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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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A zacspin would be a legendary idea if it was constructed to the top of TTD. I think it would be sick if they reversed the back seats of TTD, or put a Giant Drop on the side of the tower.


Some more effects on Maverick would be cool too and if they finally cut those horrible trims on mean streak that would be amazing.


But we all want a million dollars don't we?


From what I've heard from the Redtags and Bluetags is that a GCI is going to be put near Space Spiral and a Kiddie Ride somewhere else.

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A zacspin would be a legendary idea if it was constructed to the top of TTD. I think it would be sick if they reversed the back seats of TTD, or put a Giant Drop on the side of the tower.

That is never, ever happening, ever.

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^Yeah, the tower sways enough as it is.


...But WT does have 32 passenger trains and 1000 RPH capacity...

This is not true. While it may have been advertised as such, the ride was most likely programmed differently when it was built. The highest possible RPH is ~920 and that's with a superhuman crew and guests who actually pay attention. Twister averages 750-800 RPH daily.

You'd be surprised how certain rides are supposed to be capacity monsters and yet they have low numbers. Some rides are simply impossible to operate up to capacity...Maverick's advertised at 1200, yet they average around 850. And trust me, this is not the fault of the crews, it is purely stupid guests.


My point, I suppose, is that I do not see any type of shuttle coaster being put in for "capacity purposes." Twister's cycle is too short anyway, in my opinion. It was just a way of getting a gimmick, the world's tallest and fastest invert. As it is, it's still the only record holding coaster at the park...


If they're going to go for capacity, they'll probably put in a full circuit B&M coaster, but I don't see a crew actually being able to keep up with the demands, so no matter what, capacity will suffer in some way. The only ride who's capacity can somewhat be kept up with is Magnum, and that's just because it's 36 and 2 per row, and the platform is big enough that the bins aren't too difficult to access. Even still, they'll average 1300 RPH compared to the theoretical 2000.

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If they're going to go for capacity, they'll probably put in a full circuit B&M coaster, but I don't see a crew actually being able to keep up with the demands, so no matter what, capacity will suffer in some way. The only ride who's capacity can somewhat be kept up with is Magnum, and that's just because it's 36 and 2 per row, and the platform is big enough that the bins aren't too difficult to access. Even still, they'll average 1300 RPH compared to the theoretical 2000.


It does seem that Magnum's capacity is always the best for some reason; they always manage to get those trains in and out so fast.

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Magnum is by far the capacity monster of the park, the ride always barely have a 15min wait on some of the busiest days. Magnum's crew has always been top notch compared to others. Raptor could theoretically be as good but unfortunately it has trains stacked constantly, sometimes 2 train stacked. Another reason I doubt the flying coaster is because of Mantis. It demonstrates how long a gimmick coaster takes to load with a difficult seat to get in and out of. If Mantis had a third train running it would be stacked constantly. I also do not understand why Blue Streak always has a stacked train, its usually the worst. Also Wicked Twister's crew gets trains sent out quickly, same with Maverick and Millennium does pretty well except they have to wait for the train to clear the last overbank before dispatching the train.

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I was at the park yesterday and it seemed that they were doing a great job with Millennium and Dragster getting those trains in and out as quickly as possible. Other days, with Dragster especially, it seemed like they were taking their good ol' time getting the trains out. Usually with Raptor, they do a good job at getting their trains out as fast as they could; like right after a train would clear the brakes at mid-way they'd send the next train out of the station. However, I've noticed this year they've typically not been sending out a train from the station until the previous train is almost or even at the last helix. I guess the cause is a combination of the workers and the GP (cause we TPR enthusiasts know to be quick).

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From what I've heard from the Redtags and Bluetags is that a GCI is going to be put near Space Spiral and a Kiddie Ride somewhere else.

That rumor (or some form of it) has been circulating since I worked there, which was 2007-08, and probably even before then.


That rumor has been going since I worked there in 2000. A boardwalk theme along the beach with a twister coaster. I don't think we'll ever see it happen.

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**Also, is there any reason from an operations standpoint that Cedar Point couldn't build a coaster in the infield of Top Thrill Dragster? Always seemed like a giant open field to me that some type of coaster would fit into fairly well. Maybe like a Vekoma motobike or something.


Real said it best, where is there room to build anything there? It's hardly a "giant open field" at all. You have the queue (which fills on busy days) and transfer track, then an access road for utility vehicles, then the building for the hydraulic motor, then a small section of grass which has spotlights for the tower. After all that you're running into the supports for the tower. On one side you have Iron Dragon and the water around Millennium Island, and on the other you have a very skinny midway with Corkscrew, Power Tower, Perimeter Road, and the Breakers parking lot (which fills during peak time). It's amazing they were able to squeeze TTD in where it is, let alone another coaster also.


Keep in mind that coasters are a lot more than just track and footers...electrical, water, hydraulic fluids (possibly) all need running, not to mention lift/launch motors, queues/exits, transfer track, handicap ramps, etc. Cedar Point has shown great creativity in the past, but this might be pushing it.


