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What is your next park?

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After last weekend's awesomeness at Hersheypark with TPR peeps Nicole and Chris (you guys were a ton of fun!!), my wife and I are hitting up Kennywood this Sunday. Hoping to get on Black Widow, as it has been a no-go so far for me (still being built on my first visit, and closed on my second).

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Disneyland Resort on Thursday, September 6th. Finally get to experience Cars Land and the new Disney California Adventure Park, and with two E-tickets down and hopefully lighter crowds the early closure of Disneyland shouldn't be a problem.

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Heading to Dorney Park this weekend to cash in the VIP Tour I received thanks to Coasting For Kids!! Also joining us will be fellow TPR-er Nicole for some great times!


Thanks again to Dorney and GKTW for the incredible gesture......and a huge thanks again to TPR for all the support that helped me raise all that cash for those wonderful kids!!

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I will be going to Lakemont tomorrow and Kennywood on Sunday! This will be my first visit to Lakemont so I am excited to FINALLY ride the Leap The Dips!


Have fun! Leap-the-Dips is a fun ride. Skyliner is pretty fun too, not very big, but it packs a nice little punch. And you can't go wrong with Kennywood

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