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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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*New Topic* I just saw a new Valleyfair commercial air on TV. It was different than usual because they really advertised Soak City. They were saying "two parks for the price of one". So they're calling Soak City a whole different park. This sounds a little crazy, but maybe this is suppose to advertise Soak City to make it more of a big deal, and maybe this has to do with the expansion coming next year.


Well, a lot of other CF parks advertise their water parks with the "Two parks for the price of one" slogan, so I don't think that's anything special. However, if they are showing the water park more in their commercials, that could be another sign that the expansion is coming.


Speaking of commercials, I've always hated Valleyfair's commercials because they always show rides that aren't at the park.

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Going back to Carowinds' expansion for a second: Carowinds is investing 50 million over two years. Carwoinds was one of the three parks singled out by CF for significant expansion possibilities. Not that we are going to do exactly what they are, but the possibilities are fun to dream about.

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Speaking of commercials, I've always hated Valleyfair's commercials because they always show rides that aren't at the park.


So true, they NEVER show any real rides from Valleyfair. They only show rides from other CF parks. This goes for both print billboards and TV commercials. Makes you wonder if someone could sue them for false advertising. Of course if they did show real rides from VF it would be one boring commercial after Renegade and Steel Venom. I get that you produce one commercial and just change the name in print to save money on production costs but when new commercials run year after year after year that show all these rides with inversions for VF and that the park has nothing like those rides plus has not had a new ride with inversions since 1980 it borders on the line of false advertising to me. It would be nice if just once the park would get a ride that CF would actually want to use in a company wide commercial and quit going on the cheap for this park just once.

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I agree. Although, if you're going to sue someone for false advertisement, you might as well sue Cedar Fair because I've seen the same commercials used for many parks in the chain.


The problem with using VF's coasters in their commercials is that it probably wouldn't work because I feel that it's the large steel coasters that appeal to the GP. While Wild Thing and Steel Venom fall into that category, pretty much everyone that lives in Minnesota and western Wisconsin has either ridden or knows about those coasters, and since they've both been here for a while, I don't think their pull factor is that strong anymore. That's why VF really needs a modern steel looper. Fortunately, with the park being listed as planned for significant growth, it could happen, and hopefully not on the cheap like in the past.

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One last thing, valleyfair have planted some pine trees in the former IMAX area, which got me a bit confused. I hope there is still enough room with the trees there too expand the waterpark.


I don't think this should be an issue at all. Just because they planted trees doesn't mean they can't use that space. They could move the trees if they needed or just discard them. Parks like this thrive on being beautiful and would think nothing of planting large spruce trees for just one season. Why did VF even bother to put in sand volleyball courts. We all know they are coming out. They could have just left it a grassy field for a year and nobody would have cared a bit.

Well, I'll be thir first to say on this forum. HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY! God is good! Enjoy your time with family or friends or whatever else you plan for today! Take a moment to say a prayer of thanks to God for the great nation He has blessed us with! Thank the Lord for Amusement parks! It give us all a lot to talk about!


The spruce trees are next to the existing main path. Unless our fantasy about demolishing the restrooms and moving Mad Mouse come to pass it doesn't look like they'd really be in the way of anything in the waterpark. It kind of looks like the intent was to discourage people from climbing over the rope and taking a shortcut to Soak City rather than walking all the way around the Imax graveyard and Looping Starship.

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Got this from VFZ's Facebook page: A marker near the old Hydroblaster spot. I guess we very well could see something there in addition to whatever fills the old IMAX spot.


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^ Nothing that was not expected, but it is nice to see confirmation now that this area will be used for the water park expansion. With obvious markings like these along with all of the orange dots on the ground must mean they are getting reading for construction soon and my guess would be the day after Labor Day now. The announcement will probably come sometime in the 2nd half of August and it will be fun to get all the details of how big in scope and what this expansion will bring with it.

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Gonna be at the park on Thursday! Anybody else gonna be there that day? I'm looking forward to snooping around and finding new clues about what exactly is coming. I'll keep ya posted.


Remember to take a phone or camera for pictures if you find anything new.

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Very excited for the August announcements this year. It's kinda like Christmas to see what all the park's are getting each year Hopefully we get the waterpark expansion, and I'm looking forward to what Carowinds is getting. I'm hearing a GigaCoaster called Fury325. With their teaser being the "8th wonder if the world." And Cedar Point and Kings Island will probably get some normal expansion or general improvements.

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^I've heard CP could get something similar to Wonder Mountain's Guardian next year or some similar style dark/shooting ride.


The GM said a thrill ride for teens. Some employees have heard rumors about Mantis being turned into a floorless, and I'm almost positive a water park expansion is in the works for them as well.

