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About Flo3:16

  • Birthday 06/02/1987

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  1. I didn`t lose a Bet. This was just something my Friends wanted me to do for a long time. So this Carnival i said: "Alright. But i`ll only do this once." Suprisingly enough i really had fun doing it. Never thought this could be so much fun. I´m planning to do this again on Halloween. So Tips will be helpful.
  2. A half year ago..... Since i wrecked my angle i won`t play anytime soon. When was the last time you fell asleep in front of your Pc?
  3. To bad i had to give them away. Me and my two rats. Lorelai and Rory
  4. Ok no Mamba ERT for me. I Think i´ll be there anyway. Thanks for your help.
  5. How much would the Mamba ERT cost?
  6. I´ve noticed that there will be alot of TPr People in Phantasialand on the 10 of July. So i was wondering when will you People be there, and am i allowed to visit the Park with you?? Greetz:Flo3:16
  7. ^Knows how awesome Mega Man is. vHas an really stupid cat.
  8. I´ll be going there this sunday. And these pics make it even harder to wait. This thing looks just amazing. I´ll post some pice myself on monday.
  9. Does the Story involve, living in a World drawn by Frank Miller?
  10. Could you People please stop posting Pictures of these Creatures. The last one was really bad.
  11. In my Opinion it looks like a extremly overbanked Turn. But i`m not sure because The Camera Angle really make sit hard to tell.
  12. Sure will ask the Boss, before going to Sleep tonight.
  13. This makes me really Sad. Hate to see this Ride go down the drain. But than again........ Maybe they`ll just change the Lightbulbs inside the Building, and try selling it as a re-theming
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