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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It seems like everyday I'm at CP, Maverick runs great (haven't seen any breakdowns all season). Whenever I'm not there, it becomes the Intamin we all know and love.


They really should hire you!

All I would have to is stand there and Maverick would become the most reliable coaster ever created.

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I went up to the Point today, and rode Paddlewheel Excursions to look at the construction. I noticed some new construction (at least I think its brand new)...it looked like a small building. Right now it consists of wood frames, and it's pretty narrow, so it looks like something that would be used for storage. I didn't get a great look at it, but it was towards the inner center of the island. If the ride wasn't so rushed, I probably could have gotten a picture.


And btw, for a day in July, today was very uncrowded. Longest wait I had was 45 min. Going when there's a chance of rain can often prove to be a good decison.

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I'll be at Cedar Point (for the first time since uhh, 2004, maybe?) on September 6 and possibly the 7th (Labor Day) this year. I used to work there, but haven't been in awhile (on the other side of the country!) so am looking forward to going out there again! Sooo aside from that big new rolleycoaster thing people are talking about, anything else new and cool?

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I went up to the Point today, and rode Paddlewheel Excursions to look at the construction. I noticed some new construction (at least I think its brand new)...it looked like a small building. Right now it consists of wood frames, and it's pretty narrow, so it looks like something that would be used for storage. I didn't get a great look at it, but it was towards the inner center of the island. If the ride wasn't so rushed, I probably could have gotten a picture.


And btw, for a day in July, today was very uncrowded. Longest wait I had was 45 min. Going when there's a chance of rain can often prove to be a good decison.


Yeah I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about, but last time I was there we saw a few vertical wooden poles on Millennium Island. Those poles are very close to Millennium and I highly doubt that these poles mean anything.

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I was at Cedar Point Sunday Night/most of the day Monday, and I had a question for the locals or people that have visited since. Maverick went down around 2:30 on sunday and was still down when we left at 6 on Monday. Anybody have any word of if it's back up?

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I was looking on my Twitter and I just saw something that caught my eye. From the CedarPoint Twitter:

cedarpoint:Want the head's up on 2010? Stay tuned...somethin's brewin'! #fb
Just caught my eye thought I should share.
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From Cedar Point's Facebook:


"Want the head's up on 2010? Stay tuned...somethin's brewin'!"


Looks like we have an announcement coming soon...I may be over analyzing this but the "something's brewin" tells me its going in Frontier Town (it sounds like a wild-west type saying) and will be a water ride themed to a storm.


EDIT: ^Lol you beat me by like 5 seconds

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