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Universal Studios Singapore Discussion Thread

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^Hey at least it actually dispatched together and kind of dueled unlike some other Universal coasters!!!!


Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Universal Orlando!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi guys, looking for a bit of advice. My soon-to-be-new-wife and I are off to Singapore for the first part of our honeymoon in August. We're planning a trip to Universal Studios while we're there. I'm just wondering if it's better to buy tickets online or on the day? Also I hear the park is quite small compared to its Florida cousin so how long would it take to see and do everything? Has there been any news on the "replacement" of BSG? I know they said a new ride would be in by the end of this year, I'm guessing August is probably too soon for that.

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The park is a day at most, I would buy tickets ahead of time if you can to skip some queue. The whole Sentosa Resort though is awesome and you should plan a few days to do it all.


Sentosa is great! Loved the zip lines.

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The park is a day at most, I would buy tickets ahead of time if you can to skip some queue. The whole Sentosa Resort though is awesome and you should plan a few days to do it all.


Thanks Elissa. Yes we'd like to do as much of Sentosa as possible but we're only in Singapore for 4 days so may only have a day and a half or so to spend there.

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The park is a day at most, I would buy tickets ahead of time if you can to skip some queue. The whole Sentosa Resort though is awesome and you should plan a few days to do it all.


Thanks Elissa. Yes we'd like to do as much of Sentosa as possible but we're only in Singapore for 4 days so may only have a day and a half or so to spend there.


We only had 4 days in Singapore and we ended up staying on the island and apart from Universal we ended up mostly doing half day trips into singapore and just enjoying the evenings on the island. Some of the island is pretty expensive but we just really enjoyed staying out there and didn't mind travelling into the city.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen the construction work of Battlestar Galactica at the park. It is honestly too soon to tell what exactly is happening. However, what is clear is that the scaffolding only wraps around the entrance of Human side. In fact, even the l0ck3r area just beside the attraction entrance is not affected by the construction work (there is still a rope cordoning it off, though). There seems to be a few more pieces of scaffolding behind the translucent films. This makes me wonder if it means the park is trying to modify or restore the entrance in preparation for its return.


What really puzzles me is why only the human side is affected. I will imagine that if there is a redesign of the ride theme, both sides will be affected. The only thing special about the human side entrance is that that wheelchair bound guests are required to use human side regardless of whether they are riding human or cylon. So perhaps they are modifying the wheelchair accessible paths?

Edited by cfc
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  • 4 weeks later...
^ Inverted Gringott's. Heard it here first.


Don't see no foundation for a "building" of any sort.

Wouldn't that be built first?


Oh and to that suggestion.


And to ^ I just returned home from riding an absolute BLAST of a new

"family coaster" that was intense enough, no inversions, but A LOT of FUN.


So "smaller" may not nowadays mean "less than thrilling". And it's all great!


The coaster in question - Orkanen in Farup Sommerland, Denmark. From the TPR 2014 Scandi Tour.

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I'm a bit disappointed that they are going for something smaller (not as "thrilling") or so it would appear.


I'm honestly not overly surprised though, Battlestar always seemed to be dead even with 1 train on busier days when all the other rides had long lines. I'd imagine anything thrilling for a while will at least be accessible for all the family. I had hoped that they were going to build a clone of Minion Mayhem like some rumours had suggested.

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According to Coastersandmore, this will be a suspended coaster by Zamperla, themed to Puss in Boots.


The ride will feature a spiral lifthill, "wild drops" and "fast directional changes".


Zamperla installiert für einen Eröffnungstermin 2015 eine neue Achterbahn für die Universal Studios Singapore. Auf einer sehr übersichtlichen Fläche im Dreamworks Themenbereich Far Far Away soll die Anlage ihren Platz finden. Offiziell wurde seitens des Betreibers noch nichts verkündet, doch eine kompakte Achterbahn mit Suspended Fahrzeugen ist bereist in der Installationsphase. Statt des ursprünglich geplanten Kung Fu Panda Themas soll eine Nebenfigur aus den Shrek Filmen zur wilden Achterbahnfahrt einladen: Der gestiefelte Kater hatte vor einigen Jahren in einem eigenen Kinofilm mit einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd über den Dächer einer Ortschaft für Furore gesorgt. Zamperla liefert die Hardware mit Spirallift, wilden Drops und schnellen Richtungswechseln.



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The park is building a new inverted or suspended coaster behind the Shrek area.


No other information known.





source: http://dejiki.com/2014/07/uss-update-2014jul/


According to Coastersandmore, this will be a suspended coaster by Zamperla, themed to Puss in Boots.


The ride will feature a spiral lifthill, "wild drops" and "fast directional changes".


Zamperla installiert für einen Eröffnungstermin 2015 eine neue Achterbahn für die Universal Studios Singapore. Auf einer sehr übersichtlichen Fläche im Dreamworks Themenbereich Far Far Away soll die Anlage ihren Platz finden. Offiziell wurde seitens des Betreibers noch nichts verkündet, doch eine kompakte Achterbahn mit Suspended Fahrzeugen ist bereist in der Installationsphase. Statt des ursprünglich geplanten Kung Fu Panda Themas soll eine Nebenfigur aus den Shrek Filmen zur wilden Achterbahnfahrt einladen: Der gestiefelte Kater hatte vor einigen Jahren in einem eigenen Kinofilm mit einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd über den Dächer einer Ortschaft für Furore gesorgt. Zamperla liefert die Hardware mit Spirallift, wilden Drops und schnellen Richtungswechseln.




I knew I had recognized those cross ties ... those same cross ties can be seen on the Zamperla's Thunderbolt at Luna park. They have the triangular cross section on the cross ties.


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Hey guys:


I've translated the paragraph into English, for convenience:

"Zamperla installs a new roller coaster at Universal Studios Singapore for an opening date of 2015. On a very clear area in the Dreamworks theme Far Far Away the plant is to find their place. Officially part of the operator not yet been announced, but a compact coaster with suspended vehicles traveled in the installation phase. Instead of the originally planned Kung Fu Panda theme a minor character from the Shrek films to invite to the wild roller coaster ride: Puss in Boots had made several years ago in a private cinema with a wild chase across the rooftops of the village of Furore. Zamperla provides the hardware with spiral elevator, wild drops and quick changes of direction. Let's hope that the handling characteristics are significantly better than the compact Zamperla Flying Coaster counterpart."

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Second Drop and Dejiki are reporting that the scaffolding around Battlestar has come down...


The covers and scaffolds have all vanished at Battlestar Galactica.

While some machinery are still spotted in the backstage area of the park's flagship attraction, the dueling roller coasters seem intact.


The tracks' colours are very inconsistent all over the place due to recent works. But recovering the ride is more pertinent than making it look good. The date draws close to the one year mark - a year of downtime.



It looks like parts of the track have been modified.


For example, compare this particular "segment connector" and the cross-ties right near it.

Notice how they're much closer together now (big photo), than before (inset).


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