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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It seemed like a lot of the parks were packed this weekend. A lot of the other park threads report huge crowds from the weekend. Is this like the last blast before schools start up again?


I was almost wondering if it was a result of the Canadian holiday this weekend since parks I visited are fairly close to the border, but I can’t imagine that’s the only factor (could just be a Buffalo thing, but it’s a theory nonetheless)

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Of course this would be the weather the day im driving 4 hrs to go here.


Honestly, look at is as a blessing in disguise. Park has been mobbed as of late. A chance of storms rolling through for an hour or two may be worth far lower crowds.

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Of course this would be the weather the day im driving 4 hrs to go here.


Honestly, look at is as a blessing in disguise. Park has been mobbed as of late. A chance of storms rolling through for an hour or two may be worth far lower crowds.


Thats the way I was looking at it. Not sure if my kids are 52 inches quite yet so the plan is to hit Magnum and MF first then whatvever after that.

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Pro Tip: Unless you have Fastlane, when a thunderstorm is coming head for the Steel Vengeance gift shop or nearby bar and queue up as soon as it lightens up. They're a blessing in disguise.


You're probably too late for that now though...

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Pro Tip: Unless you have Fastlane, when a thunderstorm is coming head for the Steel Vengeance gift shop or nearby bar and queue up as soon as it lightens up. They're a blessing in disguise.


You're probably too late for that now though...


Yeahhhhhhh. Kids are too short for SV


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A little late but I was at the park yesterday and it was way more packed than I had anticipated. Needed the SV credit, though, so I braved the 2 hour wait. It's an awesome ride but not as amazing as I had anticipated, similar to my experience with Millennium Force. Maybe I caught it on a slow day (rode at about 3:30pm) or maybe it was the fact that I was tired and dehydrated by the time I got to the ride, but I didn't get off too impressed. I'm sure I'll grow to like it more as I ride it a couple more times. It's very relentless, I'll give it that, but the quality of airtime was not quite what I had hoped for. I've had similar mediocre rides on Twisted Colossus, though, and I absolutely love that ride, so I'll have to go back in the next couple of weeks and ride it again.


But holy cow the operations were terrible on that thing. First off, they need to do something about the heat. It was super hot out and almost everyone I talked to was dehydrated by the time they got to the ride platform. I really like how Carowinds has water fountains in all their queue lines and I think other parks should follow suit. Second, the FL+ system is one of the worst; the FL+ line goes all the way to the ride platform and the sorter basically has to determine which line to pull from when filling a train. I think the lines should join at the metal detectors instead. Third, for who knows what reason, they were stacking 3 trains EVERY TIME!!! Guys, if Magic Mountain, a park known for sub-par operations, can consistently run their RMC as the most efficient ride in the park, CP should be able to as well. It's the most popular ride, treat it as such.


Maverick, on the other hand, did not fail to impress, nor did the extremely underrated Wicked Twister. Didn't get on much else because of crowds, though :/

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Yup I did and I was sooooo grateful because I literally got to ride everything multiple times and avoid those insane lines. Best $169 I ever spent. I can’t ever picture myself not buying the fastlane+ when I go back. Glad I got it early because it sold out that day. I was also lucky to get 3 rollbacks on Dragster before it was shutdown. Literally the first time I ever got one or even saw it rollback at night time. They launched us twice in a row, made us get off for about 10 mins, launched us again, then when we didn’t even crest the top they shut it down. I also love how the park let us ride well past midnight when they were due to close. Seems like most parks start cutting off lines before closing time even approaches. We didn’t leave until about 12:45. Best day ever!!!



Headed to the park tomorrow. I planned on getting fastlane plus which was $155 and of course I procrastinated and it’s now $169 which is the most I’ve ever seen it. Is there any chance of the price going back down or should I just get it now? What’s the most expensive it’s ever been?


Did you end up getting FL+?


Queue-times shows that yesterday had some insane lines:

Blue Streak (!!) was over an hour wait around noon

Corkscrew was showing 90 minutes (!!!!) a lot of the day

GateKeeper was up to 105 minutes in the evening

Gemini and Iron Dragon showed 30-45 minutes all day

Raptor was over two hours in the early afternoon

Rougarou was a half hour or longer wait most of the day

Steel Vengeance was showing a three hour wait for a brief period

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^^^ yeah Haymaker sorry about your luck. If there wasn't ERT tonight I'd bail. Although I still might considering they are predicting more thunderstorms at close.


