alpengeist04 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 IMO, it would be a major mistake for BGT to replace any part of TBT with Sesame Street. I think a much better approach would be to use the LOD area, but I guess we'll just have to keep an eye out to see if this rumor gains any momentum. ...which I'm doubting it will at this time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sam06pr Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Well if BGA does not want to please me with a coaster in 2009, then please me with a nice flat ride ride! But it is just a rumor so hopefully we do get a coaster in 2009 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeke11793 Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 For the hyper rumor, I might be able to get some information on it because my friends claims that his mom has a friend that works with BGA and has supposedly said something about a new coaster (specifically 'hyper' type) and will be coming in the 2009-2011 years. I will try to get more information. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homer Posted January 24, 2008 Share Posted January 24, 2008 ^I lost faith in the hyper rumor already if you're already naming great aunt's friends who works in Switzerland with B&M. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Groteslurf Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 Rust: Europa-Park soll größer werden Neue Achterbahn: Der Europa-Park in Rust wird sich in den kommenden beiden Jahren noch weiter ausdehnen. Nach Angaben von Mitgründer und Geschäftsführer Roland Mack wird das Areal von derzeit 70 auf dann 85 Hektar erweitert. In die Vergrößerung des Parks werde sein Familienunternehmen in den nächsten eineinhalb Jahren mindestens 25 Millionen Euro investieren, sagte Mack im Gespräch mit der Deutschen Presse-Agentur dpa. "Wir stoßen an unsere Grenzen", meinte der 57-Jährige. Außerdem will der Europa-Park neben den Tagesausflüglern zunehmend die Kurzurlauber ins Visier nehmen. Bebaut werde ein Gelände, das derzeit noch außerhalb des Parks liege, sagte Mack. Dort sollen unter anderem die Werkstätten eingerichtet werden. "Sie liegen derzeit mitten im Park und haben eine Erweiterung des Vergnügungsbereich bisher verhindert." Zudem werde eine neue Zufahrtsstraße gebaut. "Die Genehmigungen für die Parkerweiterung liegen bereits vor", sagte Mack. Herzstück sei eine neue Achterbahn, die 2009 in Betrieb gehe. Durch die neuen Attraktionen in dem dann erweiterten Park werde sich die derzeitige Besucherzahl von vier Millionen im Jahr weiter erhöhen. "Außerdem können wir so einer Verdichtung der Einrichtungen aus dem Wege gehen." Zur neuen Achterbahn verriet Mack nur: "Es werden Techniken und Fahrfiguren zusammengeführt, die so noch nicht zu sehen waren." Auch ein Wasserpark werde nach wie vor diskutiert. Derzeit übernachtet laut Mack bereits jeder fünfte Gast im Park, im Ort oder in der Region. "Würden wir nur von den Tagesgästen leben, hätten wir die Wachstumsgrenze deutlich niedriger ansetzen müssen, weil wir Besucher nur aus der Region ziehen könnten." Der Europa-Park wolle sich zunehmend zum Resort und Kurzreiseziel entwickeln, sagte der 57-Jährige, dessen Einrichtungen mit ihren fast 4500 Betten im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt 500 000 Übernachtungen und eine Hotelauslastung von 90 Prozent verbuchten. (dpa) source: Badische Zeitung In short : Europa-Park will expand with approx 20 % from 70 to 85 hectares and is budgetted to cost Euro 25 million. According to rumors it will be a launch coaster with inversions and the length will be 2 kms. Official announcement in April 2008. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Six Flags Addict Posted January 28, 2008 Share Posted January 28, 2008 The latest rumor about the MegaZeph train(s) showing up at the park claims that they may be planning on putting them to use on the Screamin’ Eagle. With Gerstlauers already in use on The Boss and Evel Knievel using CGI Millennium Flyers, the thought is that the maintenance crew may be trying to make the park PTC free. I don't know why they would want to replace the PTC trains. They seem to be running fine. I honestly just hope that this is a rumor and nothing more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raptor6 Posted January 28, 2008 Share Posted January 28, 2008 Transformers:The Ride? From Screamscape Universal Studios - (1/25/08) Today’s latest rumor comes from an unusual source… the MovieWeb film buzz website who sites another source (Foul Language warning on that second link) claiming that talks between Paramount and Hasbro have begun about a deal to build a Transformers themed dark ride. The sources point out the Indiana Jones Adventure as a great example of the kind of ride that would be a perfect fit for a Transformers themed ride and from my point of view not only would it be a hit in the