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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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My guess is Frazier can't bring himself to destroy it now, but it will sit on the back lot for a decade, too expensive to restore, until it finally rusts out or Frazier's successor gets rid of it. I imagine a lot of pieces got damaged in the move, and even before there were dim and burned out sections. Even though the guy that made it is still around, neon is expensive (it costs me hundreds of dollars to get some tubing bent on two occasions) and a declining art.


None of the neon museums I contacted bothered to return my emails, my only thought is that "Pioneer Village' place that took the Cottage View drive-in signs. Yes, it would be cool plopped down in Route 76 (maybe with a single face to halve the energy costs and salvage parts from the other side) but I doubt it's going to happen.

Edited by Mdcastle
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It's possible that they may. Branding consistency is very important as you want your company or product to have one unified perception, down to the fonts, that you can control. Ouimet being from Disney (the masters of branding) will more than understand that.

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You can still find the old Valleyfair logo in several places in the park: top of Power Tower, High Roller's trains, Excalibur's trains, Mad Mouse's sign, the sign near the park entrance, and probably some other places. It would be nice to see as many as possible stay, but there does need to be branding consistency like ariznglori said.

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You can still find the old Valleyfair logo in several places in the park: top of Power Tower, High Roller's trains, Excalibur's trains, Mad Mouse's sign, the sign near the park entrance, and probably some other places. It would be nice to see as many as possible stay, but there does need to be branding consistency like ariznglori said.


Ahh touche! Didn't even think about the logo's on the trains!

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Yup, it's definitely intriguing. As has been mentioned before by someone else, I could see us getting a dark ride with a spooky native American theme, but I'm not sure if that would raise PC issues (you never know these days). We could get something with a sasquatch or werewolf creature in the woods type. Maybe even a more obvious theme like a haunted house or mad carnival.


Call it outlandish but I would not be surprised if we got an alien-themed one. A decent sized dark ride building could fit in the amphitheater space, and would face onto a midway with a 50s kind of vibe. Alien movies were big in the 50s and they could really toy with the retro feel. And with the airport nearby they could lace aviation into it somehow...?


Or a Vekoma madhouse? Hmm.

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Hmm...what are they doing here?


What exactly are you referring to? The splash pad?

No, they were doing something on the new path in that pic, and now it's obvious that they were putting in some landscaping there. Even though I'm all for landscaping, it looks like it's taking up even more of that space in what can be a slow place for walking when the park is busy.


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You can still find the old Valleyfair logo in several places in the park: top of Power Tower, High Roller's trains, Excalibur's trains, Mad Mouse's sign, the sign near the park entrance, and probably some other places. It would be nice to see as many as possible stay, but there does need to be branding consistency like ariznglori said.


I actually think you nailed it. It was all of the ones I could think of too now that all the old trash cans are gone. If someone can think of another location please add it to the list and let me know. And the old logo on the High Roller trains should never leave since they has been there since day one of the park opening in my opinion. Plus the way the old logo is imprinted/engraved on metal plates (not painted or a decal) and are actually attached to the trains hopefully they won't remove them.

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So, do you think they could possibly be putting in a new Soak City entrance at the corner here, because it looks like that could be the case. It would be nice not having to walk that far to enter the waterpark. I know they said there would be no new entrance, but that was a while ago, and things can change.


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Someone should post a pic of the sign lit up if they have one, I'd like to see that

Here's the only one I have. As we were leaving on closing day, and we got a red light as we were heading out, so I quick snapped this picture because I new that it would be the last time I saw it lit up.



From an trip report I did back in November.

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Someone should post a pic of the sign lit up if they have one, I'd like to see that

Here's the only one I have. As we were leaving on closing day, and we got a red light as we were heading out, so I quick snapped this picture because I new that it would be the last time I saw it lit up.



From an trip report I did back in November.


I was referring to the new, modern sign but thats cool too!

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