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The Dark Knight.......Rises


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I went to see the movie last night. I would give it a solid 9.1. I've never really been into the superhero movies, but this one definitely held my attention. And $155 million shows I'm not the only one. Oh, and for all the people that were talking about fanboys just clicking "10" on IMDB, the top 250 list only counts regular voters when calculating the average, which is why when you click on pretty much all of those top movies, their ratings are different than in the actual top 250 list. This is done to reduce the amount of biased votes.

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Saw it yesterday morning with my wife. I left the theater speechless. Three hours later, I still couldn't put into words what I just saw. This movie just sucks you in. I knew it was good when she looked at me in the car and said, "we have to see it again in the theater."


A cool tidbit, Gotham City News' office lobby, is actually the building I work in. As well as the alley scene associated with it.

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I think I need to see this one again. We got really horrible seats because we didn't get to the theater early enough. We were literally in the very front row, which just sucks. Consequently, I didn't really get into this movie much.

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Saw it yesterday morning with my wife. I left the theater speechless. Three hours later, I still couldn't put into words what I just saw. This movie just sucks you in. I knew it was good when she looked at me in the car and said, "we have to see it again in the theater."


A cool tidbit, Gotham City News' office lobby, is actually the building I work in. As well as the alley scene associated with it.

Darn, I thought it was the candy factory that was blown up for a scene in the Dark Knight.


(linked for possible SPOILER)
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I saw Dark Knight yesterday in Denver (woot woot!) and LOVED it!!! However, I wish they would have shown the Joker a little bit more. Heath Ledger played that role so well, I felt that some of the movie didn't live up to his performance.


Easily the best performance by anyone I've ever seen (Heath Ledger as Joker)

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Easily my new favorite movie! I think Ledger NAILED the part. I could see this movie getting a nomination for best film, although the Oscars tend to stay away from the superhero films. I agree with you mcjaco, you do just get sucked in! It left the feeling that many of the things that occured could truly happen. Melissa and I are planning on going to see it agian Thursday.

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^ The only way I could see that working is if he's a very minor part (like Scarecrow in TDK) and obscured visually, so you can't tell it's him or not. It makes sense story-wise that he's probably locked up in Arkham, and he could always be sending new villains out to wreck havoc without having any actual screen time.

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A bunch of people were speculating that the next villain is Catwoman, from the scene where Bruce asks Lucius if the new suit protects against dogs, and Lucius jokingly replies it protects against cats. It's a bit of a stretch to think that line is foreshadowing anything, but who knows.

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I hope its Catwoman, because they could play off a storyline like, Batman and Catwoman go out (but in there secret identities) and then at night (since there both nocturnal or whatever) they come out and fight and Batman eventually finds out that his girlfriend is Catwoman, so he comes at a conflicted cause in which he either has to catch her, or let her continue her life of crime, or maybe they could have him make her good or something and Joker comes back into play and they have to defeat Joker together, because the Joker finds out that Batman is in love with this girl or something.


I dont know just brainstorming random ideas here.

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That sounds a bit too much like Mr. and Mrs. Smith haha, almost exactly the same plot as that movie


I'd read a rumor somewhere that the Penguin was going to be the next villain played by Phillip Seymor Hoffman, that's be interesting

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I hope its Catwoman, because they could play off a storyline like, Batman and Catwoman go out (but in there secret identities) and then at night (since there both nocturnal or whatever) they come out and fight and Batman eventually finds out that his girlfriend is Catwoman, so he comes at a conflicted cause in which he either has to catch her, or let her continue her life of crime, or maybe they could have him make her good or something and Joker comes back into play and they have to defeat Joker together, because the Joker finds out that Batman is in love with this girl or something.


I dont know just brainstorming random ideas here.


Um, that's basically the Batman/Catwoman storyline in "Batman Returns", except replace Joker with Penguin.

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Something I was thinking about with this movie was how did Ledger's death affect any of the post production. I never followed much about the movie after he died but I wonder if they had to re-do any of the ending as a result. I was previously under the impression that Two Face was to be in the third movie because the Joker actually disfigured him with some Acid or something, not the way it happened in the movie. Also while I was watching Dark Knight the whole ending just seemed kinda off a lil, just wierd I guess. Almost like they had to cut something somewhere or add something else in that wasn't originally intended as a result of Ledger's death.


Anyone know anything about that?

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The only Catwoman will always be Halle Berry just for the fact she was proud to win a Razzie award for that crappy movie.


Anyways, Nolan has stated that "I'd be more excited to have Philip Seymour Hoffman in the film than to have the Penguin. There are certain characters that are easier to mesh with the more real take on Batman we're doing. The Penguin would be tricky."


Also, Nolan kind of wants to use villains that have not been on the big screen already. If I had a suggestion, I'd say Ventriloquist. A pipe dream though.

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I absolutely loved the movie. It was amazingly intense for the vast duration of the movie and of course Heath Ledger was bloody amazing. It was long, but I didn't really notice it, and when I did I didn't care. It was a great movie that I hope to see again in the near future. When I saw it in Tucson on Saturday a monsoon hit during the movie so when we got out it was pouring with lightning everywhere and steam coming off the hot pavement. Kind of creepy after coming out of that movie.

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