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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

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I really don't understand why everyone is being so unfair and mean spirited towards Cedar Point and Intamin over this delay, yet seems to be so understanding and accommodating with Holiday World and Gravity Group over their delay.


You're dealing with lots of engineering tasks, heaving machinery, and HUGE projects here. They aren't putting together a desk you bought at IKEA, these are multi-million dollar investments with lots of different parties involved that all need to come together and have everything work at the same time. It's a much bigger undertaking than I think some people hear comprehend.


Try to have some understanding of this and don't be so quick to bash the park or their vendor over things you probably don't have a lot of expertise with.


If you all can be so understanding with the Holiday World issue, why do you have to be so mean and hateful towards Cedar Point?


I just don't get it....



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^ Agreed.


They're delayed like 2 WEEKS. It's not like Flying Turns.

Also, they started in really good time, but from what I've heard the weather has really been against them.


Try to look at some of the comments at PointBuzz. It's just ridiculous how people blame Intamin and CP for this failure.


I think STR could be considered a "prototype". Pilgrims Plunge was way different and utilized another lift system. When building prototype delays should really be expected. CP could of course have built an off-the-shelf B&M looper, but they are known for bringing us awesome prototypes, and I think we should appreciate it (or at least accept minor delays like this.)

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If you all can be so understanding with the Holiday World issue, why do you have to be so mean and hateful towards Cedar Point?


Holiday World and Cedar Point are wildly different parks, with wildly different relationships with their wildly different fans...?


Holiday World has built up a lot of goodwill with their fan base by being forthright, friendly, and inclusive. Cedar Point lives and dies by the sword, so to speak--being as fickle and demanding of its fan base as they are of the park.

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Also with Holiday World, they are introducing something completely new and untested, If it is the top of the hills they screwed up on STR than that is truly amazing since thats the only part of this ride system that could be considered "prototype". The difference is that Holiday World is a small park toying around with their huge ride, with Cedar Point, no one even needs to tell you they are the best park in the world they'll do it themselves but they seemingly can't build a "log flume". Thats where I think most people see the difference. I don't really care, but while both delays are dissapointing they should be expected. Besides, for some its just fun ripping on CP


I think that both parks are deserving of the coaster community's patience is and courtesy. Heck CP just went all out THEMEING a ride! We don't want to scare them away from doing it again.

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They're delayed like 2 WEEKS. It's not like Flying Turns.


You win.


For those that think this delay is too long/unacceptable, try being in my shoes. I've been waiting for my local park's newest ride to open for 5 years. Not 2 weeks, but 5 years.

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I really don't understand why everyone is being so unfair and mean spirited towards Cedar Point and Intamin over this delay, yet seems to be so understanding and accommodating with Holiday World and Gravity Group over their delay.




Quite a double standard, isn't it?

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Haha, the unfitting boats makes so much sense. I saw a boat travel down the big drop on Tuesday, and when it got to the bottom it kind of (to my eyes, I've never seen a flume do this quite to the extreme) violently slammed from side to side on the rails. It didn't look comfortable, like watching an arrow looper navigate a turn.


I only saw it once, however, and of course did not ride. Time will tell.

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I love Cedar Point and I didn't think anyone would think I was putting a "negative slant" on the reason for the delay by my posting. I just posted what Dick Kinzel the CEO of Cedar Fair said in an interview to the Sandusky Register. I found the article interesting and I thought others would too. I thought it would be better than hearing a rumor from "the lemon chill stand guy".

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^People also like to attack the big guy (this being CP) and big corporations. It is, in fact, not fair. There is no more reason to say things about the STR delay. There are much more important things to worry about than a 2 week delay on a water ride. I guess people just like to complain a lot.

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^People also like to attack the big guy (this being CP) and big corporations. It is, in fact, not fair. There is no more reason to say things about the STR delay. There are much more important things to worry about than a 2 week delay on a water ride. I guess people just like to complain a lot.


Exactly! Both you and Robb hit the nail on the head. To be honest, and this is my ONLY complaint, I'm getting rather fed up with the anti-Intamin/anti corporate park comments. it's like the standard 10 minute running joke on Family Guy...It was funny the first 30 seconds, but now the joke isn't funny any more...

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And it doesn't help CP's case that this is the second ride in a row to have a delayed opening.

And please tell me...how exactly does Maverick's short opening delay affect the ride or it's ridership today?

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A delay mid season on a hot july/august day is much more cause for alarm, Plus the park doesnt get really busy till after Coastermania... so a little delay should be acceptable.


If its open during Coastermania the yay! I get a new water ride! If it isnt, im not gonna piss and moan about it. And neither should the community that Cedar Point opens their park to each year.


Also, Intamin is becoming a whipping boy! Hopefully they will have a smooth season after these incidents (I pray for I305)


I also may be a bit of a CP fanoy, but thats a moot point

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See I'm going to be one of those that goes against the trend here, and not have an opinion about something purely because Mr Robb Alvey has that opinion.


If anything, being a big corporate business such as Cedar Fair there should be more responsibility for getting a ride open on time. I hate how at parks a ride not opening on it's opening date is becoming the norm rather than the exception. That is why I praise Alton so much for this years opening, even 2/3 days before opening Thirteen's area and the ride itself was an absolute tip and yet they managed to get it open on time. I know there's nothing "mechanical" that slowed up proceedings in that case like there seems to be with STR but surely these things should be accounted for. (I still don't understand how such an amazing manufacturer like Intamin can make a mistake like the ones that have been reported, but that's another story.) I think someone mentioned how it doesn't affect the ride/ridership years after opening, and yeah while that's true, it does tarnish the whole opening ceremony of the ride and it's first year in terms of appeal and park/ride reputation


This is just an opinion from someone who has knowledge of but not a particular opinion about parks/companies in the states due to not visiting them etc. This therefore means I can't be accused of the whole "jumping on CP's back." I also think the reason why people are being less irritated by the whole Holiday World hold up is how the ride is still open, there is the alternative of riding the ride as it has been for years and managed to be the Worlds Number 1 woodie.


Just wanted to add my opinion.

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Kinzel did mention in the article that STR could of opened on opening day, but only two boats would of been operating. I would much rather wait a few weeks for it to open at full capacity than stand in a horrendously long line with 20 people going through every 5 minutes or so.


On the subject of rides starting to open after opening day intentionally, I think it depends on when the park opens. If the park has a March or early April opening, I can understand not opening the ride until later on in the season. If the park opens in late April or May, the new ride should be ready to go with the park.

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I think someone mentioned how it doesn't affect the ride/ridership years after opening, and yeah while that's true, it does tarnish the whole opening ceremony of the ride and it's first year in terms of appeal and park/ride reputation.


The majority of the GP, most likely, won't even know it was delayed once it's open on a regular basis.

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