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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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A picture from GM Dave's Twitter account. As he states, "We have water!" Getting closer.


Hopefully, those drop slides won't be as wedgie-inducing, scrape your back, or plug your nose full of water like the older drop/speed slides that I have ridden - I have my doubts though. Those things are usually more painful than they are fun.

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A picture from GM Dave's Twitter account. As he states, "We have water!" Getting closer.


Hopefully, those drop slides won't be as wedgie-inducing, scrape your back, or plug your nose full of water like the older drop/speed slides that I have ridden - I have my doubts though. Those things are usually more painful than they are fun.



My general experience has been that any speed slides built in the last decade have been far less pain-inducing.


Somewhere along the way, they figured out how to have the run-outs not kill you. I'm sure the new slides will be fine. VF's older speed slides are also some of the worst I've experienced.

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Has anyone seen the new Cedar Fair website? It's pretty cool! I just watched the new "Who We Are" video and it looked like almost every park was featured except Valleyfair


Not too surprising. The park really has nothing to 'show off' or really exciting to see so why bother. This is what happens when CF keeps treating VF like the red headed step child of the family. I do like the updated CF site though.

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Has anyone seen the new Cedar Fair website? It's pretty cool! I just watched the new "Who We Are" video and it looked like almost every park was featured except Valleyfair


Not too surprising. The park really has nothing to 'show off' or really exciting to see so why bother. This is what happens when CF keeps treating VF like the red headed step child of the family. I do like the updated CF site though.

I wouldn't be worried about that video because it probably doesn't mean anything about the park's future. At least Valleyfair wasn't the only park left out.

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As far as general roughness, the existing speed slides are some of the worst out there. I've literally had rips put in several of my swimming suits.



Oh my...I have had some instances where I felt like I was close to getting the Atomic Wedgie on a speed slide, but never had one try to shred my shorts before!


Hopefully the new ones are a lot smoother like others have said. I love the free fall feeling experience, but don't like being bludgeoned & violated in the process.

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As far as general roughness, the existing speed slides are some of the worst out there. I've literally had rips put in several of my swimming suits.



Oh my...I have had some instances where I felt like I was close to getting the Atomic Wedgie on a speed slide, but never had one try to shred my shorts before!


Hopefully the new ones are a lot smoother like others have said. I love the free fall feeling experience, but don't like being bludgeoned & violated in the process.


Haha! At least its a clean violation!

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The old speed slides have never ripped any of my swimsuits, and the drop itself is semi-decent, but the run-out chute is brutally painful. I hope they will remove them soon to make way for something much better.

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It's a little hard to see with the tarp in the way, but it looks like there probably won't be a new Soak City entrance after all . Hopefully they'll place an entrance there eventually.


You can also see Wild Thing testing in the background .


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^And 6 trash cans underneath each canopy.


It's called the "Dick Kinzel ratio" in the Cedar Fair manual. 6 trash cans for every shade canopy and 2 trash cans for every bench. But I have to admit, the park is pretty clean during operations.

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