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Everything posted by TheArchfiend

  1. The vice president of the company I work for walked out this morning and said don't bother calling me cause I won't have my cell phone on. No one knows why she up and left. YAYYYYY!!!!!! We can't stand her!! Is that cool or what!? I swear I work for the most wack-job corporation ever.
  2. Your computer is ready for a windows update from the looks of the bottom right corner of that first picture.
  3. A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big mac?
  4. ^ He has every right to sue. That doesn't make him sue happy. The ride malfuntioned in some way or another and people were hurt. Plus it will be a great benefit to future ride opperations if it was proven that the ride wasn't properly maintained. Maybe something very simple was overlooked in daily ride inspections that will be now discovered and implemented in future inspections because of the findings of the court case review/investigation. It's if he sues for $100 million in mental damages or something like that which would prove this guy is "sue happy".
  5. I love: Jamba Juice (Thats as close to a fast food establishment as I can get) I hate: Every single other place that was mentioned in this thread
  6. ^ Wouldn't that look pretty crappy though? The graphics would be highly distorted if they were enlarged to TV screen size much like the distortaion you see on various G4 shows that blow up the PSP images to review a game. It's not like the PS3 would enhance the graphics either since all the graphics/information are on the disc itself and cant be altered more than whats already there.
  7. I saw a groundhog run into and through the stands at Dolphin Discorey at Great Adventure while the show was going on. The performers had to try and calm down the crowd as the dolphins were starting to freak out from people running and screaming like a lion was chasing them. What a silly little rodent. The performers had a name for the groundhog but I forget what it was.
  8. Well... I didn't look through every video to see if this is a repost, but I hope it's not. Anyway, enjoy Europe's newest and greatest dance craze... Europe's baddest and meanest biker gang is also their best dancers. Click to see.
  9. Good point. I like how they have shown the usage of the PSP for the PS3 at E3 this year. Like hooking it up to the PS3 and having it show the rear view of your car in racing games and storing/selecting your inventory on other games. That is a very cool function. I'm interested to see where else the PSP will provide assistance in PS3 games. The PSP can become a very good functional tool to assist PS3 games if they do this right. They better be thinking of a lot of extra stuff to do for that system if they expect people to pay $600 for it.
  10. ^ I used to live in out there and I have the same picture of the sunset in Albuquerque taken by me when I was hiking in the Sandias in East Albuquerque. Plus I lived right under the Sandia tram so I always got a great view of the city/sunset. Anyway, Here is my town... We Just got electricity this year. We are very advanced in our transportation systems. Oh, and Philadelphia is right across the river but Burlington's sky line is much more impressive.
  11. Oh thank GOD!!! I was beginning to worry and Peter McNeeley is not dead http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_McNeeley D'oh! You're right! I confused him with another crappy white boxer, Tommy Morrison. He went from making Rocky V to going in the "real" boxing ring to dying from AIDS. Some would call that bad karma. I feel sorry for whoever is a part of Rocky VI and the bad karma that movie will induce.
  12. ^ I hope you all realize that I was kidding with every word I said about the N-Gage. I wouldn't take a free N-Gage cause it is not worth the space in my garbage can after I throw it out when I got home. N-Gage is to video gaming as Peter McNealy is to boxing. Look Pete McNealy up if you don't get it. If your too lazy... he's the first guy to fight Mike Tyson after Tyson got out of prison. He soon there after went on to die from AIDS.
  13. I'm kidding. Everyone knows that the N-Gage will sell well over 30 million units by 2007.
  14. Exactly. Just picking a random name like "Maverick" or naming a coaster after a super hero is too easy and not clever at all. Picking an obscure name like "Griffon" gives that ride the unique identifier that makes it and the park stand out. "Maverick" could be the name of any coaster at an Six Flags or Cedar Fair park. It just reaks of no creativity. "Griffon" is bad-ass, bold, and thought provoking. And Griffons eat Tatsus for breakfast.
  15. Lynx is N-Gages B-otch! I predict 20 million units of N-Gage to be sold by 2007.
  16. No way!! N-Gage rules!! N-Gage will be dominating the handheld industury by Christmas. I GUARANTEE it! I can't wait to play Syphon Filter tonight!!
  17. I hear there's this cool handheld out there called the N-Gage. I'm getting one today for $500. I can't wait!! I've never been a big fan of handhelds though it is very tempting to get DS. I've palyed Brain Games on it and it said my brain is 65 years old. That thing is lucky I didn't smash it into 65 pieces right there and then.
  18. I must say I'm a little surprised with what parks are being picked in everyone's top 3. SFMM is getting very little love. I find that odd given the thread with the poll on which SF park is the best and Magic Mountain is in the lead. I wonder if this seasons impression of Magic Mountain is to do with this as that thread with the poll was started in January 2006. I figured MM would have been in a lot or most of the top three's here but it looks like it's not. Or maybe that Magic Mountain lovers haven't posted yet?
  19. If you come before schools let out in June, your set. Weekdays and most weekends in April and May are always nice times to avoid all the crowds. But, April and May have come and gone unless you plan on waiting till next season to go. Days I would avoid for crowds are any weekend in the summer and Fright Fest days. You can still get in all the decent rides on a moderately packed day in the summer, but waiting in line under the sun isn't exactly what I'd travel halfway across the world for. There's always Flash Pass if you want to get maximum thrill out of your day if the parks packed. Edit: Any day it rains during Fright Fest usually scares away (no pun intended) half the general public and makes for short lines. So, uh... pray for rain. And try to go that weekend of September the 9th and 10th. 2 reasons why... 1. This is after the first week that schools start back up in Jersey and 2. It is usually the first week of Fright Fest and people aren't in that Haloween mood yet and don't flock to the park in the massive numbers that go in October. I've gone on that second weekend in September for a number of years now and always find short lines. Unless the weather is phenomonal and hot.
  20. I love this new name. This is yet another example of Busch going with a unique name rather than the A-typical "thrill" sounding ride name. That is a true identifier for Busch parks and they should stick with this trend in future ride naming.
  21. All I know it that I should have payed attention to the "please do not put hands outside the ride while ride is moving" rule on Rolling Thunder at Great Adventure. Especially if you sit on the left side of the outside track train and are an arms reach from the wooden railing seperating the two tracks. It wasn't intentional but I was sure shocked when my hand hit the railing. I've got a permenant scar on my left hand cause I was swinging my arms like a goof. Let that be a lesson to all of you rule breakers out there.
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