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Parc Asterix Discussion Thread

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Ok guys - I'm way behind with the planning so I'll just have to ask for help from you guys. I will be there in a week and a half and preparation (for parc asterix but the rest of france) is very under done.

1. Is Pass Rapidus EUR25 for each ride that is eligible? Do they have unlimited Pass Rapidus - or is Premium Ticket the combo deal of entry + unlimited rapidus? It's quite pricey at EUR149, (I'm sure worth it) Is there any other option?

2. Is there any order I should take on the rides (I'm after mainly roller coaster type maximum thrill rides)? You know, to avoid queues as much as possible and so on - I think I've read some strategies on other park threads.

3. Any other general advice?

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1. Pass Rapidus is ONE time on 8 major attractions: Pégase Express, OzIris, Tonnerre de Zeus, Trace du Hourra, Menhir Express, Grand Splatch, Oxygénarium and Goudurix.


There does not appear to be a version of Pass Rapidus that offers unlimited.


The Premium Ticket includes entry, lunch, and UNLIMITED skip the line on the same 8 attractions. I believe that's what we got for our group on our last visit, it was great.


Can't help you as much on 2 and 3 as it's been a few years since our last visit.

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They had an unlimited Rapidus option available in April separate from the VIP package, but the one included with the VIP package is all I see now. Even on an April weekday with showers forecasted, the park was slammed. All major coasters had 30-60 minute waits.


Since the Rapidus gets you onto the next train of all coasters (including choice seating on Oziris and Pegasus, and usually the back on Zeus), it was well worth it. The VIP package also includes parking, a full meal with alcohol at their really good restaurant, and admission.


If you go with the Rapidus pass, you should knockout Vol D'Icare and Discobelix out early as they're the two longest waits for non Rapidus rides. At rope drop, half the park runs to Zeus and the other half runs to OzIris.

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Thanks guys - any comments you can make on their operations - are they pretty tight and strict on rules - like wearing glasses on coasters or stamping down on queue jumpers or other losers etc?


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  SharkTums said:
1. Pass Rapidus is ONE time on 8 major attractions: Pégase Express, OzIris, Tonnerre de Zeus, Trace du Hourra, Menhir Express, Grand Splatch, Oxygénarium and Goudurix.


There does not appear to be a version of Pass Rapidus that offers unlimited.


The Premium Ticket includes entry, lunch, and UNLIMITED skip the line on the same 8 attractions. I believe that's what we got for our group on our last visit, it was great.


Can't help you as much on 2 and 3 as it's been a few years since our last visit.

Wait - so Pass Rapidus let you skip the line at each of those 8 rides, as opposed to one of the 8 rides? I really should pay more attention

Anyway - do rides have separate lines for first rows like usual?

As you had unlimited rapidus with the premium ticket, how many rides did you manage to squeeze in all up?


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^ Most coasters were assigning rows. Depending on the op, I was able to request the front and back rows on the coasters except for Goudurix.


With the unlimited Rapidus, I rode OzIris and Zeus 12-14 times each and all other coasters at least twice.

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  • 1 month later...

Oziris was the best by far - Zeus was ok and so was Goudurix. I rode Oz and Zeus a few time before decided to call it quits.

operation was pretty loose yet efficient - cell phone selfies and glasses etc no problems - Europa park I visited a bit later was far more strict - unnecessarily so, I mean Blue Fire is ok but nothing to write home about and Wodan is good but not a great woodie.

As for La Trace du Hourra, is it on track or free running like Flying Turns at Knoebels?

Thanks all for your help.


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  • 8 months later...

The Guardian: Asterix creator Albert Uderzo dies at 92.




Asterix illustrator Albert Uderzo has died at the age of 92, his family has announced.


The French comic book artist, who created the beloved Asterix comics in 1959 with the writer René Goscinny, died on Tuesday. He “died in his sleep at his home in Neuilly from a heart attack unrelated to the coronavirus. He had been very tired for several weeks,” his son-in-law Bernard de Choisy told AFP.

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  • 10 months later...

I saw this headline and thought maybe Goudurix was leaving. No such luck, only the dolphins, sealions and accompanying shows are leaving.



Parc Astérix announces the closure of a flagship attraction that has existed since it opened in 1989

mccadminJanuary 25, 2021


This is the side change for Parc Astérix. The amusement park announced this morning in Le Parisien that one of its main attractions, which has been around since opening in 1989, is definitely closing its doors. A big change that many people have been expecting for several years.

Goodbye to the theater of Poseidon and his animals

Since opening in 1989, Parc Asterix has offered visitors the opportunity to discover a show with dolphins and sea lions. A very popular attraction with visitors, but it has been increasingly highlighted by animal rights associations. Indeed, associations have been campaigning for the end of captivity of dolphins and the closure of the dolphinarium for several years. A few days before the debate in the National Assembly on the law against animal abuse, Parc Asterix made a good choice. The dolphinarium closes its doors and the animals are replaced. There will be no more show at the Poseidon Theater to mark the reopening of the park, which is currently scheduled for April 3rd.

The news was announced by Nicolas Kremer, General Manager of Parc Astérix, during an interview for Le Parisien. The decision had been made three years ago, but the park was waiting to find the right solution for its animals in consultation with scientists, experts and associations. The 8 dolphins and the 5 sea lions will be replaced in other dolphinariums in Europe. These animals are in full health, but after being bred in captivity, it is impossible to release them into the sea and marine protected areas are still in the planning stages. The transfer will take place in the coming weeks, but Parc Astérix does not want to say more so that the animals are transported smoothly.

The animals leave, but Poseidon’s theater stays in place. The Parc Astérix will offer a new water show in the future. This could happen next season, Parc Astérix has started a competition in this direction. In the meantime, the amusement park is preparing for the arrival of Toutatis in 2023, an exciting attraction unique in France.

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^ Cool. I looked in a few back pages to figure it out, then looked up the name (found out it's a God of some origin), but still no mention of the coaster. At least what I couldn't find. Thanks for the info.

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  • 4 months later...

Tonnerre de Zeus to become Tonnerre 2 Zeus with Gravity Group conversion 

Next year Parc Asterix will reopen Tonnerre de Zeus as Tonnerre 2 Zeus, a remodelling of the 1997 Custom Coasters International wooden coaster. The work will be done by Gravity Group and will include:

  • A 90-degree 'bump'
  • 2 high speed turns
  • 2 new drops
  • 14 airtime moments
  • New trains
  • A tunnel with special effects

I rode TDZ a couple of years ago and it was quite rough but not awful. I am really excited about this and (this might be unpopular) actually more excited about the idea of a Gravity Group than an RMC because I have no idea of what to expect now. I love RMC but I also love surprises so I'm really looking forward to seeing what Gravity Group can do with the ride.


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On one hand I'm disappointed because Tonnerre De Zeus was one of the best woodies around in it's heyday.  On the other hand this looks like a pretty significant overhaul, moreso than Gravity Group has done in the past, I believe, so I'm excited to see the new version.

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I just edited my post as I realised I had doubts about my translation of the 90-degree 'bosse'. I thought bosse in English meant drop so assumed this would be the first drop, but it could also mean bump which might mean a banked hill or wave turn I guess. If anyone knows for sure I'd love to know.

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  • 1 year later...

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