US but in Japan as well where they just love anything with giant robots. According to the source, the ideal plan would be to launch the new ride sometime around either the release of the two sequels being planned, with Transformers 2 on deck for a 2009 release. So right now the one big question left is… just which theme park chain is involved? Since we’re talking about a big dark ride experience, or perhaps a very themed dark ride coaster ride, that pretty much narrows it down to Disney or Universal. This kind of high action concept seems very in-line with Universal to me, more than Disney, but Universal kind of has their hands full with Harry Potter stuff at Islands of Adventure in this time frame. That doesn’t mean this couldn’t be a project for Universal Studios Hollywood or even Japan at this point. Well… there is one other possibility of course. Those who regularly read my Universal Studios Florida coverage already know about Project Rumble… an odd new coaster concept expect to open in 2009 that currently we don’t really know what theme they are planning to attach to it. While not a dark ride, I suppose Transformers could fit the bill as well, but right now I’m going to hold out some hope for a dark ride at a later date. With exclusive use of those Kuka robot arms for their future attractions, Universal really does make sense as the one company who could really pull this kind of thing off. Anyone know more? Seems like a pretty cool idea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raptor6 Posted January 28, 2008 Share Posted January 28, 2008 New Gravity Group Woodie in China? From Screamscape: China - (1/28/08) Amusement Today reports that Martin & Vleminckx will build China’s first wooden coaster in 2009. The coaster will be built for a new park under construction called Overseas Chinese Town in “Sheshan, Songjiang, Shanghai”. The unnamed ride will use PTC trains and M&V have sub-contracted out the engineering to The Gravity Group. Be sure to jump over to take a look at the interesting artwork showing off the unique layout. Their status quo of one coaster a year had to continue somehow, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeke11793 Posted January 29, 2008 Share Posted January 29, 2008 ^I lost faith in the hyper rumor already if you're already naming great aunt's friends who works in Switzerland with B&M. You were right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GriffyTiffy Posted January 30, 2008 Share Posted January 30, 2008 I have an idea for B&M. What if they could upgrade the inverted coaster by adding a sit down train on the top of the track? They would need to make the inversions a little larger, but it would be really fun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carnage Posted January 30, 2008 Share Posted January 30, 2008 I have an idea for B&M. What if they could upgrade the inverted coaster by adding a sit down train on the top of the track? They would need to make the inversions a little larger, but it would be really fun! Isn't that just a floorless? They've been doing that for years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GriffyTiffy Posted January 30, 2008 Share Posted January 30, 2008 ^ Yes, it would be on top of other inverted track. It would be like a dueling coaster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carnage Posted January 30, 2008 Share Posted January 30, 2008 ^ Yes, it would be on top of other inverted track. It would be like a dueling coaster. That's probably not even possible. The g-forces would be totally different between the bottom and top train. To make it bearable it'd need to be a real tame layout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackskellington101 Posted January 30, 2008 Share Posted January 30, 2008 From Screamscape: A new and interesting permit filed by Disney Imagineering last week has some Disney enthusiasts shaking in the boots. The NOC document (Notice Of Commencement) is listed for “Imagination Demolition” at 1991 Avenue of the Stars (the backroad at Epcot behind Land and Imagination). I think the term “Demolition” is being taken a little too literal, here since Disney’s own website has confirmed that both Journey Into Imagination with Figment and the Imageworks / Kodak “What If” Labs will be closed for rehab from January 30th to February 24th. That last bit is important since there is a reopening date listed… so I’m guessing we may see a few walls removed and some new ones put up to go along with whatever they planned for the rehab, but don’t start thinking that the pavilion has a date with the wrecking ball anytime soon. I would like to think he's wrong and they're going to demolish everything inside and start again...again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supertrooper Posted January 30, 2008 Share Posted January 30, 2008 ^ Yes, it would be on top of other inverted