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Still learning how to play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and it gets frustrating at times. Can't seem to become hooked on it (not that I want to) nor can I seem to raise my total KDR. It's a pretty cool game, don't get me wrong. Is it supposed to take a while to get used to especially because I haven't played many shooters before either?

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Still learning how to play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and it gets frustrating at times. Can't seem to become hooked on it (not that I want to) nor can I seem to raise my total KDR. It's a pretty cool game, don't get me wrong. Is it supposed to take a while to get used to especially because I haven't played many shooters before either?


BC2 requires balanced and well-rounded teams, and good strategy. Unfortunately a lot of the people you run into online aren't going to care about this, and you'll have teams where every player is using the Sniper class. Your team will lose and your performance will suffer if that's the case.

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Who here is preordering Portal 2? Looking at some of the previews on steam it looks EPIC. My brother and I are preordering it next week so we can play on Co-op mode.






I wonder if they'll ever make a full on Multiplayer Portal. Maybe with giant maps that require more than two people. Or even some kind of Co-op "Race mode" with two Co-op teams racing to complete the chamber would be cool.

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Video games are over-rated. I'm just joshin' but yeah, I used to play them but then I kind of just lost interest in them.

They're truly fun when you are good at them. If you do "average" online or are just not that good, they are a LOT less fun.


That's when playing with a group of friends comes in handy. If you all are bad together, it just turns into hilarity.

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Playing around with LittleBigPlanet once again, can't ever get enough of that game. I just checked out a user made level where someone made a Vekoma-style (Visually looks like a Vekoma) ultra twister tilt coaster. Amazingly realistic regardless of the game's limitations. If you play LBP, just search "Vekoma."

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That's when playing with a group of friends comes in handy. If you all are bad together, it just turns into hilarity.


Amen to that. Even the most horrible games can be a blast with a few friends on the couch, especially if nobody's taking it seriously. Like if you get on MW2, an otherwise abysmal multiplayer game, and make up your own little games to play. It's just so much more fun than raging when playing with anons online.

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Just got a GTX460 so i'm finally digging into The Witcher and Crysis, as well as Indigo Prophecy since i loved Heavy Rain (too bad you can't play it in widescreen!)


On the Ps3 i just have Skate and Grid, finished KZ2 and thinking about BFBC because i actually liked the 2nd on PC.


Thinking about the Sims 3, but i heard that game is addicting I also need to get around to borrowing a Ps2 to finally play Okami.

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I *finally* got my copy of the 25th Anniversary Mario All-Stars for the Wii. Apparently, after the limited run, the Big N did another run and got re-released today. Not all stores got it however, so this morning I made a mad dash to Best Buy as soon as they opened to get it... This is the absolute last chance to get the game (at a normal retail price of $30 and not the ridiculous $80 I've seen). With this said, I'm currently playing SMB3, my favorite of the NES Mario games, and one of my overall top games.

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NICE -- I got mine during its first run back in December... there were only 3 copies on the shelf at my local Best Buy... Never saw it again... I don't care that it's a "lazy" port of an SNES rom... I love this game... and always will...

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