Oh you just have to have a little imagination, there's plenty of room there. All 3 models of the S&S El Loco are less than 50 feet wide at their base. I'm sure a Euro Fighter would could be shoe horned in there, maybe a dueling side by side Zac Spin, half pipe coaster. I'd love to see a Custom wild mouse that jumps over and under and around Dragster and the adjacent Midway (like Vilda Musen at Grona Lund), Heck maybe even a custom woodie like Twister at Grona Lund could probably fit in there if done right. There's plenty of room there, not saying that's where the new ride is going to go because it probably isn't but there is enough room. Next time your at Cedar Point look at that field, it's a lot bigger than it looks in Google Earth.

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^ What if they re-used the River Boat ride station area as the new coaster Que and station area (hasn't it been rumored that they may get ride of the river boat anyways?) that is just adjacent to the tower structure on Dragster? That wouldn't muddle up the Midway any, and If you had 65 foot tall wild mouse at the base of a 420 foot tall tower I don't think it would murder the atmosphere that much especially since the que line and launch viewing area for Dragster are on the complete opposite end of the ride. I'm only talking about using the small amount of green space between the launch motor building and the tower itself, and maybe the area of the (possibly soon to be former) Paddle Wheel Excursion Boat ride station house. That Paddle Wheel Excursion station is right on the edge of Camp Snoopy, a custom Gerstlauer bobsled coaster would more or less be a family coaster, I think it would be a nice fit and give Dragster a unique perspective for comparison.



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There really is not as much room in there as you think. Look here....


Here is the area by the launch building.


Here is the grassy area under dragster. You have to remember that there are falling objects from people on dragster in this area as well.


Here are just a few of the objects.


And there is also the evac elevator in there as well.

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That evac elevator is located directly under the tower itself and wouldn't be in the way. The falling objects would likely be the biggest reason for a ride to not get built in that area, more of an issue that the space.

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That evac elevator is located directly under the tower itself and wouldn't be in the way. The falling objects would likely be the biggest reason for a ride to not get built in that area, more of an issue that the space.


It's seriously just not happening.

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Next time your at Cedar Point look at that field, it's a lot bigger than it looks in Google Earth.


I was there less than 2 months ago and have seen the area a million other times, I know what it looks like. This isn't RCT where coasters are just a footprint of the track and supports. Where are you going to put in an access road for maintenance and/or emergency vehicles? What if a fire truck needs to get in there? What about a crane to remove/put on the trains in the fall/spring...or to possibly lift in new parts? Not to mention, what if TTD's cable breaks? A ride there (let alone all the people in that area as well) would potentially be prone to being hit by shrapnel from it...hence why Kingda Ka's queue is nowhere near that area (let alone another ride) and had to be moved from it's original location.

Edited by FeelTheFORCE
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Next time your at Cedar Point look at that field, it's a lot bigger than it looks in Google Earth.


I was there less than 2 months ago and have seen the area a million other times, I know what it looks like. This isn't RCT where coasters are just a footprint of the track and supports. Where are you going to put in an access road for maintenance and/or emergency vehicles? What if a fire truck needs to get in there? What about a crane to remove/put on the trains in the fall/spring...or to possibly lift in new parts? Not to mention, what if TTD's cable breaks? A ride there (let alone all the people in that area as well) would potentially be prone to being hit by shrapnel from it...hence why Kingda Ka's queue is nowhere near that area (let alone another ride) and had to be moved from it's original location.



It could be done, there is plenty of room there for a small footprint coaster. How many wild mouse coasters have access roads under them? On most coasters the only place that is accessible by fire truck or service vehicle is the station anyways so i don't see why having a ride within the restricted space is an issue (every coaster track area is a restricted area). A crane to put trains on and take them off aren't that big and those are the kind of things that would have to be taken into consideration during the rides design. Just Look at Indiana Beach, and Grona Lund, there is plenty of space for a coaster to be built there. If dragster's cable explodes the people on the path right next to the launch track would be in as much trouble as the people in the infield.


I really don't think that Cedar Point will be build a coaster inside of Dragster's infield but I'm just saying that realistically they could. Sometime in future to build new attractions Cedar Point is going to have to either remove existing existing attractions to free up the space or start squeezing rides into every inch of available space that exists in the park. As far as I can see the combination of Dragster's infield, the station for paddle wheel excursion and part of the island for Millennium force across from the paddle wheel station is about as big of open section of land that there currently is in the park.

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So...anything more plausible?


Whatever goes in, it needs to take what Maverick has, forces, and combine it with what MF is known for, smoothness. I spend a lot of time around Mav and its either your absolute fave or you think its too violent. It has great ridership and in most days I'm there, the longest line with the most buzz.


Personally, id love to see gci, tgg twister or just iron horse mean streak already. Which, I really hope is on their radar. But id prefer real wooden coaster that doesn't blow.

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Cedar Point is Not Grona Land. Point being, when CP puts in a new coaster an appropriate spot will be found where it wont ruin the atmosphere of the surrounding attractions. It would be more likely that CO would remove the two antique car rides across from BS and possibly move Cedar Downs to open up that spot.... Just Sayin'

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