Swimace Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 ^That makes more sense than how I was reading into it initially, but I still don't think that group of people make up a large enough part of the market to justify adding an old coaster and probably having to remove pre-existing rides in the process. I guess we'll see though, but I would be extremely surprised if this is true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingbooba Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 Why don't they just move Big Dipper to Great America? hey need a new coaster! I would say King's Dominion since we haven't gotten a woodie since the dreaded Hurler, but GA really needs a coaster, a woodie at that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coolhandluke Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 ^It seems like a lot of CF parks need a good woodie. Valleyfair! is the only consistently great woodie I can think of in the chain (though its barely a year old), with acknowledgments to Beast, Ghostrider, Shivering Timbers, and Blue Streak for coming close. I haven't heard anything about Timber Wolf. Now, how many of those parks could use an 80-yr-old woodie over a new GCI? Dunno. I'm just gonna wait and see if there is an official announcement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeelTheFORCE Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 Here is what "PREMiERdrum" got from Richard Munch, word for word. He also said that the document was sent to the Cleveland stations as well, but none of the other Columbus stations, nor Toledo. I told you I would let you know of any news on Geauga – I have an update on the Geauga Lake property. We got word over the weekend that Cedar Fair was preparing for a press conference at Geauga Lake this Wednesday (tomorrow). That was called off and now it will be presented as a simple press release. At this time, we anticipate that they will announce that they will be moving the Big Dipper from Geauga Lake to Cedar Point! We are totally flabbergasted. It appears that this is a knee jerk reaction to all the negative press they have received since they closed the amusement park side of the lake in September. After all, why make this announcement just after accepting sealed bids on the property May 23rd? It doesen’t seem logical, but not much has made sense since the closing. The short of it is they initially tried to sell the Big Dipper (and two other coasters on property) and there was little interest. Please note the emphasis on the word move. There has never been a discussion to keep the ride intact on site. It is very clear that they do not want to leave the ride intact, as part of any mixed use development, which would be the preference. We do not know why they had such a distaste for Geauga Lake, but they are certainly doing a great job annihilating it. The press release will most likely include some type of “we are saving the ride and we are preservationists.” Nothing may be further from the truth, but they will rely on that angle to make this work to the press. For many this is a solution that appears reasonable, but will be the death of the park. That may be what they wanted all along and they finally figured out a way to get the goal, without looking too terrible. I can not anticipate what the public will think of this move. Personally I have mixed emotions because the ultimate goal is to preserve the Big Dipper. But I question if this is just a façade, as to whether they actually will ever rebuild the coaster. For instance, if it is not rebuilt immediately (for the 2009 season), it would be put in storage and provide numerous excuses over the next few years (i.e. rotted wood, no room, no budget, etc) as to why they haven’t rebuilt it. Meanwhile the (Geauga) Property will be developed and the story would simply go away. That is what I expect, although I have not seen the press release. If it’s eventually rebuilt, I believe it will never be the same. Additional safety devices and other updating will be required. The cars are historical – but they would probably go with lighter and more historical rolling stock. Meanwhile it could never compete with anything that Cedar Point operates. It does not fit into the context of the park. Cedar Point’s oldest ride is the Blue Streak – which was built in 1964 in response to both Euclid Beach’s Thriller and Geauga Lake’s Big Dipper (what we call an out-and-back coaster). The Big Dipper would be just a smaller Blue Streak. And it would never get respect, left as a reminder of the park they didn’t want, at an estimated $3-5M cost to move. It would probably be cheaper and easier to donate the land around the Dipper and save face at the same time. That would make them generous and truly preservationists. But that is not in the cards. This is a company that is looking to quickly lower its debt after purchasing the Paramount Parks chain in 2006, so it is not feeling very charitable, to say the lease. It is unfortunate that this is the only solution they felt was worthy. Ironically, they may feel that the coaster was an obstacle for any development on the site, or that they might get a better sales price for the land, without the structures on the property. As you may know, I am working with a group of developers and investors with my architectural firm in Cleveland, to redevelop the park into a mixed-use complex. The Big Dipper, meanwhile has always been part of our plans, and the agents knew this, even as they attempted to sell it over the last four months. Maybe that was the giveaway? For our team, we always felt it was the focus of the redevelopment of the site – the signature attraction that bring the crowds back and returns some normalcy to Geauga Lake. The timing of the announcement is such that it may kill such a deal, which may be the true purpose. If it is a deal breaker for the development team we have lined up, then Cedar Fair has won the battle and we have truly lost the history. The park really needs to stay- even as a small facility. It gives continuation to a community that has grown up around it. Otherwise Cleveland will have lost its last major amusement park to corporate growth. Only last week we discovered that Cedar Fair moved their May 15th Stockholders meeting from Sandusky to California. An insider suggested that the local environment is just too unstable (and full of local stockholders who want real answers to the Geauga lake mess) CEO Dick Kinzel thought he would be ambushed if the meeting was held in Ohio.By the way, Cedar Point’s new theme is “Families Rule at Cedar Point.” The other Ohio park, Kings Island, also has a new premise for 2008: “Our theme this year is history, tradition and nostalgia,” said Don Helbig, Director of Public Relations. “We’re getting back to being a home-grown park. However guests arrive, they’re going to find changes, all of them aimed at restoring the park’s history.” The park opened in 1972. Geauga Lake dates back to the 1880’s. Which has a richer history? Ironically, this was the similar message when Cedar Fair purchased the Six Flags property and changed the name back to Geauga Lake Park in March 2004. Right now no one seems to care about the history, tradition or nostalgia of a little old park called Geauga Lake. Richard Munch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meteornotes Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 ACE should use their vast preservation fund and move the coaster to their Coaster Museum. Oh wait... dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
