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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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From the newsletteR: THE FLASH Pass Gold just got better with the addition of Twisted Colossus and Full Throttle!


Looks like a much better deal given that Full Throttle has the longest and slowest moving lines and TC is just awesome! surprised there is still no x2 (w/o surcharge) I would think TC would be longer lines .

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This is just a wild guess but maybe the park uses that extra X2 revenue directly for it's maintenance. We all know that ride has a massive budget all its own... if the park can get people to pay specifically to ride X2 a certain amount of times per day it could help a lot w/ its upkeep. I'll admit that I paid up when I went just to increase my chances that I'd get on it during my visit.

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From the newsletteR: THE FLASH Pass Gold just got better with the addition of Twisted Colossus and YOLOcoaster!

That's excellent news! Those were two of my favorites when I visited last month, and sadly didn't get to ride them more than twice apiece. Glad to hear that you westcoasteners will get to take advantage of this.

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It's definitely the best time of year to go to the park. We only go to Magic Mountain once whenever we have the season passes (we live in Norhtern California) and we make a two day trip out of it in the first week in May on weekdays.


That time period smushed between Spring Break and Summer is an absolute dead zone. When we went two years ago, our second day (a Thursday) there was an interview given to us about whether we planned on riding Gold Rusher and Ninja (we had ridden every coaster the previous day with the exception of Revolution which was down and the two kiddie ones where you need a child to ride - Canyon Blaster and Magic Flyer). Anyway, the woman giving the survey noted that there were only 1500 people in the park the previous day. And guess what? Thursday was even more dead for us. How dead? Goliath was running only one train and there were so few people that they were letting anyone stay in their seats and ride it for as long as they wanted. We rode it three times towards the back. I blacked out a little you-know-where near the end of the ride on the second trip and then quite a bit on the third. Definitely had to sit down for like ten minutes after just to rest, but it was fun.


Anyway, Speedy Gonzalez coaster was being built last time and now there's Twisted Colossus and regular Batman instead of backwards versions of both (Batman backwards was terrible, Colossus backwards was ridiculously fun). My dream is to be able to go on one of these dead days and ride every coaster in a park where the total continues to inch higher about every couple of years. But I've never been successful since they usually shut a ride down for maintenance during that off-peak period or something goes haywire.


So, has anybody managed to get on all 18 of this checklist in one day before? It wouldn't shock me if nobody has done it now that the new version of the Revolution has only just opened up and during peak time to boot (Spring Break). It really takes a miracle day for there to be no crowds and every coaster running.


Every Coaster In One Day (18 Total Experiences):


The New Revolution (VR) - 2016, 1976

The New Revolution - 2016, 1976

Twisted Colossus - 2015

Speedy Gonzales Hot Rod Racers - 2014

Full Throttle - 2013

Green Lantern: First Flight - 2011

Road Runner Express - 2011

Apocalypse: The Ride - 2009

Tatsu - 2006

Scream! - 2003

X2 - 2002

Goliath - 2000

Riddler's Revenge - 1998

Superman: Escape from Krypton - 1997

Batman: The Ride - 1994

Viper - 1990

Ninja - 1998

Gold Rusher - 1971


Would like to know if there have been any ways you can ride either Canyon Blaster or Magic Flyer without kids. If I remember correctly, one is kids only and one only allows parents riding with children.


To me, I'd love to chuck in the drop ride (which always is part of the attempt) and the three water rides to be complete (just because they're more fun than most flats). My girlfriend will never ride Drop of Doom and she hates Riddler's Revenge saying it hurt her legs the last time she rode it, so I guess I might be embarking on this quest alone...of course, the mission is usually an automatic fail when you walk in the gate and see a sign stating that something is closed already.

Edited by CoastersOnly
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For the record, X2 is still their most popular coaster and could even out-draw Full Throttle most of the time when that one was new (although X2 was also not even running when Full Throttle first showed up)...I'm sure the situation was the same with Twisted Colossus. X2 is their most thrilling attraction and it's also the coaster there that ranks highest in the nerdy annual roller coaster surveys (with Tatsu and Goliath being the other steel ones that hover in the Top 50). It's no surprise to me that they can still charge extra for it.


It does look like in the near term, especially with the park being dead, that Revolution of all things will be the one getting the most attention due to the VR gimmick. You wonder if without it if anybody really would have had much interest in the refurbishments. I'm actually glad because I've been dying to give this a try and I'd rather knock out at least one ride of Revolution when the park opens than be one of the few people in line for it and then have to waste a small chunk of time behind the early morning "crowds" at X2 and Tatsu. Looks like everybody will be just headed for the Revolution instead.

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We've managed to ride all the coasters in one day before with a Platinum Flash Pass (minus the kids coasters because we don't care) but I'll never do that again because you couldn't pay me enough to re-ride X2, Green Lantern or Riddler. We also rode Lex Luthor and Jet Stream... because it's a Log Flume so of course I did.

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Quick question. I heard that they don't allow the VR goggles on the front of Revolution, probably because this policy allows the people not riding with VR to experience the front seat view...is it possible that sitting up front for that ride can actually lower the wait time since most people want to ride with the goggles?


I mean, simple math, if there's a smaller percentage of groups of two that BOTH want to ride without VR than their are two-seat groups per train, it would then contend that you can get on the ride faster without the goggles (and the front seat to boot). Not to mention the rare occasions where multiple groups of two want to ride without VR which wouldn't slow down the non-VR line at all.

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From the newsletteR: THE FLASH Pass Gold just got better with the addition of Twisted Colossus and YOLOcoaster!


Looks like a much better deal given that YOLOcoaster has the longest and slowest moving lines and TC is just awesome! surprised there is still no x2 (w/o surcharge) I would think TC would be longer lines .


