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The trouble with Battlefield, though is there isn't enough of a variety of maps, for one, and secondly people rarely ever work together. There are always too many snipers, too many medics, etc.


Socom is as tactical as you're going to get when it comes to shooters. I can't wait for Socom 4.

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Don't get Reach if you don't want to think lol. Since Reach takes longer to kill people, the strategic overflow nearly quints in size. Reach is a lot of strategy. If you don't want strategy on depleting shields effectively and playing tactical-based games like Invasion, then get Call of Duty. It's almost all compiled of "who has the better gun/better aim".

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Alright, uh, I decided that I'm gonna get Halo: Reach. That'll only be about $10 plus my $35 gift card to GameStop, if I can find it used.


Also, I feel like I should have worded my question a little better. I don't mind thinking about strategy and stuff when playing online, I can enjoy something like Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead with no problems. It's just sometimes I get a bit sick of playing Mass Effect 2 and DJ Hero 2 for so many hours, I just want an online shooter that's a load of fun.


Yeah, my wording was crap. Sorry for the confusion.

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^Dunno what your (or, judging by how old you are, your parents') views are on the M-Rated Sandbox games, but I picked up Saint's Row 2 a few weeks ago, and have already dumped more than three days into it. It plays like the brainless old GTA games, but offers tons of customization options and a massive array of random things to do and explore. And by now, even the collecter's edition runs about $30 max. If you want (or if you can), I'd highly recommend giving it a look if you're looking for a nice, easy alternative to the more challenging games out there!


(Oh, and the co-op is epic, even if you don't know the other person. Jousting in private jets was one of the best things I ever did in a game.)

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Messing with LittleBigPlanet 2. Being hooked on the Santa Claw, I've made several variations of the given crane game (or any crane game in that matter). Now that I'm happy with a working crane I made, I've gone on to make a ridiculously hard level (I hope it's hard!). Anyone who's played LBP should know how the game works. The level I'm working on is inspired by LBP2's early grappling levels (uses a grapple hook to swing) and is chock-full of shock hazards. There will be very minimal safe ground. Maybe I'll post a LBP Level TR once it's complete.

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Messing with LittleBigPlanet 2. Being hooked on the Santa Claw, I've made several variations of the given crane game (or any crane game in that matter). Now that I'm happy with a working crane I made, I've gone on to make a ridiculously hard level (I hope it's hard!). Anyone who's played LBP should know how the game works. The level I'm working on is inspired by LBP2's early grappling levels (uses a grapple hook to swing) and is chock-full of shock hazards. There will be very minimal safe ground. Maybe I'll post a LBP Level TR once it's complete.


Actually, inspired by your post, I went out and uploaded my own take on the claw today. I'd love to see how you did your's though, as mine is extremely rudimentary.

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Mass Effect 2's final mission... Woah.


I'm not even done with it yet. Too bad I know I'm gonna have to repeat it to get the results I want (who, if anyone, on my crew is sacrificed). Stupid game, not telling me that specific characters have to be picked for each part of the mission, or else whoever you picked will die...

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Man, I'm getting into Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. It's been around two years since I played the original, but I remember how amazingly charming and fun that game was, and the sequel builds on that legacy. Sure, a couple of the puzzles have some left-field solutions that you need to use all your hint coins just to figure out in a massive "D'OH!" moment, but the story and style more than make up for it. The animated cutscenes are like nothing else on the DS, and the charming environments, entertaining characters and peculiar situations all work wonders to suck you in. I'm loving it.

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Just finished "Donkey Kong Country Returns" and good lord nearly busted several veins in my head... that was SO difficult... but oh so satisfying... now I'm trying it again... and not finding it NEARLY as difficult... yeah, its very tough... but not so much where it isn't fun...


Also just ordered Mario Sports Mix on Amazon (due to the $10 credit they are currently offering)... should be receiving that next week sometime...


and will continue with DKCR in the meantime... as well as Super Mario All Stars...

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Man, I'm getting into Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. It's been around two years since I played the original, but I remember how amazingly charming and fun that game was, and the sequel builds on that legacy. Sure, a couple of the puzzles have some left-field solutions that you need to use all your hint coins just to figure out in a massive "D'OH!" moment, but the story and style more than make up for it. The animated cutscenes are like nothing else on the DS, and the charming environments, entertaining characters and peculiar situations all work wonders to suck you in. I'm loving it.

I love the Professor Layton series, the conclusions of the stories at the end always get me. I'm about half way through Unwound Future right now.

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Right now I'm playing through Eternal Sonata (Xbox360). I really enjoy the musical theme and the way the battles are both turn based and real time. Plus, the graphics are beautiful (especially the colors). These things more than make up for the often cheesy JRPG cutscenes and voice acting


Also, I just preordered Marvel vs Capcom 3, which will arrive at my doorstep a week from today!

Any game that lets me use Ryu, Spider-man, and Viewtiful Joe to take on Galactus is fine by me.

Time to dust off the ol' fight sticks.

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Gore Verbinski was talking about his take on the BioShock movie and why it didn't get off the ground.

"I couldn't really get past anybody that would spend the money that it would take to do it and keep an R rating," he explained, "Alternately, I wasn't really interested in pursuing a PG-13 version. Because the R rating is inherent. Little Sisters and injections and the whole thing. I just wanted to really, really make it a movie where, four days later, you're still shivering and going, "Jesus Christ!"... It's a movie that has to be really, really scary, but you also have to create a whole underwater world, so the pricetag is high. We just didn't have any takers on an R-rated movie with that pricetag."



I wish I was rich and had the money to finance that vision....I think I may go replay BioShock 1 and 2 now.

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