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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Has the rain been that bad? I live in Wi, so usually the rain we get here makes its way over to Ohio, however here we haven't had all that much rain this year, just spotty showers usually.


Cleveland had the third wettest June on record and though we had a nice stretch of weather around July 4th it seems the pattern we had in June is starting again.

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^More proof that Michigan is the superior state


Maybe they will have a respectful football team this year!!! The rivalry has become boring. Michigan State seems to have taken over as the best Michigan has to offer!

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^More proof that Michigan is the superior state


Maybe they will have a respectful football team this year!!! The rivalry has become boring. Michigan State seems to have taken over as the best Michigan has to offer!


My signature.



Michigan state will never be the best at anything.

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As much as I'd like to see Mean Streak get the RMC treatment, I don't really think the layout is suitable for it.


The layout is VERY suitable for it. Mean Streak is more or less a mirror image of the original Texas Giant, and RMC did amazing things to that ride.


Mean Streak could be as smooth as butter and trim-free and still be a pretty lame ride (especially in a park like Cedar Point with the bar set so high). The ride is screaming some type of RMC treatment.

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As much as I'd like to see Mean Streak get the RMC treatment, I don't really think the layout is suitable for it.


The layout is VERY suitable for it. Mean Streak is more or less a mirror image of the original Texas Giant, and RMC did amazing things to that ride.


Mean Streak could be as smooth as butter and trim-free and still be a pretty lame ride (especially in a park like Cedar Point with the bar set so high). The ride is screaming some type of RMC treatment.

It doesn't really get enough ridership to be worth the investment. Texas Giant, Rattled, Medusa, Colossus, and Cyclone were all very popular rides at their respective parks. I'd consider a full topper track rehab (Timber Wolf style) more likely.

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As much as I'd like to see Mean Streak get the RMC treatment, I don't really think the layout is suitable for it.


The layout is VERY suitable for it. Mean Streak is more or less a mirror image of the original Texas Giant, and RMC did amazing things to that ride.


Mean Streak could be as smooth as butter and trim-free and still be a pretty lame ride (especially in a park like Cedar Point with the bar set so high). The ride is screaming some type of RMC treatment.

It doesn't really get enough ridership to be worth the investment. Texas Giant, Rattled, Medusa, Colossus, and Cyclone were all very popular rides at their respective parks. I'd consider a full topper track rehab (Timber Wolf style) more likely.

That's exactly the point though. Cedar Point needs to make the absolute best use of each square foot of space it has available. That means that (relatively) unpopular rides like Mean Streak aren't worth their space, and the plot could be better utilized and therefore increase ridership.


This discussion was has months back, but there's no use having a 1,600 pph theoretical capacity if only 1,000 riders bother to get in line each hour. Even with a reduced theoretical 1,200 pph capacity, if the ride is more popular and holds a steady line, this is a better use of space and improves overall park "capacity."


*"Capacity" meaning actual capacity, not theoretical.

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We also have colors for Valravn now. Dark orange/brownish with gray supports. Pics here:









It has to be Dive Coaster track. Look at it compared to the truck. It's huge. As for the lighter reddish stuff, I don't know.

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We also have colors for Valravn now. Dark orange/brownish with gray supports. Pics here:









It has to be Dive Coaster track. Look at it compared to the truck. It's huge. As for the lighter reddish stuff, I don't know.


Interesting color combination. Can't wait to see the layout for this ride.

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^ The spine of the track seems like it is the biggest B&M has done yet. The ties appear to have a slight curve to them as well, which would be different from the other "big" dive machines that have the straight ties. It's hard to tell for sure since most of the track is flipped over. I'm wondering if B&M came up with a new track design to accommodate even wider trains, because CP opted to go with the new B&M restraints.

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I'm curious to see the announcement. We know everything about it. Or CP will throw a curveball and have it be something completely different and all our speculation has gone to waste, but I don't think that's very likely.

It will. Valrvn is too much of a Busch Gardens Williamsburg name. It will likely be Valthndrhwk.

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I won't lie: I seriously hope that is NOT track for CP's next coaster, especially if it is this rumored Valravn. Not only is yet another derivative of Orange the last color CP needs to add to their skyline (alongside Red and Yellow), Valravn, and its dark theme is just begging for CP to finally add a black colored coaster to their lineup. I think dark Purple would be a good accent color (and also new to the park), or something else dark.


I'll enjoy the coaster no matter the color, obviously, but I do appreciate when an amusement park shows some creativity and variance with their coasters' color schemes. I know most people don't care about such things, but as a study of color theory and somebody who does appreciate coaster aesthetics in addition to ride experience, I do take note of it.

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I won't lie: I seriously hope that is NOT track for CP's next coaster, especially if it is this rumored Valravn. Not only is yet another derivative of Orange the last color CP needs to add to their skyline (alongside Red and Yellow), Valravn, and its dark theme is just begging for CP to finally add a black colored coaster to their lineup. I think dark Purple would be a good accent color (and also new to the park), or something else dark.


I'll enjoy the coaster no matter the color, obviously, but I do appreciate when an amusement park shows some creativity and variance with their coasters' color schemes. I know most people don't care about such things, but as a study of color theory and somebody who does appreciate coaster aesthetics in addition to ride experience, I do take note of it.


I agree with the darker scheme, but being realistic this looks as if it will be the colors that Valravn will be (still hate the name). This track and the lighter reddish track (does anyone know what this could be?) Seem to be the only two types of track on the lot, and the red track certainly is not for a Dive Machine. Waaaaay too small. Looks like a wing rider or hyper or something smaller like that. Or invert. I don't know I barely looked at it


Just going by what color schemes I like to put on darker themed coasters in RCT3, for something such as this I would use a medium purple color for the spine with dark blue rails and black ties and supports. And black trains with neon green accents and dark purple restraints. I think that would look good on a dive coaster. However, given cedar point's location on a peninsula, I don't see them going for a coaster that dark. The whole park has a bright atmosphere and putting a huge ride that Valravn will be and having that be the only darker colored ride seems like something that CP would be against. The orange/brown or whatever it is seems to be okay right now. I'm just glad it isn't thunderbird orange. That would just be painful.

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I won't lie: I seriously hope that is NOT track for CP's next coaster, especially if it is this rumored Valravn. Not only is yet another derivative of Orange the last color CP needs to add to their skyline (alongside Red and Yellow), Valravn, and its dark theme is just begging for CP to finally add a black colored coaster to their lineup. I think dark Purple would be a good accent color (and also new to the park), or something else dark.


I agree. The last color CP needs In the skyline is red, yellow and now orange, especially since they painted Rougarou orange though that brown/burnt orange doesn't look that bad unless that's some sort of primer. I like the idea of dark purple since black would look odd in CP's colorful skyline.

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It also seems strange that they would add another Orange colored coaster one year after debuting Rougarou with that as the dominant color. I actually kinda liked the Rougarou color scheme, but to do something so similar as a primart color the very next year... It just doesn't seem very creative on CP's part.


I'm not aware of any reason that a dark coaster on a peninsula would be a problem, but I do agree that CP definitely seems to prefer bright on all of their coasters. Aside from MF, they are all on the light spectrum of color. If somebody known an official reason for this, feel free to enlighten me.

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