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Everything posted by TPDave

  1. This looks like a good move to enforce the resort. Am I blind or did they have a completion date for the complex?
  2. I love those things! Totally WTF?!? There's a video of us in one of them, you pretty much get chest slammed on impact
  3. That's a really interesting animation, I sense a trip to Germany in the future
  4. Yeah having the extra track is nice, but I don't think it really adds too much to the ride and is very obviously an afterthought. I'd prefer these rides to have epic courses to run after the top hat but I don't get too annoyed that they don't. It's not like the parks are hiding behind anything or pretending that the coasters do more than they do. While we're talking about these I may as well put it out there - am I the only person that can't stand Kingda Ka past about row 2? I think it's make even wore by the fact that TTD is completely rideable (and re-ridable!) in all seats. I just have painful memories of getting shaken the crap out of on Kingda Ka!!
  5. Why is it that before every TPR trip I'm rushing round the place trying to find a TPR luggage tag yet when I'm not travelling imminently I'm surrounded by them?!?
  6. I just saw Wreck it Ralph yesterday and was REALLY impressed. I'm sure I didn't get half of the gamer in jokes but I liked the throwbacks that I did see. Really good story and showed that Disney Animation is still a force to be reckoned with after some questionable film in the past. I'm a loyal Pixar guy and I would say that this was probably better than some of the more recent Pixar films too, I guess Lasseter is really having an effect
  7. ^ In my immature days (I know right!) I used to change up 5 or 10 bucks into quarters and spends ages getting people on log/raft rides. Fun times!!
  8. Just had to walk home so listened to a live version of Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden, 13 minutes of awesome!
  9. For any Foos fans out there who haven't seen it, I saw back and forth recently and loved it. It's a really good documentary about the history of the band. Highly recommended!
  10. I'm normally pretty quiet, peppering with expletives if it's a good ride
  11. I vaguely remember getting one wrong once as well. A little embarrassing given that I had the opportunity to justify my hobby and ended up screwing it up!
  12. I've had a couple of pub quizzes where random theme park facts have been required
  13. Glad to hear the ride is OK, lucky as there's a lot of foliage in the area (though not too much dry I assume!) Hopefully it's a quick fix for the park.
  14. Landscaping already?!? This is going to be really bedded in by the time the ride opens, very impressive!
  15. Great pictures!! Too many memories coming back already. Love that last bento box, looks really good!!
  16. Some great pictures there, thanks for sharing. Brought back some great memories of when I was out there in 2011 I'll try to remember the pork cutlet restaurant in Tokyo, as a non-fish person it's always good to know great authentic places to eat in Japan without too much sea life
  17. ^ I guess it's just that parks want something reliable that has a proven track record. Look at the sky swatters, I bet Thorpe and Six Flags are kicking themselves that they went out on a limb for those when they could have just done something easy that was proven.
  18. ^^ Interesting point. All the parks you've listed are "nice" and I enjoyed my visits, but they weren't spectacular. I get what you mean about the individualism but I'm not sure that makes them the best chain out there.
  19. Wow, some good looking stuff there! It's nice to see that they're becoming more accessible to people with dietary requirements as well. I think that's a good move.
  20. What's that one at Canada's Wonderland? Is it a Huss Jump2 or something? That's the only one I've seen of those.
  21. I love what they do with the castle! So photogenic from so many angles, great pictures
  22. Do it!! More time on your ass but once you get the hang of it you'll be OK
  23. Pretty much any of the Six Flags "sheds" would get my vote. Not so much bad stations but bad bad operations on stations where they just throw a few hundred people in at a time and hope it all works out annoy me. Trying to get all your group on the same train can be difficult.
  24. I would put that at the bottom of the list! It depends how you define growth, I guess the two easiest metrics are visitor numbers and revenue. Visitor numbers usually require large capital investment and higher per head spend usually comes through an increased focus on families. No golden rules though, if there were we wouldn't see things like Hark Rock Park!
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