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My name is Jordan. I live in northern Jersey so that makes my home park Six Flags Great Adventure being only about an hour away. I have been on some great coasters, and have visited many other parks too ( I am planning on going to Six Flags Magic Mountain for my first time sometime during the week of April 14th ) my birthday is next week (February 16th) I will be turning 14.


I have always loved roller coasters. I rode my first coaster when i was about eight years old, and by that time knew a lot of factual information about them. It was Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at Walt Disney World - Disney's Hollywood Studios in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, (My favorite coasters now are mostly Intamin made though) and i hid behind my dad to get on because i didn't quite meet the height requirement. It wasn't the best ride, but a good first coaster i guess.

(My favorite coasters now are mostly Intamin made though)


Thats pretty much everything. I like to listen to music too, pretty much anything. (Just went to the Slipknot concert at Madison Square Garden on February 5, 2009)


One more thing, Top Thrill Dragster > Kingda Ka

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Hey Everyone,

I realised I never introduced myself, so here we go...


Name: Francys

Age: 17

Birthday: October 21st 1991

From: Montréal,

Country: Canada


Occupation: I'm obviously a full time high school student. I'd like to go eigther in Optometry or in Nutrition. Next year, I'm doing the IB Diploma Programme.


What kind of music you listening: I listen to basically every genres. One day it will be Metallic, and the following day Beethoven. But the kinds I enjoy the most are Pop, ElectroPop, Indie, Alternative, Electronica...


Current Themepark Location: The AMAZING La Ronde ( no sarcasm...)


Spoken Languages: French, English (getting better eveyday)


Favorite TV Series: I'm a Big fan of Reality Show such as Big Brother, So you think you can Dance and Project Runway


Hobies: I love Dancing, even though I am not taking any classes right now due to an injury. I love travelling, each year I have to go somewhere new. I am spoiled, but I know it. I don't take it for granted.

I'm trying to read more. Being cultured is very important to me. I love partying, going to the movies and having a fine diner with friends. I also love fashion.... But down inside me, I'm a nerd.


One word to describe me: Honest


Well, I'm still very young, and still have a lot of things to see and experience in life. I always give 110% in everything I do. I am very passionate and goal oriented.


As for coasters, well, I'm just like eveyone here. I enjoy them HAHA. I don't think I'm the BIGGEST FAN, but I'm enough of a fan to be on this site. I have the honnor of having a wonderful mother who also is a coaster enthusiastic, and a grand mother that follows us everywhere even though she knows she won't ride anything.

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Hello, hello everybody

My name is Johanna, and I'm a soon to be 18 year old female living in the most northen parts of Sweden (it's even above the arctic circle).

My love for Theme Parks began at a very young age with Gothemburgs Liseberg. I haven't had the chance yet to visit that many different parks, though I've been to Liseberg somewhere between 20 and 30 times (you could call me a hardcore fan considering the fact that I live miles and miles away).


Nerd is the perfect word to describe me. I am totally in love with Star Trek, Anime, Science-Fiction, Tv and Theme Parks, that's kinda the things that define me. If that wasn't enough, 1.5 year ago I moved 1300 km away to attend the Swedish upper-secondary school for Space and space-technology.


Well, that's about it, I guess, though I can add that my all-time favourite ride is Liseberg's Spin Rock

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Hello everyone , I'm Michiel i'm 17 years young and from the Netherlands.


I've always been a fan of riding coasters, though I need someone to give me the final push in the back every time that I'm about to get in line for a coaster ..

For example , I have ridden Silver Star in Europark but never Goliath in Walibi world .. isn't that weird


I'm also busy with coaster simulators as rct3 and NL.


I try to go to a new theme park every year , and this year is going to be a great one as it will be SFMM


I've also been following the Themeparkreview videos for about a year now , and i've finally decided to register here.


So if anyone is going on a trip in the netherlands with TPR, count me in !

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I don't think I did this.


Hi Everyone!


My name is Cody, I'm 24 years old and I live in Escondido (San Diego) I've been a fan of Rollercoasters for about 8 years (Whenever RCT came out) Only recently I decided to be with people of the same interest (C-Net, TPR) I recently started a blog http://calicoasters.blogspot.com/ to post all my Trip Reports and RCT work. If you are blogger, please send me a message! I'm always happy to make new friends. Speaking of that, my girlfriend Sarah and I are very much looking forward to making new friends at WCB!


Thank you for having the coolest coaster site ever!

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Hi guys! My names is James, I live in Alexandria, VA (right next to Washington DC). I'm 18 years old, a freshman in college majoring in Business Administration.


I am a frequent poster on thepointol, but I love reading your boards and other coaster sites! Eventually I want to save up to go on one of these trips (perhaps after college!)


I grew up in Toledo, OH (so I'm familiar with a lot of the Midwest parks!) and I have family in Sandusky (I'm a CP nerd!).


This summer I'll be working at Cedar Point on Thunder Canyon, so feel free to stop by and have a spin if you come and visit

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Hello everybody,


I've been lurking around the TPR boards for about two years and this is the first roller coaster message board that I've actually joined. I've also lurked around other coaster-related message boards for a very long time now. I love roller coasters and theme parks in general and hope to get myself accustomed to the board as well as make new friends.


I've repeatedly read the TOS as well as the rules and I want to have a great time here.

