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The Rumor / Crazy Idea Superthread

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There is only one problem with this whole ride:


These Guests will then be encouraged to scream / laugh into these funnels. Which will cause the sides of these cannisters to light up and reveal how much energy was just gathered.


There is no way I can survive queuing for half hour + (hell even 15 minutes) with people screaming into cannisters the whole time.

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Sounds like the Peter Pan attraction at MK but on coaster track. I don't see this going all that fast. Maybe under 10mph. Its going to be for kids.


Basically i think it will be an inverted Dark ride where you go through different rooms and see monsters at work makeing kids in bed laugh.


Im sure this will be a very popular ride and WDI never lets me down it what they create but this will not be anything more than a kiddie coaster and if they want you to acually see the rooms then the ride could not possible go more than 10mph.


10 mph? You're right that it is going to be slow but fun ride but 10 mph? Nah... I am thinking more like 20 and I don't know who will be building this coaster at this point. If it is going to be like Vekoma Model such as Rugrats Runaway Reptar like at Carowinds/Kings Island... that's about 1 minute and 30 seconds... I think there will be about the same time with some extension such as some pause time for some "laughter" show.


I definite see it as a dark ride/inverted coaster... This must be a first inverted coaster/dark ride? Am I wrong? If not, I'm interested to know other indoor inverted coaster as well.

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I don't know all the Jim Hill drama...


I DO know that Vekoma and Disney are VERY happy in bed together right now and there has been a lot of talk that with the new restraints on the Vekoma Kiddie Suspendeds Disney has been trying to find a way to get one in the park.


Again, if Disney does it at all like Crush (little dark ride portion, then coaster portion) I'm sure this will be a great little ride!

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Vekoma and Disney... That's sound a little naughty... Disney is suppose to give us pleasure and magic moments while vekoma gives us hell at the most part. Don't get me wrong. I like Vekoma which they are not too bad. I do prefer B & M so far.


I wonder if this will be true. DSI team are very creative and I hope this will allow them to generate ideas and hit it with a bang for their 40th anniversary!

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I found a picture supporting a coaster at Alton Towers. The design is bigger than anything there and I doubt it'll see the light of day, if it's real. The park's height restriction would surely interfere with a plan of this scale. Regardless, here it is. Sorry for horrible size/quality.


Supposed Plan

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The Jim Hill "drama" is about the fact he has a track record of making stuff up. The example that stands out to me is when he wrote an article about BTTF that my friend's dad, who was the guy in charge of the project, laughed at because it was so inaccurate...

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I don't know how many people have accounts to this site as I know I don't because for some reason it won't let me make one but they have a forum for what is happening at good ole Dollywood in the next couple years.


Just for more feedback what do you guys think is coming to the Smoky's next year?

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GADV might get a B&M dive machine in 2009 in the section by the old Chiller site. There is enough room!


I know this sign says that the parade comes through here but those buildings & Stuntman's Free Fall's sections are just there & taking up space.


They can wreck Chiller's old station & queue & exit lines which are still there. That will give GADV plenty of room.

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