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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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I know I'm kind of biased here, but I think this might be the coolest looking coaster train ever. The finishes are exquisite.


I think this might be the earliest they've ever gotten a coaster testing. I don't recall Powderkeg or Outlaw testing until after the season. Probably don't want any surprises after lightning rod...

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^Right?? I figured Cedar Fair parks would be the only ones to install neckbelts on their Mack spinners!

Neckbelts are a great way to reduce head-banging. If parks just installed these on their old Arrows and Vekomas, they wouldn't need to invest in new trains.

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I take it you haven't been to Silver Dollar City. Planks over windows is pretty standard theming for that park.


It's the only theme park I've visited, so I'm quite biased when it comes to SDC. I just didn't know if they were going to change the theming with the time traveling aspect.

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I take it you haven't been to Silver Dollar City. Planks over windows is pretty standard theming for that park.


It's the only theme park I've visited, so I'm quite biased when it comes to SDC. I just didn't know if they were going to change the theming with the time traveling aspect.

Those planks over the windows are actually part of the giant steel structure that the station was built on. It’s a very interesting design really as every level of the queue and station has many part of the structure still visible. Guess that they’re using it to add more steampunk/industrial themes to the station.

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I'm still not understanding the giant building for the station. Maybe I missed it in this thread. Is the queue multi leveled within the building? Don't get me wrong the building looks great but it makes me expect something more.

Yes, it's multileveled, it'll be chockfull of theming of time travel and steampunk

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There are two levels of queue area before you get to the loading level. It doesn't look as big anymore as it did during construction now that it's all be closed in and the insides are taking shape. It's just really tall, especially from the valley side. Probably could have been a bit less tall if they had done the launch/lift before the drop like the concept artwork had. Maybe it was cheaper this way. Still a crazy spot to squeeze in a coaster like this.

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Very smooth, and the cars were not spinning very fast. The launches were smooth and didn't seem to accelerate too quickly. Of course it will probably feel more intense on the ride than it looked from the back porch of the culinary school. Still, if you're on the fence about this, worried that the spinning would be too much, I think it's going to be just fine. I wouldn't expect ultimate intensity from Time Traveler. Probably will be closer to Powder Keg than Outlaw Run.

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Probably will be closer to Powder Keg than Outlaw Run.


And as far as I am concerned there is nothing wrong with that! Powder Keg is still an awesome coaster!


Awesome shots! I almost went up there today. Now I regret not doing so. haha

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^^ Well honestly, this seems (to me) a lot like Crush's Coaster in Disney Studios, Paris. All indoors, and individual spinning cars,

but depending on the weight distribution, and the layout of the track...turned out to be not a big deal. But this should still

be quite the sensation, on such a layout as this, including inversions!


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^ Yeah, spinning through an inversion should be quite the experience. I was worried it might be too intense, but seeing the layout and now seeing how it goes, I'm not worried about it. This is something I could handle.


Probably will be closer to Powder Keg than Outlaw Run.


And as far as I am concerned there is nothing wrong with that! Powder Keg is still an awesome coaster!


Awesome shots! I almost went up there today. Now I regret not doing so. haha

Oh yeah, those are both great. Just different levels of intensity.


Today was a great day. Drizzly and cold enough to keep people away, but not enough rain or cold to close anything outside of Expo.

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Yeah, rides like tea cups really mess me up. Not sure why. I can handle spinning coasters usually, but I don't often like them for that reason. I think this is gentle enough to be a spinning ride I could probably get into.


Same boat for me. I've even gotten queasy on the Merry Go Round. But I have no trouble with spinning coasters so I'm praying that will hold up for Time Traveler.

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People are talking about how trimmed the first drop is... Time will tell how it operates in three months when there are real riders, but for now it seems like the big first drop may seem like kind of a dud - for the front cars at least. I think coaster enthusiasts will quickly learn to head for the back and it will be plenty thrilling in those seats.


I suspected all along that it wouldn't be that intense. People make too much out of a little spinning. Other than the first drop, which will apparently be neutered, there are no obviously intense elements on this ride. The first launch might have a nice push to it, but less so than PK. We'll see what it actually feels like, but I think a lot of people will be surprised by how "mild" the ride actually is, compared to how it's been presented. It looks really imposing, but they stopped short of making it actually crazy.


Ultimately I think it will be a really fun ride, but I think it will have an identity problem among the GP. It's going to be tough to get anyone on it that isn't a fan of thrill coasters, but actual thrill seekers may be disappointed that it isn't as wildly thrilling as it seems.


I guess I should add though that it could feel a lot more intense than it looks. I'm ready to try it out.

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People are talking about how trimmed the first drop is... Time will tell how it operates in three months when there are real riders, but for now it seems like the big first drop may seem like kind of a dud - for the front cars at least. I think coaster enthusiasts will quickly learn to head for the back and it will be plenty thrilling in those seats.


I suspected all along that it wouldn't be that intense. People make too much out of a little spinning. Other than the first drop, which will apparently be neutered, there are no obviously intense elements on this ride. The first launch might have a nice push to it, but less so than PK. We'll see what it actually feels like, but I think a lot of people will be surprised by how "mild" the ride actually is, compared to how it's been presented. It looks really imposing, but they stopped short of making it actually crazy.


Ultimately I think it will be a really fun ride, but I think it will have an identity problem among the GP. It's going to be tough to get anyone on it that isn't a fan of thrill coasters, but actual thrill seekers may be disappointed that it isn't as wildly thrilling as it seems.


I guess I should add though that it could feel a lot more intense than it looks. I'm ready to try it out.

Im with you on that. If you look at SDC's social media pages, all the comments about the ride are for the majority constant complaining that the ride will spin wayyy too much. Everyone in the comment section, besides the few and far between coaster enthusiasts that claim this will be the best thing since sliced bread, says this ride will be too much for them. But many also say that the ride would be great if it didn't spin. I feel that it may take a bit of time for the GP to warm up to the ride, but once they do, it may become the next Wildfire for the GP.


I also agree with what you said about the drop. It does seem like the front and the back will offer drastically different experiences due to the trim. Though, im sure thats the consequence of having such a long train and a smaller, but steep drop. The front definitely will get a weaker experience on the drop, but the hang could be interesting. Imagine sitting backwards in the first car and the spinning around to face straight down the drop. That could be quite fun. The back seat is definitely going to be the place to be as it looks like it gets whipped like mad down that drop. This ride definitely isnt about intensity, but the section after the loop with the twisting airtime hill, zero g, and another ejector hill looks quite strong. Who knows how it will ride though.

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