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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Dragster is 35 MPH , but Windseeker and Sky Ride will close in those wind conditions


Yeah but they're calling for sustained winds at those speeds with much higher gusts over 30 knots on the lake with a small craft advisory. Honestly I'd think at minimum Windseeker, Sky Ride, Raptor, Top Thrill Dragster and Gatekeeper will close. Don't be shocked if Millennium, Magnum and others go down too plus it may rain all day so basically if you can avoid Saturday then avoid it. Plus we don't know Valravn's wind limits yet.

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So, I'm arriving Saturday afternoon to ride the smaller coasters, and am staying at Breakers Express for the night. I was planning on hitting Valravn, MA and Maverick with the early entry Sunday morning, but am I to understand it will STILL be long waits at 9 am?



Early entry as others have mentioned just hit one of these coasters and ride it the entire hour. We normally go straight to MF and ride it the entire hour and not worrying about coming back to MF for the rest of the day. The walk between all the coasters will eat up a ton of time that would better be served getting in as many rides as possible on one of the coasters.

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Ok, so now for the million dollar question. During early entry does it make more sense to do Maverick or MF first? Should I try to hit both during that time or just get re rides on one?


Maverick almost always has the longer line and is much less reliable. I'd try to get on that first, or Valravn obviously, MF would be a good 3rd choice for early entry riding.

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I'm really bummed out that Raptor is no longer an early entry ride. Riding it in the morning is always a bad idea once the park opens but before that it was always a walk on - one train wait for the front row and it was almost always open at 9:00.

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Does anyone wanna meet up Sunday tor ride with me?


I've sent you a PM here, havent you received it? Im going to the park alone on Sunday and Monday, PM me your phone number so we can plan.

Oh sorry buddy! I'm new here and not sure how to check my pm's!


I just sent you a PM with my number and facebook/insta. The only problem is, I'm getting free entry Sunday morning by staying at Breakers Express

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Has Mean Streak opened yet?

My friend and I are going wednesday next week. Mean Streak is not my favorite ride or anything but it would be a shame to miss it, its pretty iconic.


It was closed all day on Sunday. Not sure about it's status for tomorrow.

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Ok, so now for the million dollar question. During early entry does it make more sense to do Maverick or MF first? Should I try to hit both during that time or just get re rides on one?

Maverick first, start at the magnum entrance (closest to hotel too)

I've done this every time I've been here, its a very quiet nice entrance, and if you even jog to maverick you will get there FIRST. I also find maverick much more unreliable and usually has larger lines later, so I just marathon this ride until open

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Hello all.


Apologies in advanced for this question being asked. I've never been to Cedar Point, nor the Cedar Point Discussion thread, so chances are somebody has asked this before.


What is the best way of getting to Cedar Point from out-of-state? Specifically, I'm from Arizona, and am trying to plan a trip for mid June. I really need specifics. Which airport should I fly into, should i rent a car to get to the park, where should we stay? One of the hotels at the park etc?


Any and all information would be awesome!




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^Interesting to see how they do it, with those metal plates. God I'd love to experience that someday


The metal plates are actually rather heavy. It's really annoying to have to build the floors under the train to get the people off, then turn around and disassemble the floors once everyone is off the ride. Also, its such a slow going process that it's really not nearly as exciting as you would think it might be.


What is the best way of getting to Cedar Point from out-of-state? Specifically, I'm from Arizona, and am trying to plan a trip for mid June. I really need specifics. Which airport should I fly into, should i rent a car to get to the park, where should we stay? One of the hotels at the park etc?


If I were you I would fly into Cleveland airport. It is only 57 miles from the park (closest airport to the park.) You would for sure want to rent a car. You can get some for pretty cheap on Hotwire. I'd stay at Breakers Express. It's less expensive than Hotel Breakers, yet it is still close enough to the park to be convenient.

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^ So, fly to Cleveland Airport, rent a car, Drive to Hotel Breakers, stay and play.


For me it'll be five nights at HBs. Then, back to Cleveland with rented car.


That about right? (I'm skipping Breakers Express.)


(Sorry to jump in here, with this. I'm planning for next year, so I'm interested in this info, too)

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^ So, fly to Cleveland Airport, rent a car, Drive to Hotel Breakers, stay and play.


For me it'll be five nights at HBs. Then, back to Cleveland with rented car.


That about right? (I'm skipping Breakers Express.)


(Sorry to jump in here, with this. I'm planning for next year, so I'm interested in this info, too)


5 nights is a lot of time (way too much for myself) for Cedar Point. Have you thought about going to Kings Island during your stay?

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5 nights is a lot of time (way too much for myself) for Cedar Point. Have you thought about going to Kings Island during your stay?


Agreed. I'd do a trip down to Kings Island for sure. It's not to far of a drive, and if you have a rental car with you, it would be worth the trip!!!

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^ and ^^ Well for myself, the first night is when I arrive. The next day, Friday, will be the Coastermania Day.


Saturday through Tuesday (the day I'll depart), will be two more days at the park,

and a "Hotel Day" for just lounging around, the water park, etc.


At my age and health now, I just don't think I could take all of CP in just one day.

And I want to enjoy the whole park, too. Games along with the rides. Eating,

seeing any entertainment that they got.


