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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Yeah, they were the big plastic cups. Probably 20oz. With our free stays at Hyatt and us already having Season Passes, we joked about our 3 beer each $90 alcohol total being the largest bill of the entire trip.


Zach, I know you've probably talked about it in the past already, but how is it that you swung free Hyatt stays again?

We have a Hyatt Visa card. It's the card we use the most. We pay for almost everything on the card and we pay it off at the end of every single month. We've never paid a dime of interest and we usually stay about 8-10 free nights per year, with plenty of points left over. I have no idea what the interest rates are, because we never put ourselves in a position to have Credit Card debt. I think we have a $75 annual fee. It took us three years to get to platinum status, which comes with perks like suite upgrades. We usually hold anywhere from 50,000 - 100,000+ points on our card at a time. You get double points for food/travel purchases.


Hyatt Place: 5,000 points/night

Hyatt Regency 7,000 points/night

Hyatt Grands are 10,000-20,000

Hyatt resorts 20,000 per night


The Hyatt places are like a nicer Holiday Inn. The regencies are really nice, with well stocked bars, better gyms, and nicer pools. The Grands are usually beach front, or destination locations, with all of the amenities. The resorts are just awesome. We also get one free night/year for the hell of it. They also recently added flights, cars, and other travels to their points plan. However, as you can imagine, it pays off the most to use it on their hotels and resorts. I think we tallied up two round trip non stop flights to Charlotte and it was going to take up about 40,000 points.


Thanks, Zach, that's great advice. I really need to look into more brand-specific credit card reward systems rather than just my basic cash rewards card.


I have a Chase Sapphire Reserve, A Chase Freedom, and A Discover IT, the last two have rotating 5% back categories . These are my go to, everyday cards. I've got others that had large sign up bonuses and offer something g like annual points or a free hotel stay that negates the annual fee like Southwest and Marriott. There is a Marvel branded cash back card that offers 3 % on:


3% Back:

For every dollar in eligible net purchases (merchandise purchased minus returns and adjustments) ("Purchases"), rounded to the nearest hundredth, charged to your Card for Purchases of dining, select entertainment and for Marvel Online and Convention Purchases. Select entertainment categories include Movie Theatres, Video Rental and Game Stores, Theatrical and Concert Promoters, Amusement Parks, Digital Entertainment, Games and Software, Music, Books and Newsstands, Toys and Hobby Stores.

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Mercy Health Systems Co-Worker Appreciation Day



But on to the most important matter of them all. I RODE OUTLAW RUN IN THE DARK, BITCHES!!! If you haven't had the chance, it is amazing. The train was flying at night, after having had a long day of great weather to warm up. The sense of speed, already significant due to the wooded terrain layout, is amplified in the dark. The only opportunity for this type of ride is a couple weeks in late summer when the park runs Moonlight Madness and stays open until 10, 11, or midnight. That makes the ERT session that much more special.




We've ridden Outlaw Run during the winter festival and I agree, it's just the most amazing thing in the dark. November 2015 was the first time my daughter (8 at the time) rode it with me and I don't even have the words to convey it; you get flashes of the xmas lights (especially the big santa sleigh they have set up facing the train tracks) and it's just a blur of color and sound and the screaming of the wheels, and I look over and my daughter is loving it just as much as I am. Maybe a few dad tears showed up at the end, I dont know.


I also rode that with a Santa impersonator in the car behind us which was a lot of fun! HO HO HOOO OH NOOOOOO

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Thanks! It's going to be about a month before the next update, as we're leaving in 2 weeks for Dollywood, Holiday World, and places in between. Super excited about that trip.

Sounds like a fun trip. You swinging by the neighborhood? (SFSTL)

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I went to Silver Dollar City earlier this day. First visit since Spring Break, and that day was Hell, super crowded! Today there was not very many people whatsoever, but then again, I got there at opening and left at 11:30. I only went on a handful of rides, I started out at Powder Keg. My first ride on it I sat in the front, there was only one other person on the train. By the time I got around to the entrance again, there was a ride op at the entrance calling out that the ride was open. The second time around I sat in the back, only four other people in the train. Next I went to Wildfire. They were only running one train on it but a second wasn't really needed. First time I sat in the front, the other two times I sat in the back. Wildfire is still my favorite coaster there, little rattly, but has a great view, pulls great forces, and it was built in 2001, which is the same year I was born. I never had to wait more than five minutes, which is good compared to last time at Spring Break when the line went all the way through the upstairs queue line. I didn't even know the queue extended to the second floor of the building, I thought it was just storage. Next I went to Outlaw Run. When I got in there, the ride almost immediately broke down. The lap bars were supposed to come up, but they stayed locked and wouldn't come back up. Does this happen on a lot of other RMC coasters? Because this is the fourth time I've seen this on Outlaw Run, and one of those times I was actually on it. I never got to ride it today as by the time I was ready to leave about an hour and a half later, it was still closed. Next I went to the Giant Barn Swing and took a ride. I kind of think those S&S Screaming Swings are too short in ride time, but oh well, I still had fun. Next I went and rode the Lost River as it was getting pretty hot. After that I went to Firefall and took two rides. Firefall is definitely my favorite flat ride there as it was my first drop tower when it was located at Celebration City, plus it is one of the more powerful S&S Double Shots. The first time I was facing the rest of the park. Now here is the interesting part, the second time I rode on the backside of the tower that faces the employee parking lot and the maintenance area. When we were at the top of the tower I saw a collection of long, round, thick, gray supports. They looked like coaster supports from the way they were shaped and how thick they were, but I don't think they would go with gray for the color of their new coaster, so I assume it is probably just supports for the station or something. There are signs all over the park that mention the new coaster, saying things like "what's all that blasted excitement over by Thunderation?" And other things like that. Overall it was a good day, not too hot, nice breeze, light crowds, no lines. I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures, I didn't even think to bring a camera.

