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"I'm gonna Die!"

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Tomahawk - Frontier City -- I was the only one on the ride and the ride op didn't check my restraint. The ride started to go without problem, then when we got to the top (upside down) my harness became COMPLETELY unlatched. The only reason why I didn't die diving head first on to metal was because a seatbelt kept the harness back. I tried to poke my body out of one side of the harness to see if it is possible to fall out, so then-believe it or not- the harness became locked with my head still outside of the harness. For the rest of the ride I was in pain.



Oh, that's smart. your restraint is loose, so what do you do? Squirm out of it.




trust me, this wouldn't have been the ride's fault should something have ahppened.


Yeah, it was pretty stupid. The day I was there though, the Mindbender was having problems too. The yellow bar that pushes restraints down were coming loose. I didn't ride it though.

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Mine was on Giant Dipper at SCBB.


I was about ten years old and I was going to SCBB for the first time. I went on some flats and then made my way up to Hurricane the small compact coaster. This really scared me because It came very close to the ground and I thought I way going to loose my arms. I really enjoyed my ride and when I got off I decided to go ride Giant Dipper.

The thing that you have to realize is that I was a very small and skinny ten year old kid. After waiting for about ten minutes I got on the ride and pulled down my seat belt to find that it was a couple of inches off of my lap. I didn't think anything about it and then the ride started, went through the underground helix, and started to ascend the lift. When we reached the climax I got scared because I just realized how far the seat belt was off of my lap. When the train went down the first drop I was holding on for dear life because I could have easily made it out of the seat. I was so scared and really thought that I was going to die. I have never experienced such terrifying airtime, and every single hill had more than the last.

When the ride was over I realized how much fun I had and I couldn't wait to get on it again. This horrible experience ended up being one of the best coaster experiences I have ever had. It also put Giant Dipper high on my top wood coaster list. I love that ride and i will never forget my amazing airtime filled experience.

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Hahahaha YES. I love this topic. I have actually had several "I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!" moments.



#1: The first time I rode Dragster we were on (what I though was the first) train of the day after it had been broken down for like, 2 weeks. It was 9:30am and since we were staying at the Hotel Breakers we got in early. We boarded and they roled out the train. YELLOW "oh crap" YELLOW "I'm going to die." YELLOW "OMFG JEZUS" GREEN *I start screaming at an insanely annoying highpitched tone brough on by my sheer terror but... wait. Whoops. I didn't know that they rolled out two trains at once it wasn't even our turn. Boy, did I feel like a bigger dork then usual.


#2: So a couple of years ago I made my first trek to CP. I, having never been on a drop ride before, decided to brave a ride on PowerTower. Red side first. Well, I got in, the locked the harnesses, the OPs came around and checked them, and then... POP, the harnesses came undone and I heard a "clear" from the tower. Seeing as we had a group of 5 and I was the lucky one who was sitting alone, I had no idea that everyone else's had popped undone as well and that the "clear" was for the other red tower.



(Before we get started let me clarify that, yes, I love roller-coasters, but am a huge pansy when it comes heavily scary themed dark rides)



#3: Seeing as that I am a HUGE PANSY and I hate anything remotely scary, including movies (I still can't watch the opening scene of Ghostbusters with the ghost in the library) I was absolutely terrified to ride Revenge of the Mummy. I couldn't even watch the movie without coving my eyes... how the HELL am I going to make it through this ride!? Even the line creeped me out, so to get on the ride was terrifying. I expected the "guards" to pop up in the first scene but when I saw the bugs... I'm pretty sure I belted out a very loud "Oh *insert a four letter explitive that starts with F here*"


and finally,


#4: I was doing fine on MGM Studios Tower of Terror but completely lost it when on one of our rides our drop sequence flashed a couple of corpses in front of us. Again, being a total pansy and totally unprepared for such a thing... I basically, in a nutshell, had a heart attack.

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CD, you're not alone. I was freaked out on the first drop of Giant Dipper too. Of course, I rode it 4 more times after that!


Another time was when I first rode Kong, an SLC at SFMW, also my first SLC, I was at the top of the lift hill. I had been on the website for a year before that, and heard how rough these things are. I braced myself for the worst, and I received it. You guys were right!

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Yeah, on X-Coaster at Magic Springs, I knew I wasn't in danger, but I started sliding while hanging upside down 150 ft. in the air. That was probably my most "scary" moment on a coaster.


Or maybe when I couldn't get my girlfriend's seatbelt to latch on Zippin Pippin at Libertyland, as the ops forgot to check it.

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I've had a few of those moments...


Acrophoba was one. I have a thing with drop towers, my mind doesn't like them very much, and the "Standing" and tilting was enough to set my nerves into overdrive.


Deja Vu was another, going up the first lift the second time and stalling (I happened to be in the front row), I thought my restraint was going to fail and I was gonna become part of the cement below.


