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Hi, I'm Zack, I'm 14 years old, and I'm from Long Island. The park I mainly go to is Six Flags Great Adventure, and I have an account on the GADV.com forums (known as simply Zack), as well as the Great Adventure History and CoasterFanatics Forums (known as nbadude44). Other than roller coasters, I like The Simpsons, Star Wars, comics, Godzilla, etc. I've ridden 50 coastes so far and I plan to ride many more later in my life!

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Hello, Kon-nichi-wa! (^o^)/


My ID “Yatsuyuuen” is name of closed amusement park where I went to many many times when I was a kid. In 1983, Tokyo Disney Land started near Yatsuyuuen, so Yatsuyuuen was closed. They had Ferris Wheel, Cork Screw, Carousel, Dracula House, Surf Coaster, Rock’n Roll, Zoo, Rose Garden, Pool, etc.


In Japan, Roller Coaster is called “Jet Coaster”, Trill ride is called “Zekkyou Machine”(zekkyou = scream). My favorite coasters are Kawasemi, Thunder Dolphin and Bandit. I want to go to overseas amusement parks especially Europa and USA.

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RAWR! I am a 19-year-old male from Charlotte NC, home of Carowinds. My father worked at the park for thirty years, and this is my second season; first season as rides associate (<-- see location ). I am friends / co-workers with Coasterlvr_nc and Pufferfish. I have lurked on these forums for quite a while, mostly looking at 2010 coaster updates, finally decided to register and plan on enjoying it here!


Edit: I also enjoy making music with Reason, taking photos with my Nikon D50, making coasters with NoLimits, taking things apart , and long walks on the beach!

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I am Bull from Chester VA I am 39 yrs old and call Kings Dominion and Bush Gardens Williamsburg are my home parks. Just moved from Port Republic VA to Chester back in December for job related reasons but miss my mountains back home but alot closer to BG and KD.


Yea i miss this old rattle trap thanks to Robb and the gang i can still look at this pic.

Edited by bull24471
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I'm 18. Call me Chance for short. I'm a California native, and a fan of Knotts Berry Farm and Six Flags Magic Mountain. Unfortunately, I've yet to get the opportunity to travel with the sole purpose of riding other roller coasters in different locales. But it's a dream...and I hope to one day go on a roller coaster trip across the states to parks like Cedar Point, SF Great Adventure + America + Over Texas + New England, etc etc.

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Hi everyone. I'm David. I currently live in Phoenix, AZ. I'm originally from Houston, TX so my very first home park was Six Flags AstroWorld. Before coming to Phoenix, I lived in San Antonio for 12 years. Attended UTSA and worked at Fiesta Texas from 1996 to 1999. I think that's pretty much it.

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Hi Y'all


I'm Jymmy, yes that is spelled correctly.

I'm born and raised in Chicago and my home park is Six Flags Great America. I've been on about 150 coasters but don't have an exact number as I am not a credit whore. Not that I have a problem with them. Or any whore for that matter.


I'm currently unemployed as I did administrative work for auto dealerships who are all cutting staff. Ironically, I do not drive.


I love music, my dogs and cats, tattoos and incredibly inappropriate and offensive humor. I find TPR's trip reports and dvds to be the best, most entertaining of all the coaster sites.

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my name is Sascha and I´m a 24 year old student from Germany. I study in Hamburg industrial engineering and management and I live northeast of Hamburg (the town is called "Bargteheide").

I´ve ridden coasters mostly in Germany so far, but I plan to travel through the USA from LA to New York for 3 months from July to September 2010.

So maybe I can get to know some of you or we can visit a park together. If you´re interested, just drop me a line.


Best regards


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I'm Chris....i live in Northern California halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento....I know it's going to sound really strange but i'm not a huge fan of coasters but I love theme/amusement parks so here i am....I randomly found this site ad i've been hooked ever since.....Closest parks to me would be what is now called "California's Great America" and Discovery Kingdom formerly known as Marine World when I was a kid....Personally I'm an artist who works in many different mediums and works retail most of the time to make money ......Thats about it for now

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Well I have been at TPR for a while, but I have only just found out about all the threads (Slow, I know).



Anyways, Hi, my name is Anthony, I live in Adelaide, Australia, away from all the coasters (Oh, man ). I love anything that has to do with building things (although I hate building things myself, ironic, yes). I am a huge fan of soccer (Go Manchester United!) and RCT2.

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My name's Colleen. People either call me Colly for short or just call me by my middle name McGhee (greatest middle name ever). I'm 23 and I live in Tampa, Florida. About 20 minutes south of Busch Gardens. I haven't gotten a chance to travel to different parks other than the ones here in Tampa and in Orlando and to SFGA in Jersey where I'm originally from. I've loved coasters since my father forced me onto Rolling Thunder when I was little.


I'm currently awesomely unemployed due to a 7,000 person lay off and enjoying my government funded checks! I really like beer. I have ridiculous tattoos that people make fun of but, I love. Once a year I go to Philly to work at one of the countries largest billiards expos. I collect old cameras and regularly use a 1965 Polaroid Land Camera 103. I talk to much! Anyway, hi!

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Hello all! Newbie here, just ran across this site while researching my vacation. I have to say I've falling in love with it. Excellent trip reports, excellent info on all things coaster related. Just wanted to say thank you, and thanks for all the laughs. I hope to take a trip with you all soon!

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Hi, sup, dude, whatever, stuff


I'm ________ I live in ____________ Valley Fair is the closest amusement park and just to tell you my geek type thing I'm am a coaster freak. If i could get themepark ticits all I would ride is coasters 24/7 even when the park is closed

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Hi Everyone

My name is Kenny R. I lived here in Houston Texas. I grew up with AstroWorld I was only 5 year old when the park was open back in 1968. I missed it so much. And AstroWorld was going to be 41 years old this year. I liked to say hi to everyone. And I will try everything that I can make a good post and share good Stuff From AstroWorld. I did work @ AstroWorld for 3 years in Grounds and Rides even Shows. I enjoy it. And if ANYONE have any Video or DVD of AstroWorld Shows Please let me hear from you please. Any of the show they had there Please. And I did marvel Mcfey When I work there It was Fun.

Thank you all.

Your Trudy,

Kenny R

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