That's great news, I love both of those coasters and I can now save some money by not having to get the Platinum flash pass. Yolo's line moves slow because they hold people back and then let a bunch through at a time. But the wait is hardly ever over an hour and that's with the Yolo plaza completely full. During spring break, our average wait times for Yolo was around 45 minutes. (Except when it had a rollback when we were in line and that added another 15 minutes or so.) I think the Yolo crew is one of the better crews in the park and they do a great job with a low capacity but very popular ride. Since X2 was only running one train, I heard people saying they waited 2-3 hours during Spring Break. We hit X2 at early entry and got two rides in before most of the GP even got into the park. People love to hate on X2, but I still love it and try to ride it multiple times each visit.


I have also been impressed with TC's crew my last few visits and it seems like they are making an honest effort to get the trains to race. However, the GP still doesn't get it and my racing experience has been less than 50% lately--mostly due to people having to put stuff on the side once they've already been seated.

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Quick question. I heard that they don't allow the VR goggles on the front of Revolution, probably because this policy allows the people not riding with VR to experience the front seat view...is it possible that sitting up front for that ride can actually lower the wait time since most people want to ride with the goggles?


I mean, simple math, if there's a smaller percentage of groups of two that BOTH want to ride without VR than their are two-seat groups per train, it would then contend that you can get on the ride faster without the goggles (and the front seat to boot). Not to mention the rare occasions where multiple groups of two want to ride without VR which wouldn't slow down the non-VR line at all.


i forgot to ask about a single rider line, or a line for the front. seems when i was there yesterday, and pics from the weekend that the front is almost always vacant.

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From the newsletteR: THE FLASH Pass Gold just got better with the addition of Twisted Colossus and YOLOcoaster!


Looks like a much better deal given that YOLOcoaster has the longest and slowest moving lines and TC is just awesome! surprised there is still no x2 (w/o surcharge) I would think TC would be longer lines .


Did that just get announced today? Asking since its still not available online and I'll be heading there on Saturday.

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Quick question. I heard that they don't allow the VR goggles on the front of Revolution, probably because this policy allows the people not riding with VR to experience the front seat view...is it possible that sitting up front for that ride can actually lower the wait time since most people want to ride with the goggles?


I mean, simple math, if there's a smaller percentage of groups of two that BOTH want to ride without VR than their are two-seat groups per train, it would then contend that you can get on the ride faster without the goggles (and the front seat to boot). Not to mention the rare occasions where multiple groups of two want to ride without VR which wouldn't slow down the non-VR line at all.


i forgot to ask about a single rider line, or a line for the front. seems when i was there yesterday, and pics from the weekend that the front is almost always vacant.


Interesting you mention that. I saw several trains cycle through with nobody in the front car, and I thought it was kind of weird. It's still weird though, that they would send it empty instead of with guests in goggles.

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"So, has anybody managed to get on all 18 of this checklist in one day before? It wouldn't shock me if nobody has done it now that the new version of the Revolution has only just opened up and during peak time to boot (Spring Break). It really takes a miracle day for there to be no crowds and every coaster running."



You will easily get to ride every ride during the week right now. As long as you ride X2 right when the part opens then Tatsu and Superman.

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Quick question. I heard that they don't allow the VR goggles on the front of Revolution, probably because this policy allows the people not riding with VR to experience the front seat view...is it possible that sitting up front for that ride can actually lower the wait time since most people want to ride with the goggles?


I mean, simple math, if there's a smaller percentage of groups of two that BOTH want to ride without VR than their are two-seat groups per train, it would then contend that you can get on the ride faster without the goggles (and the front seat to boot). Not to mention the rare occasions where multiple groups of two want to ride without VR which wouldn't slow down the non-VR line at all.


i forgot to ask about a single rider line, or a line for the front. seems when i was there yesterday, and pics from the weekend that the front is almost always vacant.


Interesting you mention that. I saw several trains cycle through with nobody in the front car, and I thought it was kind of weird. It's still weird though, that they would send it empty instead of with guests in goggles.


There's no QR code to calibrate the goggles in the front row. That's why it's sent empty a lot of the time.

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btw, when i was waiting for the second row, my headset activated and i was able to shoot at the targets until around the time the train left the chain. then it went to the calibration message, i think. a little extra fun. lol

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btw, when i was waiting for the second row, my headset activated and i was able to shoot at the targets until around the time the train left the chain. then it went to the calibration message, i think. a little extra fun. lol


That happened to me when I was trying to fit on the headset when I first got it and was able to shoot until the train got off the chain. I wasn't able to re-collaborate it after I took off and it was blurry the whole ride.

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Quick question for anyone who knows. I have a Six Flags Deluxe Dining Pass, and we are considering going to Six Flags Great Adventure this year. Are we allowed to upgrade to the Gold Dining Pass (so we have food access to all SF parks)? If so, do we pay the difference, or is it more? I'm having a hard time finding information about upgrading on their website.

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Quick question for anyone who knows. I have a Six Flags Deluxe Dining Pass, and we are considering going to Six Flags Great Adventure this year. Are we allowed to upgrade to the Gold Dining Pass (so we have food access to all SF parks)? If so, do we pay the difference, or is it more? I'm having a hard time finding information about upgrading on their website.




you can try calling the membership line and see what they can do, if anything.


sorry, i had a number up there because magic mountain had given me the membership line before. of course i don't know where it is and the one i posted went to great adventure. i'm going to see if i can find it cause i need to call and cancel my dining membership.


****sorry, editing again. i just cancelled my membership dining pass over the phone. so i asked about upgrading, and like magicmountainman said, there's no way to upgrade a dining pass he said.


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