The other was Bug Out at Wild Adventures... (A Wild Mouse), it turns out that our restraint didn't lock and kept coming up the whole ride. My friend and I were holding onto the side of the train and holding the lapbar down as well. We told the Ops when we got back to the station, they closed the ride for 15 minutes and inspected the train... they then taped off the front row with caution tape and took it off the ride. Turns out there was something faulty with it.


The biggest "I'm gonna die" moment was on a "Skyscraper" ride (Those big windmill looking rides). It was at the fair that comes into town each year. The restraint looked like a metal pipe bent into an OTSR, it was about 1 to 1.5in in thickness and bairly came to my stomach... there was no "Crotch hump" on the ride so when it was flipping I kept slipping underneath the restraint. The seatbelt thing to help keep the OTSR in place was the only thing keeping me from falling out at times. I never got on that ride again... and my knuckles have never been so white

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Another time was at the CA State Fair, my sister was on this crazy ride called 'The Experience', it's like an Orbiter ride, but the cars flip over on their own axis. My sister was riding it all alone, the third time, and when the guy was about to start the ride, her OTSR came undone. She panicked, and ran off the ride, signaled to the attendant, and had a fun ride. The End.


Also, the orbiter ride that I was talking about in the above paragraph, that was another time. If you don't know what it is, it's like a scrambler ride where the arm that holds the cars brings them up, almost vertical. The lap bar made it extra scary, and how just before we rode, the guy had to clean up someone's puke

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Slammer and Rush at Thrope Park, i was so scared i was nearly bricking it. ended up riding no hands


detonator at Thorpe Park seemed like a good idea while on the ground. in the air, its not such a good idea after all. same with the 200ft drop in Malaga. slowly climbs 50ft, then quadrouples the speed to about 175 ft, then slows down so it feels as if youre not moving and drops you with out a warning. rode it at midnight and it woke me up.


I HATE FREEFALL TOWERS!!!!! in a nice way though...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had an experience in a funhouse where I thought I'd never get out. It was genually dangerous. It was pitch black so I fell down the stairs. I was really frightened and not in a good way. I was in there for half an hour tripping over dummies and staircases. Horrible.

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Mine was many years ago on an Intamin Looping Starship. My girlfriend and I got on a row where our two seats were the only ones that were not roped off with caution tape. And midway through the ride while we were completely upside down ALL of the other lapbars but ours on our row popped completely open! I'd hate to have been in one of those seats when it happened for the first time....




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I just had and experience like that 2 weeks ago on Medusa at SFMW!...I pulled down my restraint as far as i could, the damn op came by and pushed on my restraint more and it barely clicked again, i really didnt think nothing of it...but then as we were going through the loop..."CLICK!"...it went up a notch!


It wasnt an "Im Gonna Die" moment, but it got me really good....better than their Fright Fest

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Kraken- My brother dragged me on the ride and about half way up the lift hill, I realize that there is more to the ride than what is visible from the queue (basically, I missed a vertical loop and a batwing). I basically cursed out my brother for the first time in my life we went up. I told him that he was going to kill me, I was gunna die and that he should burn. Of course, I didn't mean that (this was back when I was still a non-coaster enthusiast, in fact, far from it). After the ride, I was so happy that I enjoyed it, we went back on 20 more times that day.


Sky Shot- I had wanted to ride it for a while, so on my last day before school, my parents gave me the choice of what to do with the family for the day. We did SkyVenture first and after our flight, we stopped at Magical Midway and I got in line. Once in the car (alone, since everyone else in my family are not as insane as I have become), I was lowered into the launch tube with smoke coming over the top so I couldn't see the sky. I thought to myself that I was technically killing myself by doing it, but the "You only live once..." quote came into my head. I laid my head back and as I did, the car flung forward. That was basically the only time I have greyed out on a thrill ride-even though it was amazingly fun and amazingly painful at the same time. At the end of the ride, I stopped screaming and failing my legs. Due to this, my parents (looking from the ground-up) thought I was either unconcious or dead. I landed down and laughed my head off as my legs tried to gain enough strength (and blood) to support my body weight. It truly is and will be one of the most memorable and insane "I'm gunna Die" moments I will ever have.

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The mouse at PBP. The very first time I rode it I was still a dumb teenager. I had never heard about the lift hills literal head chopper.


I was lifting myself up in the seat, looking down behind me to friends who were taking photos. Yes, I know that was stupid. They started pointing and shouting. i had no idea what they were trying to say. Then I felt the track supports above pushing on my head. If I hadnt dropped back into the seat and twisted my head sideways, it could have done some lethal neck damage. As it is, I got away with a light scraping and a splinter or two.


I love it cos its nuts.

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Er, well, I thought the cable was gonna kill someone when I was working at CP and we were doing a morning Millennium Force test ride and the cable snapped and whipped around the station. Luckily I was up on the train but jeez.


the Wildcat rollback didn't scare me though. It was just plain awesome.

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