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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Given the combination of Intamin and Cedar Point... I was a little unsure whether it may or may not be an Aqua Trax. I never ruled out that they were going for some "new" concept that wasn't an Aqua Trax.


But not after seeing the last update and the pics from South Korea today. That puppy is a Aqua Trax.

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Is there anyone here that DOESN'T think it's an Aqua Trax? Just wondering.




I honestly dont think it is....



EDIT- Most people are trying to confirm their "Aqua Trax" theories by comparing pictures of AA's supports and Maverick's (assuming thats the name) supports. Well while I was browsing RCDB I noticed this:

Looks like just because the supports are similar doesnt mean the ride is, thats a TTD support!

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I'm not going to say if it is or is not an Aquatrax yet, but I can say with almost 100% certainty that this coaster will use LIM/LSM technology (based upon the structure currently being errected on the site). Furthermore I believe that the technology could be used as a type of lift hill similar in style to California Screamin. One thing I have noticed is that we have only one or two pieces of twisted two-rail track, and it isn't very twisted. In the latest update (2nd pic down) you'll notice a transition between square and circular connectors on the lower supports. I wish I could have gotten a better picture of the last square connection support and the circular connection support, but that fence prohibits it. But what you can't tell in that picture is that the support with the circular connector is about 3-4 ft. back from the line of the curve created my the supports with square connections. If you haven't already figured out where I'm going with this already; we still have quite a bit of two rail that has yet to be delivered.

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I think we've established you can't go on what the supports look like.


I don't think it is an aqua trax - though I could be wrong. If it is an aqua trax - its going to have a LOOOOOONG and insane layout. Aqua Trax is all about water.


I think we can rule out invert, and possibly the wing walker due to the way the supports are going, and the clearances. I think maybe it will be a mega-looper maybe something like Colossus...

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I bet you all a million dollars that it's an AquaTrax.


The pictures of that AquaTrax in South Korea are just too damn similar. The plotting of the supports so far looks to be for a low lying coaster, the track is that of Intamin AquaTrax structures, the supports are IDENTICAL to an AquaTrax coaster. The glove fits and you can NOT aquit!


If it's not a AquaTrax then I will change my name here to The Archfiendess. That's how confident I am in the proof that is before me.

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I don't think it'll be an AquaTrax. Why? Why not? Might as well piss off a few people while being a non-fanboy-conformist.


It's an Intamin coaster, it's at Cedar Point, it's included with my season pass next year: The only stats that I really need to know or care about. Like I said before, though, I'll stick with my switchback theory.

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I think it's really hard to look at what's in place right now and speculate about what it is. If the supports look similar to an Aqua Trax, that's because they're all made by Intamin!


I agree with this statement. It is too early in the construction process to possibly decipher what this is. All we can say is that MAVERICK is Intamin, by looking at the only solid evidence we have, the way the pieces of track at the site are designed. That's about it.

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^We can't even say it's going to be called Maverick. It was Trademarked by Cedar Fair, so we don't even know if the name is for Cedar Point.


And as far as the Aquatrax myth. I think it's just what people want to see. Noone has any real evidence, and no one on the planet can prove it (except exclusive people with intelligence into the project, of course) I, personally, don't even really want it to be an aquatrax. Cedar Point already has probably the wettest ride ever right across the path. The only decent dry ride around frontier town is Mean Streak (which is hardly decent). I think they need a non-wet coaster. It would really add to the dry, somewhat desert theme of that corner of the park.

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I bet you all a million dollars that it's an AquaTrax.


The pictures of that AquaTrax in South Korea are just too damn similar. The plotting of the supports so far looks to be for a low lying coaster, the track is that of Intamin AquaTrax structures, the supports are IDENTICAL to an AquaTrax coaster. The glove fits and you can NOT aquit!


If it's not a AquaTrax then I will change my name here to The Archfiendess. That's how confident I am in the proof that is before me.


Okay, let me begin by saying this is the type of statement that just makes everyone angry. Though you made some good points, saying things like "I bet you all a million dollars that it's an Aqua Trax" is just plain stupid. No one can be sure on what it is, and though you may be right, you dont have to say it in such an outrageous way.


Also, I would like to call something to your attention. Notice the statement I highlighted in bold. I have a few things to say about that:


1-Just because its low lying does not mean that it will be an Aqua Trax. You cant tell right now anyways, the supports arent finished and they could grow. Also, Atlantis Adventure is actually taller than Rita Queen of Speed .


2- All intamin track is the same, there is no "Aqua Trax specific" track type.


3- There is no Aqua Trax specific support type either. There are many odd Intamin supports out there. Let me show you a few:


Notice the odd support work around the bottom of the loop. Also, look at the square connectors to the flat track. (Kanonen)


Notice the tri-sprouting supports at the bottom of the support structure. Similar to the supports on Maverick? (Superman Escape)


WTF!? Are those low lying supports on a coaster thats built by Intamin but not an Aqua Trax!? NO WAY! (Goliath)


I think I have made my point. I am not trying to start anything, but I couldnt let those statements go on. There is no way to tell what it is by the supports so far. Nuff said.

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I bet you all a million dollars that it's an AquaTrax.


The pictures of that AquaTrax in South Korea are just too damn similar. The plotting of the supports so far looks to be for a low lying coaster, the track is that of Intamin AquaTrax structures, the supports are IDENTICAL to an AquaTrax coaster. The glove fits and you can NOT aquit!


If it's not a AquaTrax then I will change my name here to The Archfiendess. That's how confident I am in the proof that is before me.


You might as well change your name right now.

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Ok people really, wait for the announcement. EVERY piece of intamin track and support look a LOT alike. IMHO i'll say this about if it's an Aqua Trax or not. If it was an Aqua Trax, we would have seen a building start, or at least the foundation for one, or this is an Aqua Trax without a building.

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You all say that he's insane to bet that it's an aquatrax, but I see nobody has taken up his offer to bet one million dollars, so deep down, you aren't commited. A nice long aquatrax would do cedar point very good, and again the water ride removal means the use of water will be important and much needed, also. Lastly, who says an aquatrax has to have a building? I don't know where you get this idea. That's like saying because the Beast goes underground, every wooden coaster must go underground... Seriously, don't be silly.

-James "not a fanboy, just looking at the info" Dillaman

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So my next question -


To all of you who don't think it's an Aqua Trax, will you be dissapointed if that's what it actually ends up being?


--Robb "I really have no idea, I'm just asking random questions!" Alvey

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Their argument is that just because it might be and looks like an Aquatrax doesn't mean it will be.


I don't know why some people are just so adamant about it, though. At this point it could be an Aquatrax or it could be anything else. The only way to find out is to wait.

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