COASTER FREAK 11 Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 HAHAHA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Six Flags Addict Posted April 25, 2008 Share Posted April 25, 2008 The rumor mill is starting up again here in St. Louis. Quote from fan six flags (who has be correct about the last two additions) on the sfstl.net boards. HH-New attraction to celebrate 10th anniversary. Something major 2010 or 2011, in area behind and around the Empire Theatre. I really hope Hurricane Harbor does get something new next year because it has not gotten anything since 05 and is very popular in the summer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aarons1584 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 Gotten word that Blazing Fury will be taken down for the 2009 season at Dollywood. Ride was supposed to be refreshed for this season but it was not, someone has also posted a video on youtube for RIP Blazing Fury, anyone else hear anything of this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterdude5 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 I highly doubt they would remove the ride, but it is one of the oldest at the park. I hope they can keep it around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aarons1584 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 same here. I heard it was going to be a new train station? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natatomic Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 Oh, man. If they get rid of that ride, surely a piece of my soul will die with it. Dollywood was my home park for the first 19 years of my life, and Blazing Fury is definitely one of my favorite rides of all time. Lame, I know, but it's a sentimental thing, ya'll. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaceace12 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 What is your proof (employee? Friend), This is just a rumor (probably) and probably belongs in the rumor thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterdude5 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 ^ I agree. The ride always has a line and is a hit with the famillies. If it's not broken, then don't fix it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aarons1584 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 it comes from a person in the area, who does work for a vendor in the park. saying its going to be a train station for the possible resort, to transport folks?? but I dont see how it would work? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shavethewhales Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 Internet rumors are useless, don't get too caught up in this. I don't know all that much about DW, but BF's sister at SDC is extremely popular, and I can't imagine the Herschends wanting to take out such a favorited attraction. How many rides does DW have that can dependably run in any weather? Unless there is some credible info on Blazing Fury being in some sort of unrepairable condition, I'm calling BS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterdude5 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 it comes from a person in the area, who does work for a vendor in the park. saying its going to be a train station for the possible resort, to transport folks?? but I dont see how it would work? They've got plenty of other places for a new train station. You'd think they would add it somewhere on the loop rather than extending the track. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aarons1584 Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 That is what I am thinking as well. I really hope they dont take it out, but after hearing that, and knowing they were supposed to refurb it for this year, and then Dollywood not doing it, got my mind wondering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natatomic Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 it comes from a person in the area, who does work for a vendor in the park. Like a Dippin' Dots vendor? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 I heard they're taking the loops out of Thunderhead because a bunch of people died in the loop last week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coolhandluke Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 ^You never cease to entertain. So simple, yet so well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeelTheFORCE Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 I guess the Big Dipper rumor was fake, as there haven't been any announcements or press releases. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loefet Posted April 27, 2008 Share Posted April 27, 2008 In a local newspaper today there was an article about the future expansion of Liseberg. During 2003 Liseberg started to investigate the possibility to expand the park to the south with a new area. This investigation was stopped during 2004 because a possible train tunnel that was going to be built under that area to increase the flow of train through the city. They have now decided that the tunnel won't go under that area, and Liseberg wants that the municipality to restart the planning for that area. Area map: The green area is where the park is situated today. The yellow area is where the expansion would take place, today it's just a big parking lot, it's about 100 m wide and 300 m long. The black box is where a parking garage have been built. In the red area Liseberg owns some buildings (maintenance, etc.) and are trying to acquire the more of them, since this is the only direction for them to expand further. Blue is the Mölndal river that runs through the park. Todays article: This is a picture of the area coming from the old planning application from 2004. Translated: Top left: new design of the south entrance to the park. Top right: New connection to the park, the road between will be closed. Middle right: Make use of location by the river. Middle: New building (the long rectangle to the left) towards the road to the left for stores, etc. These will serve as a noise guard for the people living on the other side of the road. Bottom: New parking garage to compensate for the loss of parking space. PDF of the old planning application: HERE (Swedish) The area according to the old plan was going to be more year round orientated to expand the season as much as possible, but if it was supposed to be an indoor section or not is unknown. This old plan was made by the municipality planning office and it's not made by Liseberg, and since these are a few years old they might change. And the managing director of Liseberg, Mats Wedin, isn't ready to give any clues on what they are planning on just yet, so we just have to wait and see. I just hopes that this expansion would spawn a few new coasters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeelTheFORCE Posted May 6, 2008 Share Posted May 6, 2008 Going back to the mystery track in Ohio, I have something to add. I know the label said "DM" and we have practically confirmed that this is, indeed Dive Machine track, but I just want to say something else too. As we saw, the track doesn't have flat ties like your standard B&M Dive Machine track. I was looking at POVs on Youtube and came across one of Chimelong Paradise's new Dive Machine. I'd like to point out that in the POV you can clearly see that there isn't one segment of track on the whole ride that has flat ties, except the lift hill, which look identically to the segments in Ohio. I'd post the POV, but I'm not sure if I am allowed because it might be an unauthorized one. It's not hard to find, though. That's just something to think about, as new Dive Machines apparently don't need to use flat ties anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rct3man777 Posted May 7, 2008 Share Posted May 7, 2008 I heard SFMM is gonna repaint X2's supports yellow and call it the Carl's Jr. Coaster! P.S Wait, how could chimelong express' dive machine be that track? Is it one of those things where the color changes or what? Because last time I checked chimelong express's dive machine was pink...not red? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueenCityBoy Posted May 12, 2008 Share Posted May 12, 2008 Could this link be true? Could Carowinds be getting a coaster in 2009? Seems like GL's Head Spin Boomerang will make it's way here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_Spin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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