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Everything posted by TPDave

  1. Probably Everest or Rock n roller coaster in Paris. Both far more for the theming than the actual rides themselves!!
  2. ^^ If this ends up looking anything like the concept art it will be awesome! We need more decent covered watermarks in the UK. The only one I'd want to go to is at Alton, I've got to image there's a market for it.
  3. Give life back to Music - Daft Punk Love this album!
  4. ^^ Are you talking about the suspended one of something? To my knowledge Fuji Q hasn't ever had a flyer...
  5. I'm getting a "boulder dash" feeling about the setting for this ride, can't wait to try it!
  6. Wow, this just screams Ghetto carnival. Safety features disabled?!? I don't even want to think about the upkeep of some of the fairground rides that I've been on over the years!
  7. Are you going on your own or in a group? Mania is the busiest ride in the park right now, so if you've done the other versions it's probably the easiest to skip but I'd still try for it. The area looks beautiful in the evening if you're a photographer. As for a plan, in all reality you can ignore everything I'm about to say and just enjoy the park, the Ops are great and you should get your rides in no problems. Much as the rides are awesome, you'll enjoy just wondering around the park just as much (maybe even more!) so take your time, look everywhere and really take the place in. That said, if you want an efficient attack plan to get the three rides you said you wanted, here you go.. The most important thing you can do is arrive early, 30 minutes before park opening will give you vital time at the start of the day. If you're in a group get the fastest runner to grab Journey fastpass while you head to Tower. They're a bit seatbelt crazy and it takes longer than the other parks for them to dispatch Tower so it's worth trying to get out the way. After that walk up the left side of the park past the American waterfront all the way up and back to Indy. The single rider on Indy is the best single rider I've ever seen so unless you really want to ride in a group I'd just single ride it a bunch of times. In 2011 we had a group that would just go over there for 30 mins and get 3 or 4 rides each. After Indy continue the parks loop back to the Volcano (ride Raging Spirits as you pass) and the use your fastpass for Journey. Have a great day, we expect many pictures!
  8. But they don't need to actually SEE it Chuck, they can just hear about it and be offended enough to complain and call for its closure
  9. ^ But I'm not sure that's what they're targeting? Their business seems much more set in the families that visit every decade from all over the earth (who I'm sure they make more money on per person/day) than the locals. Personally I'd love to see seasonal stuff, but I'm not sure it serves the mail market that I think WDW is targeting.
  10. Ive been thinking the same thing. Hypocrisy at its finest Or maybe they don't know and that just their next target, better go and see it soon!
  11. Reading through the answers I realised I answered without even considering the coaster lineups! I love that the parks are so intricate and detailed that the coasters aren't even a factor for me! They're just great places to be, and on top of that they also have some pick ass rides!
  12. ^ I rode Hulk a couple of weeks back and was surprised at how rough it was! If you had a smooth ride yesterday maybe it's a train thing? It's a shame because I really like the layout, B&M stands on the smoothness of their rides and more and more you see the older ones giving surprisingly rough rides
  13. Good things cost good money! I enjoyed my visit to CP over the summer, the chain still has some way to go but I noticed a lot of touches that I assume were indications of a new regime that were good. Hopefully he stays on and effects some permanent change for CF.
  14. Realistically the public won't know if the clim is accurate, as long as they can say it with any legal ramification I'm pretty sure Merlin would do it! Anything to get the punters through the door, not a style I'm particularly fond of but it seems to work every time for them so I don't see a change in strategy any time soon.
  15. These two parks are so close for me, but there are couple of things that I find it hard to put my finger on that just tip it in SDC favour for me. I love Dollywood, the atmosphere they create is sublime and the attractions are detailed and well cared for but at every turn I find SDC to be the same but just with little bit of extra care and attention to detail. I also find SDC slightly easier to navigate. Herschend have two fantastic parks and much to be proud of though, I feel mean picking one out as better!
  16. Wow, the metalwork is arriving in force. I'm so excited to see this thing come together! This looks to be the first theme park ride in many years that will scare the living crap out of me so I can't wait to get to Florida to ride!!
  17. Elissa - You didn't think they'd keep HP away from this place did you?
  18. ^ I thunk they get generally weary of running heavy trains in the cold. Even if the ride has been running all day, as I understand it there is an increased risk of valleying.
  19. ^ There's bad maintenance and then there's a design that can fail. I assume there will be some sort of inquest and would be interested to see the result, this kind of thing should not happen these days.
  20. Nice! The size of the trucks really gives a sense of the scale of this thing.
  21. This isn't even a question for me. I'm a theme park fan rather than a coaster fan so WDW takes it hands down for me. I had a fun day at Cedar Point when I was there over the summer, but I much preferred Epcot food & wine from open till close a couple of weeks ago!
  22. I don't see it that way. I'm sure the experience will be fantastic but I'm not sure that many people will see it as a "ride". It's a convenient, fun and probably very technologically advanced way of getting between the two parks. I doubt people will get bent out of shape about not being able to ride it if they don't have a two park ticket because they will understand that the ride takes you to a different theme park, hence you need to pony up! Either that or I'm overestimating the public again...
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