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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Cool. I know this ride is probably already a meme but honestly I think it looks good. Dive coasters are fun...until the MCBR. Thats the only real issue. The drop is great and the immelman helix part I found quite forceful esp on Valravn like I was getting some blur vision from it! But then all that is killed by running into the MCBR and the rest of the ride is lame.

FINALLY a park got it right and has a dive coaster actually do stuff before the MCBR. And a 246 ft vertical drop? That is gunna be pretty nuts.

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dit: You know what... fffk it. Next time I won't explain and I can just let the comments from the easily offended rain.


Easily offended is a fairly loose definition. I missed the "point" of your joke...I sort of get it now.

The problem is that there are some "coaster enthusiasts" out there who aren't joking and will say every negative thing possible about the ride because it isn't "x y or z". Unfortunately I thought you were one of those with that original comment. I wasn't offended......just "bored" with what I saw as criticism (wrongly) of the ride. My bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  fredoflasvegas said:
When is the best time of the summer to hit Canada's Wonderland to avoid huge crowds?


Asking for a friend.


Historically, any weekday starting in May through mid-July is a good time to visit. Although the opening of Yukon Striker may make the park busier than ever before, given its publicity. But I don't think we'll see huge crowds there until July and August as that is when most people visit the park.

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I swore that there was a Drury Inn like right across the street from CW, but when I Google "closest hotel to CW" all I get are ones a couple of miles away or more.


Did I dream this is or something?


My sister and husband are planning their first ever trip to CW this summer to ride Yukon Striker (she LOVES dive coasters) and they were looking for lodging suggestions near the park...the closer the better.


I told her that I'd not trust Google and that I had more reliable sources on TPR.

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  Philrad71 said:

My sister and husband are planning their first ever trip to CW this summer to ride Yukon Striker (she LOVES dive coasters) and they were looking for lodging suggestions near the park...the closer the better.


Just south of Wonderland is the Vaughn Mills mall. On it's south side, there are a few hotels including Aloft and Novotel. To get to Wonderland from there is just a drive across the parking lot and along Canadas Wonderland Drive. I wouldn't want to walk it but one could.


It would also depend on what else you want to do while in (or near : ) Toronto, but maybe it is as good a place to stay as any. There are a few suburban chain restaurants nearby. For trips to the city you could drive to the subway, or just drive to where you want to go. From that area, rush hour traffic drives in to town in the morning and back out to Booneyville in the evening.

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  Philrad71 said:
I swore that there was a Drury Inn like right across the street from CW, but when I Google "closest hotel to CW" all I get are ones a couple of miles away or more.


Did I dream this is or something?


My sister and husband are planning their first ever trip to CW this summer to ride Yukon Striker (she LOVES dive coasters) and they were looking for lodging suggestions near the park...the closer the better.


I told her that I'd not trust Google and that I had more reliable sources on TPR.


Unfortunately, there are no walking distance hotels around Wonderland. The closest are the ones mentioned South of the Mall. I would recommend the group of hotels a little more South that includes a Hilton, Homewood Suites and a Marriott. I would not recommend staying anywhere South of the 401 HWY in that particular area.

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  ArgoZ said:
  Philrad71 said:
I swore that there was a Drury Inn like right across the street from CW, but when I Google "closest hotel to CW" all I get are ones a couple of miles away or more.




Did I dream this is or something?


My sister and husband are planning their first ever trip to CW this summer to ride Yukon Striker (she LOVES dive coasters) and they were looking for lodging suggestions near the park...the closer the better.


I told her that I'd not trust Google and that I had more reliable sources on TPR.


Unfortunately, there are no walking distance hotels around Wonderland. The closest are the ones mentioned South of the Mall. I would recommend the group of hotels a little more South that includes a Hilton, Homewood Suites and a Marriott. I would not recommend staying anywhere South of the 401 HWY in that particular area.


Thanks guys! Very helpful!


That resort attached to the park will be a great addition. I wish all parks had an attached hotel(s).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Canada's Wonderland released a quick video of the park during the off-season yesterday. You can see how Yukon Striker will look as you walk along the path from International Festival to Action Zone, near Wonder Mountain! Be sure to check it out below!


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Earlier this month, it was discovered by looking at the 2019 Guest Assistance Guide that some of the rides and attractions within the Medieval Faire section of Canada's Wonderland would receive their original names for the 2019 season. One of those includes the Wild Beast, which will be receiving the original spelling of its name, "Wilde Beast", which was used from 1981 through 1996. Below is its new sign, which was shared on the park's social media accounts today.


55686906_10156523010393924_6564449691906342912_n.thumb.jpg.ac1048885e26f202c3631a1439143714.jpg Photo credit: Canada's Wonderland via Facebook


Other rides and attractions within Medieval Faire to receive their original names from 1981 will include The Rage (known as Viking's Rage from 1981-1996), Dragon Fire (known as Dragon Fyre from 1981-1996), Nightmares (Wilde Knight Mares from 1981-1996), and Wonderland Theatre (originally known as Canterbury Theatre from 1981-1993).


It is great to see these original names come back! The 2019 season will be an exciting one in more ways than one!

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Enthusiasts can't deal with the vest restraints, or anything that's not RMC, I guess. My theory anyway.


I'm really excited for it; this is looking to be the best dive coaster to date, and having it so close to me is another plus 8)


I think the other part of it is we just received more winter weather last night so coaster season isn't on our minds just yet. lol. But that's why some of us are going to drive to Virginia this weekend...

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  coasterbill said:
I don't think I've ever seen a thread this amazingly dead in the months leading up to a new 200+ foot coaster opening. Why isn't there more enthusiast hype for this ride? It looks great.



What else is there to say without the park actually being opened that hasn't already been said?


On top of that the only news we are getting in regards to Yukon Stryker has had a falling out with this forum.


From what I can tell You, the wooden structure for a station is looking great and there seems to be 2-3 New food stands/shops being erected and the water tower looks beautiful.

As far as people gushing over it I think will have to wait until opening day.

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Having just ridden SheiKra for the first time this past week, I can safely say it's a good bit better than Valravn. Even though Yukon Striker has the vest restraints, the size should give it at least a passable amount of floater airtime on the drop and through the inversions. I'm very excited to see how the opinion of the ride unfolds over the course of this season!

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I don't think I've ever seen a thread this amazingly dead in the months leading up to a new 200+ foot coaster opening. Why isn't there more enthusiast hype for this ride? It looks great.



Most of us have been outside shovelling snow so much this winter, we haven't had time to pass comment.....we are "almost" thawed out now...so I am sure interest will pick up soon. Even this polar bear has become rather tired of the cold and snow this year! There is definitely "talk" about the ride though in Toronto, and a lot of my work colleagues are "interested".


My son is SUPER excited....it will be his first dive coaster, and as we are going to BGW in June, he will also get to go on "Griffon". "Two dive coasters in one year Dad!!!".

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  coasterbill said:
I don't think I've ever seen a thread this amazingly dead in the months leading up to a new 200+ foot coaster opening. Why isn't there more enthusiast hype for this ride? It looks great.

Was that the chain reaction you expected?

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