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Everything posted by TPDave

  1. It's nice to see that parks are still investing in these. Some of the more hilarious TPR trip moments have been thanks to wacky obstacle courses, hopefully that'll continue with this overhaul
  2. when you see the catwalk at the top you get real perspective of how absolutely huge this thing is. As I've said before, this will be the first ride in about 10 years to genuinely scare the crap out of me!!
  3. Two supposed enthusiasts seem to have fallen for it so I'd say the attachment rate amongst the GP wouldn't be inconsiderable! I often see articles from the Onion either believed or convincingly trolled on FB, always amusing!
  4. I made it to 700 in 2011 but haven't got to 800 yet, I'm slowing down I don't know what 100 was so here are the others: 200 Wacky Worm - Delgrossos 300 Daemonen - Tivoli Gardens 400 Revolution - Six Flags Magic Mountain 500 The Boss - Six Flags St. Louis 600 Snoopy's Great Race - Universal Studios Japan 700 Iron Dragon - Cedar Point
  5. I'm not sure I fall into any of these, they're all aspects of being an enthusiast which you will have in varying levels. I love the engineering behind the rides and how they make the desired forces and stuff, but I also really like a well presented coaster and something that can be considered beautiful in itself (i305 is probably one of the best looking steel structures I've seen in years). Really, I define myself as a theme park enthusiast. For me it's a far more wholistic thing that just going on a bunch of coasters. Epcot and Tokyo Disney are two of my favourite parks in the world and there's not much in the way of coasters between them!
  6. Hmmm, interesting! This seems like Vekoma Jr. SLC territory, B&M musty have a damn good salesman!
  7. For all the brits out there - Roger Lloyd Pack (best known as trigger in Only Fools and Horses) died today. He's the one in blue... [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]
  8. Belated thanks for the UK theme park love! I only and a few hours there so I never actually saw the flamingos!
  9. I think it's also worth pointing out that over time some of the rides that are seen as unreliable do improve and have equally good uptime to other manufacturers. As far as manufacturing and design goes this is a relatively low volume industry so "on the job" improvements can be made as lessons are learnt about what works and what doesn't.
  10. ^ Yeah I thought it would be worse! Nice TR, possibly the coaster of the trip at this park!
  11. Great photos, thanks for sharing! The Toy Story area looks really vibrant, I can't wait to get my last Disney park credit!
  12. I would assume Thorpe, Chessington and Legoland but I'm not entirely sure!
  13. ^ So it's a new 4D film, a retheme of the drop tower and some bumper cars? Their other IP tie-ins seem to be well maintained so hopefully this will follow suit.
  14. ^ I have about a 50% success rate with getting on these things. Great fun rides (and somehow they seem to build more suspense than regular towers) but its just a shame that you're rarely guaranteed a ride!
  15. The twister pics are amazing!! I'm so annoyed I haven't ridden it yet! Boomerang - not so much!
  16. Ooooh looks interesting, not sure about the branding though, If I hear "B resort" I tend to read "crappy" Can't wait for pictures!
  17. Wow, I didn't realise it was that long ago that Jaws closed, shame!
  18. Nice! Looks like a great event, I wasn't sure you could get better fireworks that illuminations but I guess I was wrong!
  19. Ha! I never saw the burst tube before, that's insane. I still haven't ridden this thing, next time...
  20. I'm still hoping for a refurbished Knightmare to appear... It would need to be quite heavily refurbished!! I like the idea of a wooden mouse. They're fun and I think it would fit with the atmosphere of the park.
  21. I could be wrong but I don't think that would get the return it would in the western world. Like others have said, another hotel seem logical.
  22. I didn't know they had Amazon pick up points in Japan yet! Great report, thanks for sharing
  23. That's a really good response from SeaWorld, hopefully it gains some traction. That CNN article is ridiculous, they consulted an "expert" who basically ignored the open letter and continued to say that the documentary has been a PR issue for the park (which was already known). Not surprised, I just hope people start to think objectively about this.
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