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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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What I find weird is at the end of the video it says that the ride will open on March 12 2011..which was quite a while ago.

Its probably because they start with the day first in Singapore. So it's the 3rd of the 12th month, 2011.

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Just THought of Something. Why did they wait this long to make a Transformers Ride? The "Final" Film has been released to Mixed Reviews. Why not open one in 2009?


Transformer 4 is currently in development.


Even Michael Bay has backpeddled a bit and now is in negotiations to direct it.



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Just THought of Something. Why did they wait this long to make a Transformers Ride? The "Final" Film has been released to Mixed Reviews. Why not open one in 2009?

But it wouldn't be like Universal to build a ride based on something current!


Fear Factor show started just as the show was going off the air.

Simpsons ride built as the show entered it's 20th season.

Harry Potter debuts as the last movie is coming out.

Mummy rides built when that franchise is pretty much dead.

Men in Black opened right as there was about to be a 10 year gap inbetween films.

They still do a Bill & Ted show 20 years after the film (Not complaining...just saying!)

Not even going to mention the WaterWorld show.


Realistically, it's kind of difficult to build a ride based on a "current" property because the shelf life of a movie is so short to begin with, and when you're going to "bank" on a franchise, you kind of want to see if it has legs or not, because your attraction could still very well be at the park in 20+ years.


I will say though, that Universal hasn't quite hit a home run with some of their choices being "timeless" like film such as Little Mermaid or even the Toy Story franchise.


But as long as people can recognize the franchise, and have some expectation of what the ride will be based on the name, that's kind of all you need.


Transformers is a proven franchise in that the new films have been VERY successful 27 years after the toys initially debuted.



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I am happy that USH is actually receiving two significant additions over the span of the next 4 years. With Transformers in 2012, and Potter sometime in 2015 (?), it's great to see that level of investment being brought into USH. I am wondering if they will have something in-between in 2013, like the Despicable Me attraction heading to USF.

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I feel like they are stalling on this, lol. (not really) They are just taking so long to finish the facade.


What differance does it make when the facade is done as long as it is before the ride is set to open!

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  • 1 month later...

Universal Studios Hollywood has sent us a press release regarding their Super Bowl commercial, as well as a new marketing website for the upcoming attraction, including an online game with a chance to win Transformers-related prizes.


Universal Studios Hollywood prepares for battle with the debut of an innovative, national 30-second commercial for its exciting, new motion-based thrill ride, “Transformers™: The Ride-3D,” debuting May 2012. The spot, which airs on February 5 during NBC’s Super Bowl Pre-Game coverage, will also introduce PrepareForBattle.com, an interactive website designed to engage fans with exclusive intel as the campaign’s momentum escalates.


The evocative spot marks Universal Studios Hollywood’s inaugural consumer awareness effort for its marketing campaign launching “Transformers: The Ride-3D.” When NBC’s Super Bowl game coverage once again transcends sports to captivate the nation, Universal Studios Hollywood’s spot will capture consumer imagination as the movie-based theme park sets the stage for its epic new ride, envisioned to completely and uniquely revolutionize the next generation of immersive themed rides.


The spot will culminate with a call to action, challenging viewers to enlist at PrepareForBattle.com as N.E.S.T. volunteers within an elite AUTOBOT –human combat force. The PrepareForBattle.com website includes an interactive, online game in which fans and theme park enthusiasts will compete to rise up the military ranks by successfully completing missions involving exclusive videos, downloads and trivia. Players achieving the highest accumulated point totals will win prizes including original TRANSFORMERS collectibles and a grand prize trip to experience “Transformers: The Ride–3D” at Universal Studios Hollywood.


Larry Kurzweil, President, Universal Studios Hollywood said, “We’re very excited to introduce our new breakthrough advertising campaign for ‘Transformers: The Ride-3D’ during the coveted Super Bowl and to be a part of the edge-of-your-seat suspense surrounding these spots for millions of viewers. In just thirty, thrilling seconds, we’ll be able capture how exhilarating this mega-attraction will be when it officially opens at Universal Studios Hollywood this May.”


“Transformers: The Ride–3D” is based on the iconic brand from Hasbro and electrifying film franchise, directed by Michael Bay, and celebrated for its multi-generational appeal, inventive storyline, spectacular action sequences and amazing special effects. The most recent movie, TRANSFORMERS: Dark of the Moon has become the fourth largest grossing movie of all time at the global box office.


The thrill ride will tell a new “TRANSFORMERS” story using original, photo-realistic 3D-HD media, sophisticated special effects masterminded by Industrial Light & Magic, and one of the most elaborate roaming flight simulator ride systems ever created.


Fusing high-tech elements with an epic new “TRANSFORMERS” tale, “Transformers: The Ride–3D” will be Universal Studios Hollywood’s most ambitious ride ever created and will set a new standard in the world of theme park attractions, stretching the medium’s potential as an immersive and powerful storytelling vehicle.


In the "TRANSFORMERS" movies, Earth’s humans are caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between alien robots, the heroic AUTOBOTS and the evil DECEPTICONS, that physically convert from common mechanical devices, such as cars, trucks and planes to robotic warriors.


“Transformers: The Ride–3D” is being created under a license between Universal Parks & Resorts and Hasbro, Inc.



Edited by jedimaster1227
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Just rode the Singapore version today.

Flawless basically, it just keeps the blowtorch on the whole way through and never lets up.

You guys in SoCal and beyond are in for a treat.... Spoilers





















So the ride does indeed take place across two levels.

About the 3rd screen in, is a half cylinder shape that's 2 stories high.

You come sideways onto a lift, and the projectors sit on the same lift platform, above and behind the car. So it's just a case of everything moving together. You then move sideways off the lift the way you came.

But the coolest bit, is that when you fall off a skyscraper (yeah yeah I know, but that trick was too good not to reuse)

This bit is happening on the lift back down. Now, it's not a freefall, but it does move pretty quick, improving the sensation.


Both the up and the down lifts are paired up in mirror image, so if you are in the front and look over the side you can see the other lift platform going the other way.



All the footage is crystal clear and you always have a sense of where you are. The 'in between' real life sets are well done and have their own nice details. For instance a missile gets launched at you, explodes behind, and when the vehicle spins you see a giant hole in the concrete that you pass through, but the bits of rebar exposed from the blast are glowing red at the end but fade as they cool off....very realistic.


Other highlights included the very good sound system, which made stuff like machine gun fire on the side of your vehicle, and the non stop suprises, like seeing a decepticon get hit by a subway train.


I'll be clear now, Im not some Transformers foamer or anything, only seen the 1st of the recent trilogy....But this ride is just so well put together it deserves the praise.


I felt it had a bit more polish and coherence than potter... On potter some of the stuff like sightlines being spoiled and being able to see stuff happen to the bench ahead did bug me a bit...not that I didn't love that ride and the  ambitiousness of the kuka system.


Anyway, Transformers FTW



Ps...I will pick out one fault with Transformers... They used the same ride vehicle as spidey, but just with a wrap like the new test track cars.... So the tyres etc of the EVAC vehicle/autobot are just 2D on the side. Ah well, can't win em all. 

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I've never been a fan of the Transformers, being as the toys were a little after my time and I never bothered with the movies. However, I do think the new ride looks great, and I'm looking forward to checking it out.

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