one you found. And then you cop an attitude, sorry, but not sorry about your 7 day ban.



When you referred to the "teaser" I was assuming you were talking about the poster... My videos are not teasers thus I had no idea you were referring to my videos. My videos aren't in collaboration with Wonderland at all thus they're not teasers.


None of my videos are from the park if that helps clarify


You are only muddying the situation further. Please stop trying to justify what you wrote previously. In the future, if you post a video, state upfront if it is yours or not.


What are you talking about.. It is my video! You make ABSOLUTELY no sense!

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Hello everyone! Here is an interesting article from January of 1991 that I had came across in an old former local newspaper. It looks at the construction of Vortex, Canada's Wonderland's Arrow Dynamics Suspended coaster. It is a rather interesting read, so I thought it would be best to share it here with all of you!


1971405227_CanadasWonderlandVortex-HaltonHillsWeekendSaturdayJanuary12th1991.thumb.PNG.1c337bdde0384a372f7e9792a9f1584b.PNG Vortex Construction Article from Halton Hills Weekend, Saturday, January 12th, 1991 edition.

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If I was being antagonized and scrutinized like Cedarfair1, I would probably respond the same way. Maybe he shouldn't have used the words "teaser video," but honest mistake, not a big deal.

First off - Don't tell the moderators how to moderate unless you want to be banned also.


Secondly - WTF did I just read over the past couple of pages???


CedarFair1 *ABSOLUTELY DID* post some stupid clickbait video with a link to his video when he could have simply embedded it into the forum for everyone to view. But no, he made it a link so people would click out of our forum to his channel.


That's really lame.


Larry was absoultely in the right for calling him out on the legitimacy of the video.


Here's an idea to CedarFair1 and the rest of you...


If you don't want to be called out by our moderators for making confusing and stupid posts...


Don't make confusing and stupid posts.


Have I made myself clear? I hope so because no one is forcing you to post to our forums.

Edited by robbalvey
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If I was being antagonized and scrutinized like Cedarfair1, I would probably respond the same way. Maybe he shouldn't have used the words "teaser video," but honest mistake, not a big deal.

First off - Don't tell the moderators how to moderate unless you want to be banned also.


Secondly - WTF did I just read over the past couple of pages???


CedarFair1 *ABSOLUTELY DID* post some stupid clickbait video with a link to his video when he could have simply embedded it into the forum for everyone to view. But no, he made it a link so people would click out of our forum to his channel.


That's really lame.


Larry was absoultely in the right for calling him out on the legitimacy of the video.


Here's an idea to CedarFair1 and the rest of you...


If you don't want to be called out by our moderators for making confusing and stupid posts...


Don't make confusing and stupid posts.


Have I made myself clear? I hope so because no one is forcing you to post to our forums.



What was that about click bait??


You’re so right. Nobody is forcing anyone to be here. So I’m out. This community has been toxic for a long time and I already never post anymore as it is because you and your mods are so awful to people. So I’m out too. My unsubscribe requests never seem to work so plz hit me with the ban hammer too. Thanks.


(def not clickbait, amirite??)

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Hello everyone! Here is an interesting article from January of 1991 that I had came across in an old former local newspaper. It looks at the construction of Vortex, Canada's Wonderland's Arrow Dynamics Suspended coaster. It is a rather interesting read, so I thought it would be best to share it here with all of you!


[attachment=0]Canada's Wonderland Vortex- Halton Hills Weekend Saturday, January 12th, 1991.PNG[/attachment] Vortex Construction Article from Halton Hills Weekend, Saturday, January 12th, 1991 edition.



Wow, thanks for historical picture of Vortex! I also loved how Skyrider's loop circled the new suspended coaster under construction in 1991.

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There's a difference between colorful, flashy text describing exactly what the video is and having the headline or title be a question to exploit a curiosity gap. At the end of the day though, the text and titles of TPR videos are flashy but tell you exactly what you're going to see in the video. They don't dangle a question out there and force you to watch to get the answer. Plus, it's THEIR channel and this is THEIR website so they can do whatever they want.


I'll be honest, I don't click on the videos from CedarFair1. To me they are a bit clickbaity and off-putting. I appreciate the fact that you follow this so closely and you DO have some great things to show, but trying to openly monetize every single piece of information you come across and then promoting it on someone else's website (who also has a coaster Youtube channel) seems sort of tacky and transparent. I also feel like you sometimes make videos out of things that don't really NEED to be videos but they are just so that you can attempt to monetize everything. Almost all of your posts lately have been Youtube links. It seems disrespectful to go on someones website and promote a competing channel while contributing basically no additional content to their site.


I'm not trying to bash anyone or anything, that's just my perspective on it. You'll notice that I haven't posted much of anything in this thread regarding this new coaster even though it's a pretty exciting project and the fact that the thread has turned into a commercial for a Youtube channel with no actual content being posted is the main reason why. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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Hello everyone! Here is an interesting article from January of 1991 that I had came across in an old former local newspaper. It looks at the construction of Vortex, Canada's Wonderland's Arrow Dynamics Suspended coaster. It is a rather interesting read, so I thought it would be best to share it here with all of you!


[attachment=0]Canada's Wonderland Vortex- Halton Hills Weekend Saturday, January 12th, 1991.PNG[/attachment] Vortex Construction Article from Halton Hills Weekend, Saturday, January 12th, 1991 edition.



Wow, thanks for historical picture of Vortex! I also loved how Skyrider's loop circled the new suspended coaster under construction in 1991.


You're welcome! I thought it was a great photo too! It is definitely a view of the past!

