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Nickelodeon Universe (MOA) Discussion Thread

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I'm actually going to visit MOA this weekend?!?!? Why the hell am I going to be in Minnesota you ask? Well, that's a long story but I will make a pit stop to MOA and hit up the rides for a couple hours. Can't wait to visit my first theme park in over 10 months...holy crap it's been awhile!


Jimmy "First new coaster and theme park in over 10 months" Bo

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  • 1 month later...
Does anyone find It odd they named El loco at adventure dome el loco? Its like naming a Inverted coaster "Inverted"


I don't find it odd. Many rides share the same name as their model name such as LEGOLAND's Splash Battle and the numerous Zamperla Disk-Os. At least El Loco is a good name, while Inverted is a rather pathetic name.

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I'd love for NU to get another inverting coaster, preferably a S&S El loco. I'd love to have a coaster that has a dive loop in Nu. Does anyone find It odd they named El loco at adventure dome el loco? Its like naming a Inverted coaster "Inverted"



If we're gonna get into the "NU needs this," I would love to see something with airtime since only their drop tower has that. None of the other coasters really give you airtime.

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Does anyone find It odd they named El loco at adventure dome el loco? Its like naming a Inverted coaster "Inverted"


I don't find it odd. Many rides share the same name as their model name such as LEGOLAND's Splash Battle and the numerous Zamperla Disk-Os. At least El Loco is a good name, while Inverted is a rather pathetic name.



You do raise a good point, anyways I think rock bottom plunge goes give you a quick second of ejector air on that first drop, but thats pretty much it. For airtime what rides could provide airtime (Besides a drop tower) and could fit in NU? ^

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Why would a small indoor park that already has a EuroFighter get an El Loco? It doesn't make sense as they're basically the same type of ride: compact, beyond vertical drop, inversions, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've been noticing the amount of space cannibalization going on near Ghost Blasters. First it's original grand entrance (and I believe a small portion of the ride track inside closest to the restrooms that used to be located in that area) was torn out for SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge. Then, with the addition of the ropes course, it's facade was further invaded by large support beams for the infrastructure. Now it looks like more support beams are coming in for the addition of the Barnacle Blast zipline. I do think these are great additions. Even the facade of Ghost Blasters has been repainted to match the nautical theme of that corner of the park. However, I think management needs to rethink this ride now and better integrate it (or retheme) it to fit this area. Maybe reroute some of the layout and make a new, grander entrance for the ride nearby? I think it would be great if they brought back in Sally Corporation who built the ride and have them work closely with Nickelodeon to really renovate it and make it a new gem for the park. They have a great track record of working with other intellectual property such as Scooby-Doo in the past.


On a similar note, has anyone followed the refurbishment of the Timber Mountain Log Ride at Knott's Berry Farm? If you remember Knott's originally inspired Knott's Camp Snoopy on the site. So apparently Garner Holt Productions came in and gave the ride some great tender love and care and now it looks and sounds better than ever. As much as I love the Log Chute at Nickelodeon Universe (I grew up always anxious to see Babe and Paul inside), I think it would be great if Nickelodeon Universe collaborated with Garner Holt Productions again (the original manufacturer of our log chute) and again collaborated bringing some Nickelodeon IP into the ride. My dream for the Log Chute (which no doubt is perfect as is) would be to have it tell a cohesive story throughout and truly utilize the space for different show scenes that culminate in that great drop in the end.


That being said if those things were to happen, I think that would leave Balloon Race as the only ride in the park without Nickelodeon IP. History aside, I think that casual tourist would love seeing Nickelodeon IP on everything in a Nickelodeon theme park.


Any comments on the slowly shrinking footprint of Ghost Blasters? What about the state of the ride? Should the Log Chute remain a remnant of the past?


Concept artwork for Barnacle Blast addition to Dutchmen's Deck Adventure Course.