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^I've heard CP could get something similar to Wonder Mountain's Guardian next year or some similar style dark/shooting ride.


The GM said a thrill ride for teens. Some employees have heard rumors about Mantis being turned into a floorless, and I'm almost positive a water park expansion is in the works for them as well.



Are there any Thrill Rides that Cedar Point doesn't have? All I can think of is a Top Spin. Maybe a Huss Giant Jump?

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^I've heard CP could get something similar to Wonder Mountain's Guardian next year or some similar style dark/shooting ride.


The GM said a thrill ride for teens. Some employees have heard rumors about Mantis being turned into a floorless, and I'm almost positive a water park expansion is in the works for them as well.



Are there any Thrill Rides that Cedar Point doesn't have? All I can think of is a Top Spin. Maybe a Huss Giant Jump?

Their are many thrill rides Cedar Point doesn't have. Just because they aren't in every park and many are for the fair market, doesn't mean their are only very few thrill rides parks can get.

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^I've heard CP could get something similar to Wonder Mountain's Guardian next year or some similar style dark/shooting ride.


The GM said a thrill ride for teens. Some employees have heard rumors about Mantis being turned into a floorless, and I'm almost positive a water park expansion is in the works for them as well.



Are there any Thrill Rides that Cedar Point doesn't have? All I can think of is a Top Spin. Maybe a Huss Giant Jump?


Your guess is as good as mine as to what they get... They certainly have a solid list of top tier flat rides; Power Tower, MaXair, Skyhawk, Windseeker... but there's a lot of neat attractions out there.


Can't wait for August.

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Just got back from Valleyfair, saw some markings by the previous Hydroblaster spot, but nothing else new than before. While I was in line for Steel Venom, something went wrong with the tubing or something in the track causing everyone to evacuate. Don't know if it's back up or not. Power Tower had a long wait at the top again. Anyways it was a pretty fun day.

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On the subject of flat rides, does anyone think that VF could get something like Lake Erie Eagles at CP or Lakeside Gliders at MiA (not sure of the name of the ride model)? I know that the last thing VF needs at this point is another family ride (since we have Planet Snoopy, Route 76, and several other family rides throughout the park), but I'm just throwing the idea out there. It probably wouldn't cost too much, and they could possibly fit it in one of several places (amphitheater, Wild Thing turnaround, old Tilter spot, etc.) Also, if it really is not expensive, they could possibly put one in for next year along with the Soak City expansion. It's not necessarily what I want, but does anyone else think it's possible?


While I was in line for Steel Venom, something went wrong with the tubing or something in the track causing everyone to evacuate. Don't know if it's back up or not.

Well, it's an Intamin, so those things happen from time to time. Hopefully it's open by next week when I go.

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On the subject of flat rides, does anyone think that VF could get something like Lake Erie Eagles at CP or Lakeside Gliders at MiA (not sure of the name of the ride model)? I know that the last thing VF needs at this point is another family ride (since we have Planet Snoopy, Route 76, and several other family rides throughout the park), but I'm just throwing the idea out there. It probably wouldn't cost too much, and they could possibly fit it in one of several places (amphitheater, Wild Thing turnaround, old Tilter spot, etc.) Also, if it really is not expensive, they could possibly put one in for next year along with the Soak City expansion. It's not necessarily what I want, but does anyone else think it's possible?


I was wondering why we didn't get one immediately for Route 76 as it's about park nostalgia and we had a flyers back in 1976.

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I was doing a little research on Google Maps about where a new coaster could go. There is a plot of land that is currently occupied by Dinosaurs Alive, but there have been rumors that Cedar Fair only has the Dinos for a while. If the new coaster didn't come for another 2, 3, even 4 years, that might be a possibility. I photoshopped Talon onto the spot where the dinos currently are and it fits perfectly. An invert of similar size similar to Talon would fit the land and budget perfectly. It would give a great front of the park impression similar to what CF has been doing with GateKeeper, Leviathan, and the rumored coaster at Carowinds.



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Yeah, I heard that Dinos are only supposed to be here for a few more years. Putting a B&M invert in that location would be a good idea, but I think that the new coaster is going to go somewhere else in the park because the new coaster will probably be here by 2017, and I don't think the Dinos leave until 2018 or 2019. I guess they could relocate the Dinos to somewhere else in the park if they did end up putting a coaster there, but if the Dinos are only temporary, then I don't see the point in moving the attraction around.

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I visited the park last thursday and had a great time with my daughter. Didn't see anything new or out of place. All markers and flags were gone with the exception of the one posted earlier by where Hydroblaster was. It was almost as if the park was purposly trying to quiet things down.

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