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If I was being antagonized and scrutinized like Cedarfair1, I would probably respond the same way. Maybe he shouldn't have used the words "teaser video," but honest mistake, not a big deal.

First off - Don't tell the moderators how to moderate unless you want to be banned also.


Secondly - WTF did I just read over the past couple of pages???


CedarFair1 *ABSOLUTELY DID* post some stupid clickbait video with a link to his video when he could have simply embedded it into the forum for everyone to view. But no, he made it a link so people would click out of our forum to his channel.


That's really lame.


Larry was absoultely in the right for calling him out on the legitimacy of the video.


Here's an idea to CedarFair1 and the rest of you...


If you don't want to be called out by our moderators for making confusing and stupid posts...


Don't make confusing and stupid posts.


Have I made myself clear? I hope so because no one is forcing you to post to our forums.



What was that about click bait??


You’re so right. Nobody is forcing anyone to be here. So I’m out. This community has been toxic for a long time and I already never post anymore as it is because you and your mods are so awful to people. So I’m out too. My unsubscribe requests never seem to work so plz hit me with the ban hammer too. Thanks.

If the only “discussion” you share with the community is through a link to another site/page/etc then you aren’t really contributing to the discussion. I don’t mind the videos, but seriously maybe make a tiny effort to participate instead of everything being “watch my videos for my thoughts.”

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You’re so right. Nobody is forcing anyone to be here. So I’m out. This community has been toxic for a long time and I already never post anymore as it is because you and your mods are so awful to people. So I’m out too. My unsubscribe requests never seem to work so plz hit me with the ban hammer too. Thanks.

I could not be more proud of my mods if the work they are doing is helping to weed out people like yourself so that our forum is better and more enjoyable for the rest of us.


Bu-Bye - We don't need your drama or stupidity here. Don't let the door smack you on the way out.



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I never said it was Wonderland's, anyone with common sense knows it does not belong to CW or Cedar Fair. But it is not clear if it is your own video or one you found. And then you cop an attitude, sorry, but not sorry about your 7 day ban.

And when your 7 day ban has been lifted, CedarFair1, you are no longer allowed to post videos from your channel on our forum ever again. If you would like to be an active member of our community, that's fine. But I will no longer provide you with a platform to spam your videos on. If you post another video to your channel on our forum again, your ban will become permanent.


Thank you to Larry for bringing this to my attention. I was unaware that it was going on.

Edited by robbalvey
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I just had to clean up more drama. I don't have the time or patience for stupidity. If you are going to come on our forums and create drama and stupidity, you will be banned. No questions asked. No second chance given. We have no problem at all with people weeding themselves out of our forum. So please, keep it up...

Edited by robbalvey
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Wonderland posted a teaser today:


And if you pause around the 5 second mark you can find a single frame in the video that has a blurred out picture:


At least we know there will be an inversion.


btw @CedarFair1, I think the videos were a nice experiment over the regular text-based posts you used to do, but overall I feel that text-based posts work a lot better for many reasons such as they are shorter and only the actual details are covered and text-based posts are easier to look back on (at least for me) than long videos.


I would greatly appreciate it if you would go back to doing your text-based posts as I used to find them extremely interesting and overall I much preferred them over the videos.

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btw @CedarFair1, I think the videos were a nice experiment over the regular text-based posts you used to do, but overall I feel that text-based posts work a lot better for many reasons such as they are shorter and only the actual details are covered and text-based posts are easier to look back on (at least for me) than long videos.


I would greatly appreciate it if you would go back to doing your text-based posts as I used to find them extremely interesting and overall I much preferred them over the videos.


I DM'ed him similar comments weeks ago. Love the passion, the hard work and the intel - hate the loud video format.


I give him credit for catching the 'giga' hint in the CW posters and getting the blueprints (just post them already!)


I don't want lengthy 'grain of salt' analysis saying it could be this or it could be that. Just give us the theories so we can debate and discuss. If you want to say for more - check out my videos - go for it. But I like the written discussion.


Since the fall of CWMania - I don't know if there is another board option to discuss CW. So let's try to keep the action on this board exciting.


Plus, text posts will keep you on Robb's good side


In short @cedarfair1: I love you, your perfect, now change.

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Plus, text posts will keep you on Robb's good side

To be fair, I don't mind people posting videos, but when that is ALL YOU POST and you do it in such a way so you have to click out of the forum to get to the video, that's just not cool. We have an easy-to-use feature on the forum that lets you embed videos so you can watch it in the forum and discuss it here...


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I am eagerly awaiting the announcement of this new coaster, and have enjoyed the descriptions and pictures of what's going on at CW from all those contributors who have posted them! But I'll be honest... I've never once clicked through to any of the links offered. In fact, I rarely ever click ANY link when I'm on TPR, that takes me away from the site. But that's just me... So I guess my bottom line recommendation, is more pictures would be lovely, in the place of the video links!

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There's a difference between colorful, flashy text describing exactly what the video is and having the headline or title be a question to exploit a curiosity gap. At the end of the day though, the text and titles of TPR videos are flashy but tell you exactly what you're going to see in the video. They don't dangle a question out there and force you to watch to get the answer. Plus, it's THEIR channel and this is THEIR website so they can do whatever they want.


There's also a big difference between obviously sarcastic 'Most Extreme Coaster Ever' and channels that want to put dangerous on 1 in every 10 water slide videos. It's the difference between a channel where they let the quality speak for itself vs channels where even when you can see effort and the view is good but not trusting enough in their work to bring in the views. And out of those 2 types I only end up following one of those and watching their videos. Nothing puts me off a good channel more than lying about the ride they've filmed.

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