Photo courtesy Visit Bloomington/Mall of America [https://www.facebook.com/bloomingtonminnesota]

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That being said if those things were to happen, I think that would leave Balloon Race as the only ride in the park without Nickelodeon IP.

Pepsi Orange Streak?


I'm not sure how much space they're taking up on Ghost Blasters with this new installation (never really went on it when I was there), but I don't think it's too much of a bad idea to try to integrate as much as they can to the ropes course and slides. All of these extra-extra up-charges seem like they're doing really well for the park if they're going this far with them. Which direction was the zip line going to face anyways? (I can't see the image as it's so flippin'-tiny.)

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They where testing it on Monday morning.


Zip line will take riders from the top of the ropes course to the east almost to the front of the arcade to a second platform. Then transition to a second zip line back to the ropes course.

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Went to the park over the weekend for the first time. Loved the rides, but good God they have the WORST operations I have ever seen. I was at Six Flags Over Texas on Thursday and then Nickelodeon Universe Saturday and Nickelodeon Universe's operations made SFOT's look like a work of art. Avatar and Brain Surge both should have had 2-3 ops on the ride (two checking restraints and one scanning wristbands), but they both only had one. Really miserable wait times on those rides.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering about there annual pass? Why at Nickelodeon Universe is it $250.00? Is that a one time purchase you don't have to renew the pass? I'm a season pass holder at Valleyfair and for my platinum season pass I paid $200.00 I got that because I went to Cedar Point. And Six Flags season pass is (Gold Pass is $154.99) (Regular Pass is $84.99) (Thrill Pass $66.99). Just wondering why is Nickelodeon Universe pass so high compared to Cedar Fair and Six Flags? I'm thinking of buying a annual pass during the off season when Valleyfair is closed and go there during the winter at the Mall of America.

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I was thinking for NU. I think a intamin zacspin would be a really good fit.


that's exactly what I've been thinking, with the addition of Barnacle Blast, we've seen that NU really doesn't have room to expand on the ground. And an Intamin Zacspin would fit those requirements, very small footprint, and inverts like we would want a new coaster at NU to do. But also, I think if you removed the Eats section from the park, you have ample space for a Zamperla Air Race. Just my thoughts.

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I was wondering about there annual pass? Why at Nickelodeon Universe is it $250.00?


Because the park doesn't want to be a baby sitting service


That is the #1 reason followed by the park being open 362 days a year with no weather issues to prevent you from going.

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I was thinking for NU. I think a intamin zacspin would be a really good fit.


that's exactly what I've been thinking, with the addition of Barnacle Blast, we've seen that NU really doesn't have room to expand on the ground. And an Intamin Zacspin would fit those requirements, very small footprint, and inverts like we would want a new coaster at NU to do. But also, I think if you removed the Eats section from the park, you have ample space for a Zamperla Air Race. Just my thoughts.


I think that the previous GM (Dave Frasier) wanted to put in a Zacspin, not sure what stopped him from doing so. I believe that Insane at Grona Lund costed about $7 million, so it could have been out of the budget. I don't know what the current GM thinks but I hope it's a possibility.


If they put in a Zacspin, they should let unbalanced cars go through the course

Edited by GCI Wooden
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I was wondering about there annual pass? Why at Nickelodeon Universe is it $250.00?


Because the park doesn't want to be a baby sitting service


That is the #1 reason followed by the park being open 362 days a year with no weather issues to prevent you from going.


Exactly, its because NU is open 362 days a year, way more than other parks.

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Rock Bottom Plunge comes all the way up to the roof from ground level and is 67 feet tall (according to RCDB), and Avatar Airbender also comes up pretty close to the roof at 70 feet tall but required digging into the ground a little. The smallest ZacSpin model Intamin has seems to be Kirnu at 83 feet tall, so I'd assume lots of floor lowering would be necessary, unless they make a custom model.


They look pretty neat and would probably somehow fit the theme within the park, but the reviews I've been hearing of the one at Magic Mountain haven't been so positive...

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