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Well I joined ages ago with the intention of getting active again but one thing happened after another and never really got there, so now I have tons of time on my hands im gonna try again, so yeah, "Hi!!" Looking forward to joining in on the forums, making new friends and hopefully getting to some meets when I have money

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Hi everybody, my name's Ted.

I'm turning 21 this year, (sweet!) and I study @ Indiana University.


SF Great America, Hershey Park, & Kings Island are my the favorite parks so far. As you can imagine i'm insanely excited for Diamondback. I think Cedar Point is way overrated but I am excited to ride maverick this summer seeing as how I haven't had a chance to do so yet.

Favorite Woodie: Beast Steel: Raging Bull

I love B&M hypers. they're so comfortable I could fall asleep in them. their seats are the only way to ride!


I am impatiently awaiting the announcement of a 500+ ft. coaster & which park it will be at. I hope we get some mammoth sized record breaking coasters that are full complex circuits, not just a cheap trick like TTD & Kingda Ka in my lifetime.


I love libraries, music, books, friends, & tattoos

don't hesitate to message me

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Hello there! My name is Kiel, and I'm in the dull, grey UK, living pretty much the same distance away from both Alton Towers and Drayton Manor park (lucky me)


I've been on a few rollercoasters in my time, and even worked on a few (its boring)


I have no danglies on my phone, but my girlfriend has about a million now I think, they weigh more than her phone.


I work in I.T. (very boring) and wear big boots that smell, but the smell is the boots themselves, not the feet, honest


This year, I wanna visit all the parks in my fine, fair country, and hope the weather holds out

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Yes, you'll find out that the emotions on here are one of a kind. If your lucky enough you might just get one made for you. As such.


Good to see people posting information about themselves! As for me, I'm Mike. Not in a whole lot of photos. Mainly work behind the scenes of everything. I'm totally addicted to coffee. I've been with Six Flags for a few years and with Universal Studios for around 9 months. Which keeps me pretty busy.



Again, welcome to everyone new! Awesome to see that a lot of you live in a close proximity to parks! Don't be shy to post Photo Trip Reports on our board even if your brand new!


Private Message me if you guys have any questions.



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You know I don't think I have ever introduced myself to TPR!:oops:


Well I've been here for a couple of years now and I can honestly this has been the most informative and intriguing site pertaining to theme parks and rollercoasters. My name is Josue (That's Joshua in spanish but everyone calls me Josh) and am 23 years old. Born and raised in Los Angeles I currently work for the Los Angeles Superior Court near Dodger Stadium. I attend Cal State LA and LACC but I'm currently taking a break from school for a bit. I play the saxophone and drums for my church but my main instrument is the drums. I have a link to our band's myspace in my signature if anyone would like to take a peek. (But songs are in spanish sorry) I've been with my girlfriend for over 5 years now and wedding bells are soon approaching so I'm just saving as much as I can before the big day comes. WCB 2009 will be my first TPR event so am looking forward to meeting people from this site and so be afraid to say hi... See you guys at the bash! Peace

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Hi everyone!


Just joined within the last hour, got here through a link about the Disney's "Are you 23" thread posted about what it is from another site. I just recently got over my fear of going on Roller Coasters (still afraid of heights though!). Went to Busch Gardens Africa last month with my family and went on all of them but Sheikra (90 degree drop still intense for me). My name is Derek, and I turned 18 just 4 months ago. I've been in college for 2 years now, taking classes to become a game programmer as I'm a hardcore gamer, and have quite a few ideas of games I want to make :<. I'm from central Florida (well not really central, but they call it that, quite farther north in the state). I'm about 30 minutes from Daytona, occasionally go to the track, not a fan of NASCAR but it's still quite fun to go and see the races there.

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Hello everyone! I'm Bobby. I joined TPR a few weeks ago and I haven't introduced myself yet so I think it's time for me to do that. I'm a junior in high school. I'm 17 years old. I live in the Seattle, Washington area. The theme park for the Seattle area is Wild Waves Enchanted Village but I don't go there too often because it's not a very good theme park. The theme park I go to the most often around Seattle is Silverwood Theme Park in Northern Idaho and that park just keeps getting better and better every year. My coaster count is only 20 sadly enough but I haven't been to many theme parks and this summer i'm hoping that I can double my coaster count. Outside of coasters I play alot of baseball and am very busy with all of the SAT, ACT and all of the college prep stuff since i'm about to go to college in less than 2 years. I'm very happy to be apparat of TPR

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Hello to all!

My name is Karl Crail and I hail from Chula Vista California (Suburb of San Diego).

I'm what you would call a "born again" coaster geek. Meaning that from the age of five til about fourteen or fifteen, I did nothing but eat, sleep and drink roller coasters and theme parks! In the last few years my interest in the subject dwindled due to a myriad of reasons. But now, I feel that the time has come to get back into the groove of things and catch up with all things that deal with roller coasters!

To be honest, I never really counted how many coasters I've been on!

My favorite coaster for the longest time WAS Ghostrider at Knott's, but of course as we all know, it could very easily be put in the Tower of London as a torture device because of the sheer pain it inflicts on its riders! But as of right now, I'm still searching for that special coaster!

Things not pertaining to coasters: I love music. All kinds of music. But mainly popular music in all forms. I'm the only person that I know that has *NSYNC next to NWA on an iPod!


And to those who are in the know: I stopped paying attention to theme parks in 2006. So can anyone tell me in few sentences more or less what has happened since that time in the world of amusement parks?

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