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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Went to the park Sunday. Cold weather kept crowds down, but with jacket and gloves it was a nice day to ride. Biggest lineup was at the Tim Hortons.


Leviathan was lined up to the bottom of the stairs. They had these fancy red lights shining on the wheels in the station. Once on the track, the coaster hauled arse, ignoring the cold weather. Must have the snow tires on?


The new coaster's lift hill and first drop is up, just waiting on some of the railings. It can be seen from all over the park, and will be awesome. You can see it from the highway as you arrive.


Also had a nice ride on Vortex with a full lake below. Lake Behemoth had been drained though. Did not see my old car keys.




festive red wheel lighting


changing the skyline everywhere in the park


more or less like the photo


from minebuster exit ramp

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Nice photo. From windseeker?


This sounds funny but the thing I dont like about drop coasters is the first drop where they put the brakes on and hang you by the ankles before letting you go. After that is an amazing immelmann and a nice clothoid loop that are like a prize for putting up with the drop.


People tell me it is odd to be a coaster enthusiast who does not like heights but there you go.

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They had these fancy red lights shining on the wheels in the station. Once on the track, the coaster hauled arse, ignoring the cold weather. Must have the snow tires on?


The "fancy red lights" are wheel heaters which explains why it's hauling ass. I'd like to think this is a good sign for the ride operating at Winterfest but it's Cedar Fair so... lol.

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The "fancy red lights" are wheel heaters which explains why it's hauling A$$


I did wonder because last week did seem seriously quick!, especially compared to when I went on it in the summer.


I'd expect nothing less from a Canadian theme park


Which means you should expect every ride to be open in winterfest in the cold weather with all the Canadians walking around shirtless complaining that the weather is too warm and that it was always "colder back in the day".

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They had these fancy red lights shining on the wheels in the station. Once on the track, the coaster hauled arse, ignoring the cold weather. Must have the snow tires on?


The "fancy red lights" are wheel heaters which explains why it's hauling A$$. I'd like to think this is a good sign for the ride operating at Winterfest but it's Cedar Fair so... lol.



My "SARCASM" sign was in the shop.

Edited by Doppel Looping
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^Could somebody please clean this mess up?

I mean, doesn't anybody PREVIEW what they post, any more? Or at all?

I'm not sure why it posts like it did. I did a test quote of that messed up post and when I previewed it, it showed correctly. Here's the screenshot. I didn't change anything.


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Rides don’t run in rain? Since when?


I mean... some don’t, but most do. I don’t really get your point. Anyone complaining that a park decided to close when it’s in the 30’s and snowing just likes to complain.

Edited by coasterbill
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^The people who bitch on social media are usually idiots.


I can't even count how many times the weather forecast has been terrible to where the entire St. Louis Metro area shuts down, including events, work, government offices, etc. Then, we don't get one snow flake. I think the park made the right move to wait it out and then they're still opening up for The Haunt.


Shit happens when you're going to any outdoor event and people need to be prepared for closures due to weather and try to plan around it as best as possible. Sporting events aren't canceled for inclimate weather until up to the minute and people travel great distances to attend those. Common sense says if the forecast for the area sucks, I'm not going to wake up early and drive distances to go to the park.

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