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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I have not been to SFMM since 2003 when Scream first opened. I was wondering if Revolution still has the lap-bars? I also wanted to know how accommodating is Tatsu as compared to Riddler or Batman?


If you are talking about accommodating in respect to girth, my opinion is that Tatsu is somewhat more accomodating than Batman but a little less so than Riddler.


The biggest thing on Tatsu seems to be not just getting the restraint to lock, but getting it to lock enough to satisfy the sensors. Last time I was there I saw lots of rechecks for people that could get it closed, just not far enough. It seems that the retraint has to go down two clicks.


Riddlers belt is the big thing and if you have a big belly thats an issue. Generally speaking you need 3 clicks to get it far enough down for the belt to latch, but if is possible to get some of the belts to latch right before the 3rd click.



^I'd add Goldrusher to that list. Due to its single position lapbar.

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I went to the park last night, as I was in the neighborhood and decided to see what was what. One train on Colossus, slow dispatches at Tatsu, and the park could have been a litte cleaner and better staffed, but other than that, I didn't see anything that was that horrible.


And what trip would be complete without the last pic of the skyline!


...and Backward!




The mighty Deja Vu!


This airtime hill seems kinda unnecessary...now


Green is Mean!!


Up next, was the world famous question mark ride.


The "Highlighter" Green Lantern!





Up next was Batman-which also had no wait.


...more art...


Artsy shots


First ride in-Scream!...As you can see had no wait.


...but since the park was a ghost town I don't think anyone missed it much


Log Jammer was closed...


Tatsu holding down the hill


Main gate shot

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"This airtime hill seems kinda unnecessary...now" (Bolliger&Mabillard)


I still like it. Just because the reason for it is gone doesn't mean it isn't needed anymore. The ride would lose something if it were missing.



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Tatsu had a great night tonight. 3 trains, 2 stations. 1 momentary downtime that was nearly a hard breakdown, but the downtime was handled very well and luckily we were able to recover. The crew was performing the best I have seen them. Trains were dispatching as the previous one was just finishing its cycle. The only real stacking was immediately after the breakdown, but once the rythem was regained, the crew was doing well again.


We hit one of the highest, if not the highest throughput totals of the season tonight. The crew tells me that three trains is the most fun and motivation they've ever had.





In the "spirit of full disclosure", I am biased--but no more so than the bitter ex-Magic employees that post on the boards.



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^Not to worry at all.


When staffing gets tight at the beginning and end of each season Hurricane Harbor uses temps or Magic Mountain Employees at positions that do NOT involve a pool. They are called Slide Attendants. You will still find a life guard at any slide bottom where there is a catch pool, as well as the lazy river, wave pool, etc. They only put attendants in positions where no 'water skills or lifesaving' is required.


This is common practice at several waterparks. Heck Deluge at SFKK has an ops employee at the top since it's more like dispatching a roller coaster!

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Tatsu had a great night tonight. 3 trains, 2 stations. 1 momentary downtime that was nearly a hard breakdown, but the downtime was handled very well and luckily we were able to recover. The crew was performing the best I have seen them. Trains were dispatching as the previous one was just finishing its cycle. The only real stacking was immediately after the breakdown, but once the rythem was regained, the crew was doing well again.


We hit one of the highest, if not the highest throughput totals of the season tonight. The crew tells me that three trains is the most fun and motivation they've ever had.





In the "spirit of full disclosure", I am biased--but no more so than the bitter ex-Magic employees that post on the boards.





That is awesome to hear! I'm making my 6th trip out this year in October. Looking forward to it! I love hearing that the crew had fun, since it is supposed to be a fun job. I loved working on the rides at the Stratosphere it was fun and a way to get away from the real world lol.



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Tatsu had a great night tonight. 3 trains, 2 stations. 1 momentary downtime that was nearly a hard breakdown, but the downtime was handled very well and luckily we were able to recover. The crew was performing the best I have seen them. Trains were dispatching as the previous one was just finishing its cycle. The only real stacking was immediately after the breakdown, but once the rythem was regained, the crew was doing well again.


We hit one of the highest, if not the highest throughput totals of the season tonight. The crew tells me that three trains is the most fun and motivation they've ever had.





In the "spirit of full disclosure", I am biased--but no more so than the bitter ex-Magic employees that post on the boards.





My question is: what took so long? It's great to hear Tatsu now has three trains and the crew actually hauled ass for a change, but that doesn't excuse the fact it took the entire summer to do it!


