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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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... I wonder how that crane is coming along.


"Quite nicely" I'm sure......


I don't understand why Cedar Point took so long to announce Valravn. Not only the fact that they tried it again, but that late into the year? Does anyone know if Cedar Point had an accident or something?


wt... f... are you talking about?



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I don't understand why Cedar Point took so long to announce Valravn. Not only the fact that they tried it again, but that late into the year? Does anyone know if Cedar Point had an accident or something?



Yeah, some guy decided that he should go into a restricted area to get his cell phone, and Raptor got him.

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I was originally going to wait until the actual trip, but I noticed Cedar Point has an admission and FL+ for any weekday this year for $70 on the website today only.

My question is, if I choose to wait, are there any better deals with a platinum pass (which I've already purchased) on FL+ for the summer? Looking at a late June Friday most likely. What is the normal price of FL+ for this time of year? Are there any other platinum pass holder discounts (as we wouldn't need the admission from the deal online, but $70 for a FL+ on a June Friday is definitely lower than the normal price. So--buy now or later?


Not worried about weather because it's a 2-3 day trip so we'd have options. Thanks!

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My question is, if I choose to wait, are there any better deals with a platinum pass (which I've already purchased) on FL+ for the summer?
Last year, Platinum Pass holders could get a FL+ for only $75. It will probably come back for next year too, so if you would want to save $5 per pass, I would it now, but because it is only $5 I'd wait till the offer comes back for the $75 FL+.
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^Is that the base price, or every day? I know they do tiered pricing depending on the day of the week and time of year. I'd imagine a Friday in the end of June would be $10-$15 above the base price. If that's the case I'd rather purchase now--anyone know more? Really appreciate it.


If Cedar Point does what they did during Halloweekends; it'll be regular price any day of the week; but on Saturdays, it was $149 That blows for someone like me who flies in from another state and typically I have to go on a weekend obviously.

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