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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Something I have noticed this season so far is that the park is not honoring row requests as much and they are assigning rows on almost everything except Millennium Force and Blue Streak. I got assigned a row on Iron freaking Dragon!



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I’ve noticed this too. IMO I really like it. Makes the station far less crowded and it efficiently allocates people to each seat while still allowing those that really want a certain spot to get it (cause you can just ask for it). Wait times I would presume are reduced as a result.

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Something I have noticed this season so far is that the park is not honoring row requests as much and they are assigning rows on almost everything except Millennium Force and Blue Streak. I got assigned a row on Iron freaking Dragon!



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Oh boy I hate to think getting assigned one of the dreaded box seats on Magnum. Personally I hate these assigned seats policies, I can understand why they are needed some times (for example a very compact station like Wicked Cyclones) but for most rides it's just a pain and not needed.

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Came to the park today (Sunday MDW) with my friend who is headed to Army training this week. He's from NYC so this was his first time--he loved it, and it helped that he got in free today with his military ID.


Super light crowds with the rain, but many of the coasters were still running! We had such a fun ride on Magnum in the rain, and the tunnel effects were great to see working.


I really feel like the park is cleaned up a ton this year. They really seem to be catering to EVERYBODY and wanting to provide the best day experience no matter what. Thunder Alley was cool. Frontier Town has been revived. The employees were all super lively and friendly.


Oh, and for the record, after riding all the coasters except dragster (which is weird because he was afraid to ride it even though his first coaster ever was Kingda Ka), his top three were 1)SV 2)Gatekeeper 3)Magnum

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Something I have noticed this season so far is that the park is not honoring row requests as much and they are assigning rows on almost everything except Millennium Force and Blue Streak. I got assigned a row on Iron freaking Dragon!



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I’ve noticed this too. IMO I really like it. Makes the station far less crowded and it efficiently allocates people to each seat while still allowing those that really want a certain spot to get it (cause you can just ask for it). Wait times I would presume are reduced as a result.


Yeah I would have liked it too if they honored my requests for certain rows, but they didn’t.



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Currently at the park. Crowds are pretty light. Was supposed to be scattered thunderstorms today but thankfully turned out the exact opposite. Weather is immaculate.


Raptor is closed however atm and Steel Vengeance has yet to open.


Other than that everything else has been running w/o a hitch even TTD!


EDIT: Gemini also closed(for maintenance). I dont think it will open today

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Currently at the park. Crowds are pretty light. Was supposed to be scattered thunderstorms today but thankfully turned out the exact opposite. Weather is immaculate.


Raptor is closed however atm and Steel Vengeance has yet to open.


Other than that everything else has been running w/o a hitch even TTD!


EDIT: Gemini also closed(for maintenance). I dont think it will open today



Word is that Steel Vengeance got struck by lightning last night and did not open at all today. Anyone at the park to confirm? If true, I hope they fix it until June, 23rd.....

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^So THATS supposedly what kept it closed today? If so, well i guess i picked the absolute wrong day to go ...


Ah well, hopefully itll be back open tomorrow and I can get a quick ride on it in the morning before driving back to Cincy.


If not, this credit will just have to wait a bit longer, as I will not be at Coastermania (busy)...


But anyhow, I did get one new credit. Rode Valravn for the first time. Loved it, so I honestly dont get the hate for this coaster.


And I actually liked pretty much all of its layout too. not just the first drop, but second drop, inversions, and 'airtime' (albeit rather weak) hill as well.


Restraints weren't a problem at all for me personally, and I like the open view they give.


Only gripe I guess would be (and this is hardly even a gripe) would be the somewhat awkward stop and start braking at the end.


Other than that overall just an excellent ride! Undoubtedly my fav B&M in the park, with Rougarous a very close second (thats an opinion i bet you dont see every day

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Rode Valravn for the first time. Loved it, so I honestly dont get the hate for this coaster.


Only gripe I guess would be (and this is hardly even a gripe) would be the somewhat awkward stop and start braking at the end.


I'm glad you loved it -- Valravn is solid! I haven't read or heard anything downright hateful about it, but I'm sure a few people prefer the older restraints. It's also common to be lukewarm toward any newer B&M not named Fury, but I think most people would agree that Valravn's fun & one of B&M's better styles. It might even be underrated with so many great coasters in the park. The big drop always puts a big smile on my face, and with FL+ you can usually walk right into the station and onto the next train -- I'd gladly do that all day.


I know what you mean about the abrupt pedal-pumping stops in the brakes. Not awful, but awkward. There can be a lot of mini-stops as the train goes down the slope. It's funny when there's so much refinement in a well-engineered ride, and then the brake run of all places is the spot you gotta be ready for.

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Sounds legit. There's no way a structure that high in the middle of a flat lake would have measures in place to prevent damage from lightning.

I mean even if there are electronic circuits don’t like much influx in voltage and controlling where thousands of volts goes can be iffy at best. (Not that I don’t questions RMC’s engineering especially considering the problems their rides have had though.)


Either way hope it opens soon.

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