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Everything posted by danderson83

  1. Remember that at the time Wild Thing was built, it was the 5th tallest coaster in the world. While not record setting, it was big. So the possibility is there that they could build a big coaster. Though back in 1996 they didn't have all of the Paramount parks like they do now, so I'm sure that changes how and where they spend the big bucks.
  2. How about testing related to the upgrades IOE was doing to Wild Thing?
  3. I agree. I think once the permit happens, we will see some exciting things. It may take a few years, but I'm patiently optimistic on what the future holds for VF.
  4. Your exactly right. I am very happy for the investment and the curb appeal will be awesome. I guess like everyone else, every year I hope this is the year we get a coaster announcement. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very happy for the new growth and attraction none the less.
  5. I was really hoping that 2017 would be the year of a new coaster at Valleyfair. I guess we never know for sure until the announcements are made :/
  6. Whatever it is, this is the earliest they've had an announcement in a long time. If memory serves, didn't they announce Renegade in September? And this is a month earlier than that!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I saw the episode as well. I thought they did a great job, and it was fun to see Valley Fair on one of the shows. Maybe after we get that new coaster, they will come back to do an episode of Extreme Coaster Wars.
  8. I went to both Cedar Point and Kings island back in 2013. We drove from Western Minnesota to Cedar Point, and then to Kings island, and back to MN. We spent two days driving to Cedar Point, about 1/2 day drive from Sandusky to Cincinnati, and another 2 day drive from Cincinnati back to MN.
  9. To address this quote, valleyfair is not getting an invert, and you're implying that we are. Which we are not. Yes, I know ValleyFair has not announced anything about a new invert coaster. Do I "think" that we will someday eventually get one, Yes, I hope so! When, I have no idea, just like everyone else. Hopefully maybe in the next couple three years. And if we were to get one, I think Valkyrie would be a cool name for one. I just assumed that everyone here would know that is what I meant by my post. Why does everyone here have to take everyone posts so literal. Can't we just have a fun discussion about what we like/hope/wish to see someday at our home park? And how we all enjoy coasters, and can dream about getting a new one someday at VF? Sheesh!!
  10. I think Valkyrie would be an awesome name for VF's new B&M invert.
  11. Both in 2001? ValleyFair was purchased by Cedar Point back in 1978 to create Cedar Fair. Cedar Fair = Cedar Point + ValleyFair. I know we all want our home park to get the latest and greatest, but I do think we have it pretty good. We have a good selection of coasters (Renegade, Wild Thing, Steel Venom). I know they aren't record setters, but they are good none the less. And also a great selection of flats too. I think Route76 was a great transformation for that part of the park a couple years ago, and throw in Power Tower and Extreme Swing, it's pretty good. Just my 2 cents!!
  12. The thing is, all the larger parks have gotten lots of new coasters since VF got Renegade. Since Renegade in 2007, Carowinds has gotten Intimidator and Fury 325, Canada's Wonderland has gotten behemoth and leviathon, Cedar Point has gotten Maverick, Gatekeeper, Rougaru, and now Valravn(2016), Kings Island has gotten diamondback and banshee, Kings dominion has gotten Intimidator305 and dominator. I think it should be Valleyfair's turn next.
  13. I would be ecstatic if we got a new new coaster for 2016, but I think all the talk of not getting one has me not really expecting it. I sure hope Saturday's announcement is exciting, and if 40% is an accurate estimate of our chances, that's not too bad. If/when we do get a new coaster, I sure do hope it is a B&M. Just from the perspective of B&Ms move a lot of people, tend to be very smooth, reliable, and GP friendly, which has to be a boost for attendance. And maybe with that, it would lead to a more thrilling intamin coaster in our future later on!!! Just my 2 cents!!
  14. Like everyone else, I was hoping 2016 was our new coaster year. But considering, a Mondial Revolution and Larson Fliers is pretty good. I like the name "Delirium" for the Revolution, and I agree in that it will have good curb appeal. ** And I guess I should say if we get one
  15. I always ride Wild Thing in the front row, and I think it has very good air time. I do think it is better in the front, versus the middle or back. And thank goodness VF has a steel hyper in Wild Thing.
  16. Well, now just three days away from the start of August, and with no footers or prep work obvious, I'm starting to think 2016 isn't our year for a new B&M invert. I guess we never know until announcements are made, but I would think that we would see some sort of activity/footer work starting by now if an August announcement was in the works. Keeping fingers crossed for 2017 now!!!
  17. Here is the link on TPR, for the thread on the track spotted at Clermont in Ohio. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=70151&start=150
  18. ... And for all the complaining over speculating versus fact reporting. This is meant to be a fun place to talk about we all hope/like/dream about seeing at VF. We all know most of our thoughts are just speculation or dreaming, but it is fun to read and see what other people have for ideas with new coasters and rides. VF will do what is in their best business interest, and we all know that too. Now, lets get back to the fun of dreaming and speculating on Valley Fair's next coaster
  19. I would like to see it incorporate an Immelmann Loop, a Zero-G roll, and a Batwing. I think those three all in an invert or winged coaster would be awesome. As for location, I would have to say back of the park, though I am a fan of the new style coaster/entrance configuration. I think you get bigger curb appeal putting it in the front.
  20. I'll be there either next Monday or Tuesday. I'll keep my eyes pealed for any markings or sightings.
  21. Not sure how to interpret that. Does it mean that once we see footings, we know it's on the way? or does it mean that being there are no new footings, there is nothing coming within the next two years.
  22. I was really hoping for a new coaster in 2016. But now with the new land developments, If it takes a year or two longer, but means we get a bigger or better coaster, I'm all for it. Does anyone know .... does the FAA height restriction apply to the areas to the west that will now be protected by the new road/levy? If not, maybe a taller/longer coaster isn't such a stretch for VF anymore!!
  23. How about ValleyFair? They haven't received a new coaster since 2007, and they don't have a B&M. The only coaster with inversions is the old Arrow Corkscrew, and that was built in 1980.
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