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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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I like how they take the time as they are running out to look back, frame up and hold on the Universal Studios sign so the viewer knows exactly where this was shot at. Sorry but this is fake and I totally believe USH is behind this. Universal Orlando did a similar video when Bill & Ted "broke into" a soundstage to see one of the haunted houses. This just seems like Hollywood took that idea and ran with it.


That Youtube channel has been there since 2010, and the existing videos are of some concert.

The description of the video makes it sound like it has nothing to do with the Youtube channel. Just that they found the video of "some kids" and hosted it on their channel. But it cracks me up that they have to approve comments as if not to let people point out the obvious.

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Look at the youtube profile: http://www.youtube.com/user/coolstorybro9000

I don't think that Universal made this video. That Youtube channel has been there since 2010, and the existing videos are of some concert. I'm guessing they added the copyright at the end for fun or something.


Well look at it this way... How long have they had Transformers in the plans. So a 2010 youtube page to set this up ... makes sense to me. This is Universal Hollywood, their marketing team is not going to be a group of last minute thinkers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It doesn't look as weird in person. It's definitely striking. Not exactly what you expect from a military base, but not bad looking either.

Edited by Jew
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I was under the impression that they facade was supposed to be more along the lines of replicas. It's kind of a mashup up of "this is a real military base for the Transformers but it's also a giant movie poster". I think the USS version looks a little better in terms of the building design, but at the end of the day all that matters is that the ride is fun.

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Looks fine to me... I feel like people are becoming over-critical of what the ride looks like. Yes, compared to the other Transformers entrance this one might not seem as impressive, but I like it for what it is. It may have also been a style choice so it would fit better into the lower lot...who knows?


I'll enjoy the ride for what it is. Star Tours and Buzzlightyear also have similar "facades" and I never hear complaints about those. Not that much of a difference here.

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^This is supposed to be the NEST Facility, A government building for the Transformers.... Does the building resemble anything government owned? No, it does not, not in the slightest. That's the issue that is being brought up. The facade of the building does not match the story directly inside the front door. Unlike Singapore, this building isn't hidden, or blended with its surroundings.


So the facade doesn't reflect the story inside of the NEST Facility, and it doesn't attempt to blend with its surroundings. This is why I dont care for this design that much at all.

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