Add to that, if there easier ways to get transport to the park hotel, and back to the airport,

without a car rental, that'd be great. But, it seems I can't, so I rent the car, accept

the cost, pay for it in advance, and then I don't think about it, when I'm in the car, LOL!



EDIT: I actually visited Kings Island well before Son of Beast ever existed! Beast was insane!

If I did go back, it'd only be a few credits. But ya never know.

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Hello all.


Apologies in advanced for this question being asked. I've never been to Cedar Point, nor the Cedar Point Discussion thread, so chances are somebody has asked this before.


What is the best way of getting to Cedar Point from out-of-state? Specifically, I'm from Arizona, and am trying to plan a trip for mid June. I really need specifics. Which airport should I fly into, should i rent a car to get to the park, where should we stay? One of the hotels at the park etc?


Any and all information would be awesome!





Fly into Cleveland. Detroit is a good second choice (45min further) if it's a better flight or cheaper. You will need a car, no other option is economical or practical. Park hotels can be expensive, but have perks like early entry and the convienence of taking a break or a dump (let's be honest) in your own, walking distance room, can be priceless. Hotel breakers went under extensive renovation and is great. Lighthouse Point is good to for bigger parties. Sandcastle suites is a little dated and run down. Breakers express is a typical motel, which has perks but is off site. There are some suitable hotels in Sandusky, if you must. The Fast Lane Plus is around $100 on a weekend, budget for it if you must ride everything.

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^ and ^^ Well for myself, the first night is when I arrive. The next day, Friday, will be the Coastermania Day.


Saturday through Tuesday (the day I'll depart), will be two more days at the park,

and a "Hotel Day" for just lounging around, the water park, etc.


At my age and health now, I just don't think I could take all of CP in just one day.

And I want to enjoy the whole park, too. Games along with the rides. Eating,

seeing any entertainment that they got.


Add to that, if there easier ways to get transport to the park hotel, and back to the airport,

without a car rental, that'd be great. But, it seems I can't, so I rent the car, accept

the cost, pay for it in advance, and then I don't think about it, when I'm in the car, LOL!



EDIT: I actually visited Kings Island well before Son of Beast ever existed! Beast was insane!

If I did go back, it'd only be a few credits. But ya never know.


I understand your situation but to persuade you a little more: Diamondback is my favourite hyper, so much floating air in the back of the train, Banshee is a great addition, and front seat on Beast at night is awesome! The park is only 3.5h away. You got the car, American gas is cheap, go for it! No easier way than renting a car, you will drive through fields of grass to get to your destinations. Remember that most insurance companies cover car rentals, so you can decline coverage. If I rent with my Visa, I also receive damage coverage.

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Hello all.


Apologies in advanced for this question being asked. I've never been to Cedar Point, nor the Cedar Point Discussion thread, so chances are somebody has asked this before.


What is the best way of getting to Cedar Point from out-of-state? Specifically, I'm from Arizona, and am trying to plan a trip for mid June. I really need specifics. Which airport should I fly into, should i rent a car to get to the park, where should we stay? One of the hotels at the park etc?


Any and all information would be awesome!





Fly into Cleveland, rent a car, head to Cedar Point.


I'm planning a road trip to Cedar Point in August with my college roommate from Washington DC. We are staying in a hotel near Sandusky, mainly to save money. It depends on your preferences. If you are going with a family, I suggest staying on site because of the amenities. If not, I'd stay off site. Hotel Breakers would be an extra 200 dollars per night.


For two nights offsite, the price range is around $265 - $333 per person. Theme park tickets, fast lane, and hotels are accounted into this. This is between two people. These are based on my calculations. If you are planning to go with more friends, it might be a little cheaper. Depends if you want to share beds haha.


Consider the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in your visit.

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5 nights is a lot of time (way too much for myself) for Cedar Point. Have you thought about going to Kings Island during your stay?


Agreed. I'd do a trip down to Kings Island for sure. It's not to far of a drive, and if you have a rental car with you, it would be worth the trip!!!


Talk with Guest Services at Cedar Point. You might get discounted tickets at Kings Island. They are sister parks.

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Hello all.


Apologies in advanced for this question being asked. I've never been to Cedar Point, nor the Cedar Point Discussion thread, so chances are somebody has asked this before.


What is the best way of getting to Cedar Point from out-of-state? Specifically, I'm from Arizona, and am trying to plan a trip for mid June. I really need specifics. Which airport should I fly into, should i rent a car to get to the park, where should we stay? One of the hotels at the park etc?


Any and all information would be awesome!





Fly into Cleveland. Detroit is a good second choice (45min further) if it's a better flight or cheaper. You will need a car, no other option is economical or practical. Park hotels can be expensive, but have perks like early entry and the convienence of taking a break or a dump (let's be honest) in your own, walking distance room, can be priceless. Hotel breakers went under extensive renovation and is great. Lighthouse Point is good to for bigger parties. Sandcastle suites is a little dated and run down. Breakers express is a typical motel, which has perks but is off site. There are some suitable hotels in Sandusky, if you must. The Fast Lane Plus is around $100 on a weekend, budget for it if you must ride everything.


if you are on a budget and want to include Fast Lane Plus, I suggest staying off site. a 15-30 minute drive into the park won't hurt. I would rather see the park skyline from the causeway every morning.

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