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Nickelodeon Universe (MOA) Discussion Thread

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I would say that engineering can make anything possible...whether that be a custom ZacSpin or a taller roof. The question is whether or not either of those options are financially viable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you guys think they could fit a Zamperla Air Race in NU? Based on pictures I've seen of them, I think they could fit one in, but I'm not quite sure. An Air Race would be a great fit for the park, and I've always wanted to ride one. Not sure what they'd theme it to though.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey, I'm thinking of heading to the park soon, and I was wondering if toddler tuesdays make a large impact on lines. So, does anyone have experience with tuesdays at the park that could help me out?


Not a terrible impact, but you will feel it on certain rides. Waits should still be quite minimal though. Especially in the morning right at open. Fairly Odd Coaster, Log Ride, and Rock Bottom Plunge had the worst waits when I went a couple Tuesdays ago. Most stuff is going to be single-op, which really slows things down if they get any sort of rush.

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Most stuff is going to be single-op, which really slows things down if they get any sort of rush.


They've had single-op on a Friday before, so that doesn't really surprise me...


If I get there, I'll take pictures and post them here for you all.

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Thinking about possibly going to this park next weekend. How busy is Nickelodeon Universe/Mall of America on weekends in January? Should I expect lines to be long? I wouldn't know because all of my previous visits were on weekdays.

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I went today, crowds weren't bad (Nothing was a walk-on, but nothing had a super long line). Couple things, the hot air balloon ride was open, something I haven't seen in a really long time. Also, If you ever go on the log flume, sit in the back. My pants got very wet because I sat in the front with a mostly full log.


I rode Rock Bottom Plunge for the first time and LOVED it! The whole ride is awesome. I was also sad and pathetic and rode the kiddie coaster... TWICE! I might post pictures sometime this week, it depends on how they turned out.

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