track. It would be like a dueling coaster. That's probably not even possible. The g-forces would be totally different between the bottom and top train. To make it bearable it'd need to be a real tame layout. It is possible! I did it in RCT years ago and the peeps loved I know it would work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackskellington101 Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 Looks like Jim Hill is starting up the Walt Disney World 5th Gate rumors again. "Disney's Night Kingdom" is the Mouse's long overdue response to SeaWorld's Discovery Cove. And -- yes -- the Mouse isactually going to build this $520 million project. Current plans call for this niche park to officially throw open its doors in October of 2011, just in time for the start of Walt Disney World's 40th anniversary celebration. "Why did you call 'Disney's Night Kingdom' a niche park?," you ask. Well, because -- just like Discovery Cove (Which only allows in a thousand visitors each day) -- DNK will be restricting the number of guests that can enter this park every afternoon. Only 2000 people will be allowed into WDW's 5th theme park at any one time. How so? Well, let's first start with the extraordinary guest service that you'll experience as you enter DNK. Current plans call for Disney's Night Kingdom to be staffed by 4000 cast members. That means that -- for every guest that visits this theme park -- there'll be two cast members to take care of their every need. So expect to receive a lot of personalized attention & pampering once you arrive on site. Speaking of arriving ... Guests will enter DNK through a new, super-sized version of the Adventurers Club at Pleasure Island. As you & your family are registering for that night's activities, the club's members will entertain as well as offer hints about the extraordinary adventures that await you. After you've finished checking in, there's a whole new world to explore. Have you ever dreamed of acting like Indiana Jones and riding a zip line over a pool full of hungry crocodiles? Or hand-feeding a hippopotamus? Well, here you can. Mind you, Disney's Night Kingdom will have no traditional theme park rides per se. But you'll still be able to get your fill of excitement & adventure as you strap on a pair of night vision goggles and then wander out into a pitch-black African savanna. Where you'll then be able to observe up-close lions & hyenas as they go through their nocturnal hunting routines. You'll also be able to try your hand at spelunking as you explore a cave full of bats. Or -- if you're not a big fan of bats -- how about rock climbing? Does that sound too much like work? Then why don't you head on over to that South American-themed enclosure where you can frolic with some penguins? And once you've had your fill of adventures, why not grab a gourmet meal at one of the park's two highly themed eateries? Or -- better yet -- find a seat inside of Night Kingdom's centrally located main theater. Where you'll then be dazzled by a state-of-the-art stage show which will be produced by Disney Theatrical and feature top Broadway talent. Right now, Mickey's leaning toward charging guests $250 - $300 per person in order to gain entry to DNK. In my opinion, I'm leaning towards what Lance has to say on Screamscape. I can't see this being a separate park as much as it may be the beginnings of an after hours tour program in the existing parks after the parks close to the general public. I think building this program from scratch when the materials are already there is kind of silly. What do ya'll think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scaparri Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 ^ Yes, it would be on top of other inverted track. It would be like a dueling coaster. That's probably not even possible. The g-forces would be totally different between the bottom and top train. To make it bearable it'd need to be a real tame layout. It is possible! I did it in RCT years ago and the peeps loved I know it would work. I hope you're making a joke. Like Paul pointed out, the forces would be completely different. Just look at most inverts and notice how tight the inside of the loops are. The normal train would still have the same drop height, but have to negotiate a MUCH tighter loop. Again, quoting Paul, it'd have to be a really tame layout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
