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The Dark Knight.......Rises


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No, he is in the bus that the Joker gets into.


I'm still confused... Joker left the hospital alone as he was blowing it up, did he put Dent on the bus before the im/explosion?


I also loved how they filmed it in Chicago... Batman on the edge of Sears Tower, funny how they left a lot of real-word signs in the background... Budweiser, US Bank, Scottrade, Kinko's - even a shop called "Sweet Home Chicago." Though they did slightly modified a cta bus to say "Gta"


I finally saw it at my local IMAX screen. The place was packed, partly due to Bargain Tuesday - $6, even for IMAX after 6pm!

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The scene is of the Joker walking down the hall after he visits Dent, and then triggers the explosion while still inside the building.


So, he'd have to have let him go. He introduced a little chaos, so to speak.

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^Didn't the Joker remove one of Harvey Dent's restraints while talking to him in the hospital? ...so I guess we can assume that Harvey did the rest and left before the Joker started with the explosions.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, since I've only seen the movie once so far.

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Just saw Dark Knight for the second time(this time in my local craptacular theater) and I have determined that the three most haunting words uttered in a movie for 2008 are... "LOOK AT ME!" That sent chills down my spine.

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Just saw Dark Knight for the second time(this time in my local craptacular theater) and I have determined that the three most haunting words uttered in a movie for 2008 are... "LOOK AT ME!" That sent chills down my spine.


I know what you mean, the final "LOOK AT ME" when his voice sort of completely changes and booms in the room. It's somewhat similar when he says "HIT ME" the last time when Batman's coming at him on the motor cycle.


So I've seen this 3 times so far. I'd love to go in IMAX. I love this movie.

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