It sort of cleared up a bit, hope you can get some rides in.


We did thankfully. Ive been waiting to ride MF since it opened in 2000. Today we got to the park before rope drop and headed straight for Magnum so my kids (7&9) could break the 200ft barrier first. Good ride, but i like Ride of Steel better for the steeper drop. Id heard before that its not the smoothest coaster and that held true, seemed to be rougher in the front than the back. Maybe newer cars would smooth it out a bit.


After that we made a fateful mistake. On our way to MF we went on Iron Dragon because the kids asked as we walked by it. It was bright and sunny and the line was short so we said why not. We get off and head directly to MF at 10:45 and arrive to a closed line for a "mechanical issue". I later found out they were shooting POV's from the employee at the entrance. We decide to wait it out at the entrance and watch as they cycle train after train, some empty, some full and never open the line until about noon, when they said they were down for incoming weather, which are the pics I posted above. That lasted about an hour, after which we queued up with 100's of people waiting for it to clear. We wait in that line for about 30-45 minutes and watch as Rougarou starts testing (that thing has a great roar) and goes 3 cycles before the weather rolls in again, this time until about 3:30. At a small break in the rain we made a break for the front to do some shopping and rode Cedar Downs. By now its clearing pretty good but the coasters are still down so we go over to Tiki Twirl so I could relive my youth on Darien Lake's Crazy Quilt calypso. As were riding that, we see MF start to run test cycles again. Head over and as I am locking up my backpack and wife's purse I hear the PA say its down for maintenance again. This time, I said were waiting at the chain even if we have to wait the rest of the night. Which turned out to be about another 25 minutes before FINALLY we got past the entrance! As rain started to fall. Thankfully it was just rain and my 19 year quest was over. And it did not disappoint! As you can see, my son loved it too:



From there it was pretty uneventful. My kids are still under 52 inches so all the B&M's were off limits. Got stopped on the Mine Ride lift when the guy in the front seat was spotted on his phone. Watched Skyhawk go down as we were getting off. Steel Vengeance was down the whole night. Gemini started running test cycles so we got in line there for about 25 minutes before they said it wasnt going to open. Took ride #2 on Magnum, then went to Corkscrew, which made me appreciate Viper at SFDL. I know its old, but what a short, boring layout and the bunny hops are brutal. We finished it up with a night ride on MF, which was amazing. We tried to make it to Troika in time and failed. What surprised me as we left was that the Snoopy Boutique closed at 10. I figured theyd leave that whole stretch open to catch everyone leaving but I was wrong, to the extreme disappointment of my son.


All in all, not a total bust of a day, hoping both kids can hit 52 inches by next summer so we can get everything we missed except Raptor and Rougarou.

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I really like how Carowinds has water fountains in all their queue lines and I think other parks should follow suit.


They're rocky mountaining the queues to include water fountains for the anniversary next year. I saw the trucks already.

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I know TTD obviously is notorious for its excessive downtime and all (I go every year for the past 8 years, only been on it a few times because it’s never open when I’m there) but lately this is far worse than usual. Closed since Saturday I believe. Anyone know what’s going on with it?

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This is not far worse than usual. This is the textbook definition of usual. Two years ago it vaporized a brake fin and was closed for weeks.


They're just getting their annual week-long breakdown out of the way early this year.

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I really like how Carowinds has water fountains in all their queue lines and I think other parks should follow suit.


They're rocky mountaining the queues to include water fountains for the anniversary next year. I saw the trucks already.


Well, that's good news! I can't imagine it's a cheap or easy upgrade.

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This is not far worse than usual. This is the textbook definition of usual. Two years ago it vaporized a brake fin and was closed for weeks.


They're just getting their annual week-long breakdown out of the way early this year.


I've been riding (or attempting to ride) TTD since the first weekday of its operation in 2003, and can confirm: This IS 100% textbook TTD, for every single visit, every single year since!

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When I rode it Saturday we experienced 3 rollbacks. Each launch got weaker and weaker. They launched it a fourth time with only the first 4 rows filled and it only made it 2/3 of the way up. So I assume something with the launch.


I know TTD obviously is notorious for its excessive downtime and all (I go every year for the past 8 years, only been on it a few times because it’s never open when I’m there) but lately this is far worse than usual. Closed since Saturday I believe. Anyone know what’s going on with it?
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