The "bitter ex-Magic" employees certainly were not the only people complaining about the lack of three trains and the slow crews throughout the entire summer, and while one good night is progress, until Tatsu consistently runs three trains with a good crew, people will continue to complain. It's the marquee attraction. There's no hiding bad crews/less than 3 trains/etc.


Hopefully the positive momentum continues...

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"In the "spirit of full disclosure", I am biased--but no more so than the bitter ex-Magic employees that post on the boards. "


Not sure if you were referring to me or not - but anyway, congrats on the good count! Now if only they can either maintain that third train or convert the positive energy into a 2 or 1 train operation then that would be really awesome. I'll post as I see - I'm sorry if the good to bad ratio isn't on par with what you would want. But in my eyes hearing that the Tatsu crew handled a downtown good is a bit too little too late. Sure, I'm glad they did... but its just something that they should be use to be now...and have perfected at this point!


If it isn't operation with 3 trains, then perhaps there should be something to take the unoccupied time that arises with the loss of a train. Whether it be double checking, more spieling, maybe enforcing the 10-5 guest interactive rule in between trains. Something that can create a rhythm in its own when the ride isn't operating at maximum capacity.



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^ I didn't single you out! There's quite a few who post here.



My question is: what took so long? It's great to hear Tatsu now has three trains and the crew actually hauled a$$ for a change, but that doesn't excuse the fact it took the entire summer to do it!


The "bitter ex-Magic" employees certainly were not the only people complaining about the lack of three trains and the slow crews throughout the entire summer, and while one good night is progress, until Tatsu consistently runs three trains with a good crew, people will continue to complain. It's the marquee attraction. There's no hiding bad crews/less than 3 trains/etc.


Hopefully the positive momentum continues...



"What took so long?" has many answers, many of which I don't want to share, on a personal level. But the simplist answer is that X2 took the mechanical and operational attention this summer, which makes sense as X2 peaks the interest of what seems like the majority of our guests. One day, recently, it took 3 hours for the Tatsu line to reach one switchback in length, because of X2's luring power. Tatsu is a marquee attraction, yes. But this summer, it was not THE marquee attraction, which when it comes down to making sacrifices you don't want to make but have to, you do so.



And I disagree. A good crew and 3 trains wont change all that much. Because people will complain. Justified or not, they will complain. Look at any Disney park's fan site. I'm sure you'd agree.




Yes, it was one night. I'm going to be honest, tonight wasn't as good a night. With kids being back in school, our staffing was much weaker. With the exception of some hours where we could seize the opportunity to use it, our third train sat dormant. And ride downtime sent a lot of exit clearance our way, which disjointed the loading process. But it was still a decent day.


Just figured I'm entitled to share my perspective just as much as the next joe-schmoe.




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"What took so long?" has many answers, many of which I don't want to share, on a personal level. But the simplist answer is that X2 took the mechanical and operational attention this summer, which makes sense as X2 peaks the interest of what seems like the majority of our guests. One day, recently, it took 3 hours for the Tatsu line to reach one switchback in length, because of X2's luring power. Tatsu is a marquee attraction, yes. But this summer, it was not THE marquee attraction, which when it comes down to making sacrifices you don't want to make but have to, you do so.


I totally understand the business side of things, and that is fine by me if that is the direction the park wishes to take, but that statement seems like a total contradiction to what Jay and Neal have been working so hard to try and sell to us.


They've worked so hard to try and improve the park, and have made some visible improvements that we all enjoy, but if the real reasons behind Tatsu not having 3 trains the whole summer are "sacrifices you don't want to make, but have to"...That's the attitude of the old Six Flags.


But I knew this was coming. After Tim Burkhart's carefully worded "we will run the maximum trains available" statement, it was obvious something was up. I just tryed to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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^ I would have to agree with you. I'm tired of the excuses where Tatsu is concerned. It's of EQUAL importance to X2, and should run 3 trains as often as possible, especially during mid summer. There's just no excuse for those two rides to not run at maximum capacity 80 percent of the time.


Six Flags has worn out all the excuses. Now it's time for the park to put up or lose visitors for good. It's just that smple.

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Maybe it would help if the park modified it's train rehab schedule where three trains for rides are always available in peak season...either that or they could buy "fourth" trains from the manufacturer so one is constantly in rehab. Sure it'll cost money, but there isn't a business model in existence that yields a profit with no investment.

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^ That's a great idea. I also wonder how much of a benefit is it for SFMM to be open year round? It seems with as many rides as this park has, operational costs and rehab issues really do call for the park to have a brief "off season".


Does SFMM really bring in that much profit from January-March?

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