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and it was built in 2001, which is the same year I was born.

Yesss. What a great time to be born! Strange how you love coasters which were made the same year you were born. Must be why I love Expedition GeForce (I love it really, which is why I give it harsh reviews (so close to perfect, that it could be perfect (annoying))). Does anyone else find that they like a coaster more as it is made on your birth year.


Thanks for the reviews.

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Does anyone else find that they like a coaster more as it is made on your birth year.

Nope, I dislike Boomerangs, and 1984 was practically the Year of the Boomerang.


Eli, thanks for the report. SDC is a great place, especially on slower days.

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and it was built in 2001, which is the same year I was born.

Yesss. What a great time to be born! Strange how you love coasters which were made the same year you were born. Must be why I love Expedition GeForce (I love it really, which is why I give it harsh reviews (so close to perfect, that it could be perfect (annoying))). Does anyone else find that they like a coaster more as it is made on your birth year.


Thanks for the reviews.

That's also why I like Cheetah, Batwing, Nitro, Talon, Vertical Velocity, and Titan.

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Does anyone else find that they like a coaster more as it is made on your birth year.

Nope, I dislike Boomerangs, and 1984 was practically the Year of the Boomerang.


Eli, thanks for the report. SDC is a great place, especially on slower days.

I kind of like Boomerang coasters. But SDC is a fun park, not my favorite, but still great. It doesn't get super crowded often. It is only crazy during Spring Break, Memorial Day weekend, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Christmas time. One of my friend's mother who works in management there said that attendance is actually kind of lower than what Herschend would want throughout the year but they make up for it during the Christmas season, which I think is interesting.

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Does anyone else find that they like a coaster more as it is made on your birth year.

Nope, I dislike Boomerangs, and 1984 was practically the Year of the Boomerang.


Eli, thanks for the report. SDC is a great place, especially on slower days.

I kind of like Boomerang coasters. But SDC is a fun park, not my favorite, but still great. It doesn't get super crowded often. It is only crazy during Spring Break, Memorial Day weekend, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Christmas time. One of my friend's mother who works in management there said that attendance is actually kind of lower than what Herschend would want throughout the year but they make up for it during the Christmas season, which I think is interesting.

They seem to be greatly effected by travel holidays. The crowds tend to die out where there is little to no one in the park in the weeks right before a major holiday, especially the 4th of July. I had a photo, but i couldn't find it but it was about 3 in the afternoon and we were at fire in the hole looking up towards the large hill to get into that area, don't know if it has a name or not, but there was not a single person in sight. It was the most awesome feeling, yet quite eerie, as i'm not used to seeing crowds so low.

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Does anyone else find that they like a coaster more as it is made on your birth year.

Nope, I dislike Boomerangs, and 1984 was practically the Year of the Boomerang.


Eli, thanks for the report. SDC is a great place, especially on slower days.

I kind of like Boomerang coasters. But SDC is a fun park, not my favorite, but still great. It doesn't get super crowded often. It is only crazy during Spring Break, Memorial Day weekend, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Christmas time. One of my friend's mother who works in management there said that attendance is actually kind of lower than what Herschend would want throughout the year but they make up for it during the Christmas season, which I think is interesting.

They seem to be greatly effected by travel holidays. The crowds tend to die out where there is little to no one in the park in the weeks right before a major holiday, especially the 4th of July. I had a photo, but i couldn't find it but it was about 3 in the afternoon and we were at fire in the hole looking up towards the large hill to get into that area, don't know if it has a name or not, but there was not a single person in sight. It was the most awesome feeling, yet quite eerie, as i'm not used to seeing crowds so low.


That's awesome! I can't think of a single time that I have stayed there to three in the afternoon (unless it was Christmas time). I usually get there about ten minutes before the park opens so I can watch the flag raising and singing of the National Anthem and I can usually ride everything I want to by about noon. Even on a busier day I can get in and out by noon because they usually run two trains on everything. Really the only three rides in the park that every draw huge lines are Powder Keg, Firefall (due to its low capacity), and the Giant Barn Swing. Even thought the park was almost completely empty yesterday and there was only a short line on the Giant Barn Swing, it still took my twenty minutes to get on the ride. I don't know how, the ops weren't terribly slow or anything.

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