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"I'm gonna Die!"

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I had a im going to die moment on Ghostrider at KBF because the restraint was about five six in. off of me and they didnt have seat belts and i swore i almost fell out of the seat. Also i had one on S:ROS at SFNE cause it was my first ride on it and it was a month after the reopening of it after the death on the ride and was so freaked out but now im not so scared of it. My friend also had one of those on El Toro at SFGA where she was just about to crest the lift hill when the train lost its grab and fell back about 3/4 of the lift hill until it grabbed back onto the lift hill a quarter away from the station and she told me that she was so afraid that she was either going to get hurt badly or die from falling back into the station.

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My friend also had one of those on El Toro at SFGA where she was just about to crest the lift hill when the train lost its grab and fell back about 3/4 of the lift hill until it grabbed back onto the lift hill a quarter away from the station and she told me that she was so afraid that she was either going to get hurt badly or die from falling back into the station.


Umm, i can guarantee that El Toro never rolled back down 3/4 of the lift and then re-engaged.....give me a break. The ride frequently stops at the top of the lift hill, and when the cable lift starts going again the train rolls back about 6 inches.....which scares a lot of riders but my god, talk about exaggeration.

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Zipper at the Enka Fair


That reminds me when I was 13, my friend Kelsey and I were the Gineau Pigs for Zipper. We didn't know, but he put the two of us in there, closed the car, and tested stuff. Kelsey and I at first thought it was cool that we were the only ones on the entire machine until it stopped and started to shake for about a minute. I was like, "Screw this!"


But then all was good and I'm still alive.

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Yes. I went to Halloween Horror Nights on October 27th, 2006 and went on The Mummy. I got stuck on it in the "hot room" and after about 5 or 10 Minutes I heard a Coaster behind us at a fast speed and we wern't moving. I was scared and thought we we're gonna get hit, but to my surprize we started moving.

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Only once, on GhostRider at Knott's. I know it's probably pretty tame compared to lots of other rides I like, but that thing is just NUTS! The first drop is killer.


Of course, this could also be because all of the eight times I've ridden it I've been in the VERY last seat.

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em i had one on space mountain at Disneyland paris. my OTSR wouldnt come down properly but the guy said i would behind.

oooohhhhhh god was he wrong! i was literally holding on for dear life! i honestly thought i was going to die i was bright white when i came of and my friends starting slagging me lol

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There has been a couple in my life. The first one was when I almost blacked out on both Titan at SFOT and Goliath at SFMM. Then there was the time where I was on Big Thunder at the D-Land Resort and the restraint was about half a foot of me but it was still more fun. I almost forgot the time my brain almost became scrambled eggs on Manhhaten


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