America Sings Freak Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 Looks like Jim Hill is starting up the Walt Disney World 5th Gate rumors again. "Disney's Night Kingdom" is the Mouse's long overdue response to SeaWorld's Discovery Cove. And -- yes -- the Mouse isactually going to build this $520 million project. Current plans call for this niche park to officially throw open its doors in October of 2011, just in time for the start of Walt Disney World's 40th anniversary celebration. "Why did you call 'Disney's Night Kingdom' a niche park?," you ask. Well, because -- just like Discovery Cove (Which only allows in a thousand visitors each day) -- DNK will be restricting the number of guests that can enter this park every afternoon. Only 2000 people will be allowed into WDW's 5th theme park at any one time. How so? Well, let's first start with the extraordinary guest service that you'll experience as you enter DNK. Current plans call for Disney's Night Kingdom to be staffed by 4000 cast members. That means that -- for every guest that visits this theme park -- there'll be two cast members to take care of their every need. So expect to receive a lot of personalized attention & pampering once you arrive on site. Speaking of arriving ... Guests will enter DNK through a new, super-sized version of the Adventurers Club at Pleasure Island. As you & your family are registering for that night's activities, the club's members will entertain as well as offer hints about the extraordinary adventures that await you. After you've finished checking in, there's a whole new world to explore. Have you ever dreamed of acting like Indiana Jones and riding a zip line over a pool full of hungry crocodiles? Or hand-feeding a hippopotamus? Well, here you can. Mind you, Disney's Night Kingdom will have no traditional theme park rides per se. But you'll still be able to get your fill of excitement & adventure as you strap on a pair of night vision goggles and then wander out into a pitch-black African savanna. Where you'll then be able to observe up-close lions & hyenas as they go through their nocturnal hunting routines. You'll also be able to try your hand at spelunking as you explore a cave full of bats. Or -- if you're not a big fan of bats -- how about rock climbing? Does that sound too much like work? Then why don't you head on over to that South American-themed enclosure where you can frolic with some penguins? And once you've had your fill of adventures, why not grab a gourmet meal at one of the park's two highly themed eateries? Or -- better yet -- find a seat inside of Night Kingdom's centrally located main theater. Where you'll then be dazzled by a state-of-the-art stage show which will be produced by Disney Theatrical and feature top Broadway talent. Right now, Mickey's leaning toward charging guests $250 - $300 per person in order to gain entry to DNK. In my opinion, I'm leaning towards what Lance has to say on Screamscape. I can't see this being a separate park as much as it may be the beginnings of an after hours tour program in the existing parks after the parks close to the general public. I think building this program from scratch when the materials are already there is kind of silly. What do ya'll think? This really seems like the reason why I hate Jay Rasulo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeke11793 Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 Got this in an E-mail today from Busch Gardens. Please join us for a live Webcast asSeaWorld, Busch Gardens, Discovery Cove and Aquatica announce the most significant news in our history. Hmm..... I wonder what it could be... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homer Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 ^Aquatrax for Busch Gardens Africa or Busch being sold to some company. Calling that right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coolhandluke Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 ^I think you hit the nail on the head. Busch is selling BGA to Cedar Fair, and building the Aquatrax they were supposed to put where Maverick is. Naming it Coaster With Water Around It, as "Aquatrax" itself is too cool of a name. I mean, it wouldn't have anything to do with Jungala or the Sea World coaster construction, so that must be it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeke11793 Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 ^ That makes perfect sense... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 BTW, TPR will be at the announcement live! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeke11793 Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 ^ I will be at school..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 2009 - New Coaster - In Development - (2/25/08) In the Theme Park Review interview with Mark Shapiro he mentions that one day SFMM will once again regain it’s coaster crown starting with a confirmation that a new coaster is in the works for 2009. He also mentions that a Wiggles World is also being talked about. Given that he has also mentioned that all future projects will be themed it seems that the Mountain will either gain a Tony Hawk’s Big Spin coaster or a Dark Knight Coaster in 2009. Shhhh everyone....they can hear us! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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